Sunday, August 9, 2015


Originally published 3/30/2013

Update - last two paragraphs

Hayden Talbot
Director of Transportation

Screen shots from BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industries) Investigation re: public records:

 page 4. ...continued on page 5 below
Click images for zoom

Although Talbot is the Director of the Transportation Department, MAKE NO MISTAKE, HE IS MY SUPERVISOR!  

Example:  The following e-mails CONFIRM TALBOT'S INVOLVEMENT AS MY SUPERVISOR regarding my employment with Trimet. On October 6, 2011 I was ordered to meet with Peggy Callahan, Senior Human Resources Representative about two complaints filed against me by Al Margulies and John Olsen. Both men have written me up numerous times.  Both have a history of MOBBING me in my workplace.  Olsen now leads with over 13.  As the meeting began she stated to me and my Union Rep that she was 'taking orders' on HOW the meeting was to be CONDUCTED. TALBOT WAS INVOLVED every step of the way which included edits, suggestions etc to the writing of the letter and issuance of the reprimands. Talbot's name on these and other documents CEMENT THE FACT THAT HE WAS THE CREATOR OF THIS INCIDENT, THAT HE WAS, IS AND REMAINS INVOLVED IN EVERY ASPECT OF MY EMPLOYMENT, DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AND OTHER RETALIATORY INCIDENTS which additionally involved others (see below) from within the company to complete the lies and misrepresentations Callahan told to the Government Investigator.

Look at how many Executives were involved in this!  

Except for a couple of 'em here, do these people really believe Callahan DID AN ACTUAL INVESTIGATION? 

Shelly Lomax - Director of Operations
Evelyn Minor-Lawrence - Director of Labor Relations
Christine Stevens - Manager Labor Relations
Lucy Shipley - Director Employee Relations
Cynthia Wegensend - Labor Analyst
Evelyn Warren - Manager Center Garage
Robert Romo - Manager Merlo Garage
Peggy Callahan - Senior HR Representative
Colleen Sexton - Executive Director of HR

I should feel honored to have the attention of all these highly paid Execs working on the demise of my career but I don't. I feel sorry for anyone who trades integrity for the sake of a job.  Ignorance isn't an excuse. Anyone of you could've said "NO"!  

Hayden Talbot, Director of Transportation, the same referenced in the BOLI Investigative document  above where HR Representative Callahan said, "Mr. Talbot is not Ms. Fox's Supervisor." is not true statement.  Throughout THESE e-mail documents, TALBOT PROVES THAT HE DOES IN FACT "SUPERVISE" ME!  It's HIGHLY UNUSUAL for the Director of Transportation to become that PERSONALLY INVOLVED with an HR Investigation and subsequent reprimands of a Bus Operator, UNLESS the Operator has caused the Company some form of public embarrassment. 

BTW, All Trimet responses to my allegations on the BOLI documents displayed throughout this blog were prepared in advance for Callahan's use during her interview with the BOLI Investigator by Deputy General Council Senior, Shelley Devine.  More on that later...  

***My interview was to be on the phone so I'm assuming her's was as well but still checking - it may have been in writing. 

Colleen Sexton

Executive Director of HR for 20 or more years and maintained a personal grudge against me because I won a lawsuit against the company.  She once referred to me as, "IT" as in, "Get it away from me!"  Carolyn Young, who was at Trimet around the 20 yr mark as well, made $175,872.43 in 2011 and Sexton made $154,789.06 in that same year - their last year. (figures from 2011 W-2's) Neil MacFarlane replaced Sexton for Randy Stedman, HR Business Partners. 

Randy Stedman


My first day at Trimet was December 27, 1993. Talbot was one of the original members of the Promise Keepers along with other Managers, Assistant Managers and Supervisors. I was singled out because of an article the Oregonian did about the effectiveness of the City's year old ballot measure protecting Gays and Lesbians from discrimination. At the time I was working for Trimet Lift and the picture of me was taken in front of a Trimet Lift Bus. The article ended up on the front page of Sunday's Oregonian with a caption under the picture, "Fox is a lesbian"which, suffice to say Trimet wasn't very happy about. Prior to my hire date on the big buses I was on a cable show for one of the ballot measures. When I started Trimet gay and lesbian employees warned me to be careful because of the homophobes from Management. Peggy Hansen even informed me that members of the PK group was a big thing among management and they could easily be identified by the PK coffee cups in their offices.  When I worked at Powell, I noticed Talbot had a PK cup in his office.  In 1993, The Promise Keepers led by University of Colorado Coach Bill McCartney preached that "Homosexuality was an abomination of God". ( He has since apologized.)$(KGrHqQOKpEE5ZME29CDBOe+WbEf7Q~~_35.JPG

Over the years Talbot's made inappropriate comments about my sexual orientation and a dig here and there about the Jews (as he put it).  He started doing this after I came back from my lawsuit against the company.   He's always treated me differently then other employees. There were many examples of retaliatory acts throughout the years such as disclosing my FMLA Dr/patient diagnosis to my co-workers and giving orders to Ass't Manager (Mickey Young - another homophobe) to destroy my customer commendations and witness reports.  

As far as proof it's often difficult to prove one's hatred unless you have witnesses. Proof is not a problem here. Talbot's known for his prayer meetings at work.  He's also active in his Baptist Church and open about being a Born-Again Christian.  According to the Secretary of State's office, Talbot is a registered Republican and he voted in the 2004 General and State election where Ballot Measure 36  was initiated as a constitutional amendment.  I don't care what anyone's religious values are as long as they don't use them in the workplace, don't try to sell them to me or use them against me. Talbot didn't try to sell me on his believes but he did use them as a weapon in which to judge and admonish me and many times it affected my work record as he's done here. I feel he uses the power of his office inappropriately against those who are different then himself.

Hatred begets hatred.  Doesn't matter what form it takes - all's I know is that in Trimet-land this is strangely reminiscent of HITLER's BIG LIE.  Perhaps that's why so many Executives  go along with the types of unscrupulous things that make others run for the hills.  I can't believe it's ALL about greed but more so the pack having been brainwashed.

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