Sunday, August 9, 2015


Originally published 7/22/2015

ATU 757 President/Business Agent

She must be looking for a new position in light of the election challenge.

I can't see any other reason why she'd turn on a Union Member as she did in this instance with Dan Martin.  

It's a screen shot from an article she wrote regarding the allegations against Martin that were done and over with a couple 'a months ago.  It appears it's from something she sent to Trimet then copied on to Al Margulies as he's her PR person.

Martin's a Union member, same as she. Since when does the President of a Union slander another member as she's done here and so publicly?  Does he get equal time?  I asked him if she talked with him about it and he said, "No."  


If you're the type of leader who needs to go backwards instead of forward or exploit someone else's situation to benefit yourself, 
perhaps your qualifications need to be re-examined when the challenge vote
goes through. 

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