Tuesday, August 4, 2015


When an abuser is exposed, be it Cyber Stalking and or Domestic / Emotional abuse,  they loose it!  They'll do everything in their power to discredit the victim, make the victim appear to have mental problems. In my situation, once I put the online bullying together with domestic abuse and once I started realizing how many others in the world were just as affected by it as I was, I turned my focus to educating and supporting them through this Blog, MY VOICE via my journey.  I attempted to get present laws enforced and new ones written. Once I exposed my abuser by using his name and image he attacked.  Many websites devoted to protecting victims from Cyber Stalking recommended publishing their image as a means of stopping their behaviors. Reason being that in Cyber Stalking, unlike some of the more traditional traits associated with stalking, the perpetrator hides behind a monitor. Bringing their face to light creates unwanted attention to someone who for all other intents and purposes appears to blend into the community as a good neighbor, father, co-worker, husband...

Similar to Domestic Abuse perpetrators. Difference being Domestic abuse perpetrators aren't in hiding except perhaps from family and friends of the victim.  In many ways Cyber abuse is more life threatening because you can't get a restraining order for internet harassment including threats, you don't know who's doing it to you, you don't know if it's limited to the internet or if it ends up being a co-worker or the cashier from the grocery store. Their followers, the ones who make derogatory comments about you are in most probability more dangerous because they want to protect the Stalker from you.  They believe him when he says you are in fact victimizing him.  There are several links to articles throughout this blog and this posting which explain the dichotomy of abuse. If you haven't experienced it you won't relate but it's never too late to learn.

This is one of many screen shots from Margulies' Blog. He gets thousands of views weekly so this is the ultimate in slander.  It's frequented by Trimet employees from front line workers to support staff / Managers / on up the hierarchy to General Manager Neil McFarlane and back down again to our riders and the public.  His attacks were slanderous, attacking my mental state. They were on-going, repetitious and lasted from the middle of 2009 until present. He's taken on 'others' like Lane Jensen to attack through Cyber space.  They changed the 'mind-sets' of many, mostly co-workers who never met or talked with me. It affected all aspects of my professional and private life.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a type ofanxiety disorder, is a potentially disabling illness that traps people in endless cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors. People with OCD are plagued by recurring and distressing thoughts, fears, or images (obsessions) that they cannot control. The anxiety (nervousness) produced by these thoughts leads to an urgent need to perform certain rituals or routines (compulsions). The compulsive rituals are performed in an attempt to prevent the obsessive thoughts or make them go away.
Although the ritual may make the anxiety go away temporarily, the person must perform the ritual again when the obsessive thoughts return. This OCD cycle can progress to the point of taking up hours of the person's day and significantly interfering with normal activities. People with OCD may be aware that their obsessions and compulsions are senseless or unrealistic, but they cannot stop themselves.

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