Sunday, August 9, 2015


Originally published  78/2013

The irony of it is...

... had Lilia Montoya (Center Street Ass't Manager) actually investigated Grievance 8597and wrote those findings in her Letter of Determination,  I wouldn't have had reason to contact payroll verifying the 'date of occurrence'. As a result I found, quite by accident that the time slip submitted for the meeting that day didn't  make it to payroll.  Funny how karma works. 

An audit of time slips associated with mandatory meetings from management needs to happen.  Time slip pay should be listed in a separate category on pay stubs.  Clearly, as in this case it's too easy for a Manager to remove 'em without a way for us to cross check. 

Looks like Mildred and the girls are at it again (oh, but wait - there's a guy too).

Evelyn Warren, Center Street Garage Manager

Mark Poulson, Center Street Ass't Manager

From McCall's Magazine, 1943

Will the real Lilia Montoya please stand up?

Lilia Montoya

 Assistant Manager, Center
Salary unknown
Typical salaries for same position:
Leonard Lambert, $68,484.34 - 2012 W-2
Liza Mitzel $67,498.99 - 2012 W-2

The Silent Epidemic: Workplace Bullying

"Workplace bullying is the silent epidemic
Workplace bullying has become a silent epidemic North America, one that has huge hidden costs in terms of employee well being and productivity. Also known as psychological harassment or emotional abuse, bullying involves the conscious repeated effort to wound and seriously harm another person not with violence, but with words and actions. Bullying damages the physical, emotional and mental healthy of the person who is targeted.
The workplace bully abuses power, brings misery to his/her target and endeavors to steal the target's self-confidence. Bullies often involve others using many tactics such as blaming for errors, unreasonable work demands, insults, putdowns, stealing credit, threatening job loss, and discounting accomplishments.
How serious is the bullying problem in the workplace?

In two surveys by the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) and Zogby International, where bullying was defined as "repeated mistreatment: sabotage by others that prevented work from getting done, verbal abuse, threatening conduct, intimidation and humiliation," 35% of workers experienced bullying first hand, and 62% of the bullies were men. A Harris Interactive poll conducted in 2011 revealed that 34% of women reported being bullied in the workplace.

Who are these bullies? The WBI concluded that while perpetrators can be found in all ranks within organizations, the vast majority are bosses-managers, supervisors, and executives.
What's the impact of bullying behavior?
Bullies create a terrible toll within an organization. Their behavior leads to increased levels of stress among employees, higher rates of absenteeism and higher than normal attrition. Because bullies often get results by getting more short-term production out of employees, they are tolerated.  One study by John Medina showed that workers stressed by bullying performed 50% worse on cognitive tests. Other studies estimate the financial costs of bullying at more than $200 billion per year.
A study by Dr. Noreen Tehrani, who counseled victims of violence in Northern Ireland, and soldiers returning from overseas combat and victims of workplace, concluded that bullying exhibited similar psychological and physical symptoms-nightmares and extreme anxiety, and a variety of physical ailments."

"According to the WBI, 40% of the targets of bulling never told their employers, and of those that did, 62% reported that they were ignored."

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