Sunday, August 9, 2015


Originally published 4/21/2013

****UPDATED - SECOND SCREEN SHOT and explanation****

Click the link below for a better understanding on how this evolved.


After Peggy Callahan was through berating me about violating HR-202 as it related to posting an image of a co-worker on my Blog without obtaining his permission we all just sat there.  She continued to glare at me - totally un-animated!  She then went on to a discussion of HR-171, Respectful Workplace.  I had picked up the image of Al which sat on top of the stack and began rifling through them,  amazed that she had my entire Blog copied out and sitting before me.   And of course when I asked she again, "NOW ELLEN, NOW ELLEN, NOW YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT, NOW ELLEN!!!" She accused me saying "disparaging words about him" but refused to say what words and which posting. I wrote about it HERE.  

December 7, 2012 my Union Rep and I met with Leonard Lambert, my Assistant Manager. He was giving me three reprimands.  Last time I talked with him he didn't know what it was about so I sent him an e-mail with links and images, etc so he could familiarize himself. In the meeting I asked if he had a chance to look through the e-mail and he said, "Oh no, I'm not interested in stuff like that so I sent it to my daughter."  His daughter, btw -  DOESN'T WORK FOR TRIMET.  Lambert  signed his name to it but to this day he doesn't know what he signed. At one point, weeks later I advised him not to sign his name to anything that he knows isn't true or he doesn't understand. 

These are the reprimands -  presently waiting for the step three Grievance process.

Click images for zoom

***"Behavioral Expectations June 2006 and February 2007" 1st paragraph  last line under the reprimands was inserted to further aggravate me. They were from John Olsen and Chris Day.  They were dismissed through the grievance process.  We had to file another grievance to get it off this letter and that was completed in short order through pre-filing. 

Quotes from the Reprimand: 

"The facts that are the basis for the reprimand are your unacceptable conduct towards Al Margulies by posting his picture and making negative comments about him on your personal blog."

"The findings of the investigation confirmed that you had posted a photo of Mr. Margulies on your blog and had made numerous negative references to him including name calling. Your actions were in violation of District policies related to HR 166 Employee Conduct, HR 171 Respectful Workplace and HR 202 Information Technology - Internet Use..."



 Screen shots from Union generated Document Exchange:  Remember from past postings these documents are from the CONFIDENTIAL files.

There were 3 pages but to save space and confusion I only copied the sections relating to the Al Margulies / Chris Parker accusation. This was the header.  As you can see it was generated by Peggy Callahan. 

Quote from the Document Exchange: 

"Additionally, archived postings on Ms. Fox's Blog which were reviewed for the months of May through October, 2011 contained numerous references to Mr. Margulies, including such comments as, "the fact that Al Margulies supports an admitted child molester is reason for concern", 

Another Screen shot from the Union generated Document Exchange sanctioning my behavior:


Screen shot from BOLI Summary as was articulated to the Government Investigator by either Shelley Devine or Peggy Callahan.

Quote From the yellow highlighted BOLI Summary:

The investigation revealed that Complainant (me) was in fact posting negative remarks about the co-worker such as, "...the fact that Al Margulies supports an admitted sex molester is reason for concern."


Al made it just for him!  

"Police say Parker, a driver since 1981, met the girl on a bus and say a relationship had been going on for more than a year and started when the girl was 14. Investigators say they were alerted to the relationship and began an investigation March 28.2011."

"PORTLAND – The parents of a girl who was sexually abused by a bus driver when she was 14 have filed suit against TriMet for negligence."

There's a KGW KOIN Chanel 6 News Video on my Blog in which Parker admitted guilt (at 01:35 into the video) so in spite of his very public quest to defend his friend Al already knew Parker was guilty. The Video can be watched on YouTube. Just click the 'see on You Tube' link when it comes up.  

Screen shot taken from Al M's Blog:


"We are not talking about an 11 year old child, we are talking about a teenager in today's world, a completely different world from the world in which most of us grew up in. I know the young lady, quite well as a matter of fact. I can tell you with 100% confidence that she is not damaged forever by this."



Don't you have children or nieces?  

Do not under estimate my intelligence, my integrity or my professionalism! 

More to be revealed...

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