Margulies published this on the 18th.
It's a listing of Operators private scheduled work for Fall sign-up. It lists names, line/train, start/end/pay time. It was handed to Jensen by one of our own. Jensen and Margulies published it on the internet - on Blogs and twitter. Between the two they get thousands of views weekly To say it isn't a safety / security issue for the system as a whole is an understatement.
Days later, after the damage was done he came out with this audio. Not an apology but an explanation nevertheless. Says he was trying to 'get even with Trimet'. Wanted them to know "he's back", after his probationary period ended. Like they care. Says the schedules are for Fall anyways and most customers won't 'remember' them. Hey, Jensen, ever heard of a printer?!!
In reality, what he did was create an extremely unsafe work environment for every name on those lists! There are a faction of bus riders with questionable mental health problems who wouldn't think twice about printing a schedule of their favorite or most hated Bus Driver and stalking them. Following them home, jacking off on their porch or whatever in the hell people like that do. AND... There are Operators who have protective orders. Because of Jensen their anonymity's been jeopardized.
Then Trimet got involved.
They're more likely to come through for a group of Operators - instead of just one because at Trimet, not all lives matter.
Accordingly, he had to remove the postings or face a fate far worse than probation...
Too bad - many of us were hoping for prison time.

click images for zoom
Not sure what Vanetta's title is. I believe he monitors the blogs for Trimet Communications.
It appears Margulies provides a forum for hatred. I don't believe he actually 'solicits' folks to it, but similar minds tend to gravitate towards each other. Jensen's a good example. Groupies. They're obsessed with Al and Trimet and have that whole 'haters gonna hate' thing going on. Folks without an identity or an opinion who appear to latch on to someone else's. Human nature to wanna fit in somewhere. In this case it appears to be more on the negative side. Talk radio gets a lot of 'em. They hide behind a monitor or a radio and vie for the commentators attention. The young man who shot Senator Gabby Giffords in a strip Mall parking lot in Arizona years ago is a good example of how far an online obsession can go. It's a listing of Operators private scheduled work for Fall sign-up. It lists names, line/train, start/end/pay time. It was handed to Jensen by one of our own. Jensen and Margulies published it on the internet - on Blogs and twitter. Between the two they get thousands of views weekly To say it isn't a safety / security issue for the system as a whole is an understatement.
Days later, after the damage was done he came out with this audio. Not an apology but an explanation nevertheless. Says he was trying to 'get even with Trimet'. Wanted them to know "he's back", after his probationary period ended. Like they care. Says the schedules are for Fall anyways and most customers won't 'remember' them. Hey, Jensen, ever heard of a printer?!!
In reality, what he did was create an extremely unsafe work environment for every name on those lists! There are a faction of bus riders with questionable mental health problems who wouldn't think twice about printing a schedule of their favorite or most hated Bus Driver and stalking them. Following them home, jacking off on their porch or whatever in the hell people like that do. AND... There are Operators who have protective orders. Because of Jensen their anonymity's been jeopardized.
Then Trimet got involved.
They're more likely to come through for a group of Operators - instead of just one because at Trimet, not all lives matter.
Accordingly, he had to remove the postings or face a fate far worse than probation...
Too bad - many of us were hoping for prison time.

click images for zoom
Not sure what Vanetta's title is. I believe he monitors the blogs for Trimet Communications.
There're groups of enablers, some Trimet employees, followers too who appear to encourage their behavior. Jensen's Blog reeks with 'blaming'. Says it's everyone else's fault - not his. Says he's "persecuted". Instead of getting help during his 18 months probation, he instead chose to stoke the fire. He doesn't understand how his actions harm others. That type of thinking process makes him potentially more dangerous than others. The Court shouldda provided counseling, rage control - something. In Roberta Aldstat's situation, they recognized that a reasonable person doesn't 'text' someone 35 times with the same message, every 5 minutes unless there's something terribly wrong with them. The act itself is alarming enough but the message behind it was way worse. Is he gonna come after you physically, violently? Who knows?!!
Looks like the mouth-breathers are taking a break!
After viewing his blog and hearing the recorded response it appears the rage he had when he acted out on Roberta Aldstadt escalated during this 18 month period into something far beyond that.
In my opinion, based on his blog and recent actions, he's a loaded gun !!
Trimet, you know it - you need to do something MORE about it!!
Send him to prison before he causes more harm!
Send him to prison before he causes more harm!
You need to have another sign-up. You have a responsibility to provide safe working conditions. The posting of those schedule compromised the safety of the Operators and the public.
Prison - send him to prison. Send both of 'em.
This is the 2nd time he's published an Operators work.
I was the first.
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