Sunday, August 9, 2015


Originally Published 6/07/2011

Regarding the message posted on your shared 'Watch Blog':

You have a question for someone in particular? Good. Please ask them directly.    

But, DO NOT twist the meaning of my words around to use against someone else, just because you don't like me.

BTW, has it occurred to either of you that I too have Freedom of Speech?!!


It appears one of the signature lines on these petitions has been forged.  Al Margulies signature on the first petition isn't remotely close to the signature on the second petition.  Badge numbers and printed name aren't similar either.  AND... John Olsen's signature doesn't appear anywhere on the second petition.

1.) The Union informed Chris Day at the last Blackball attempt that this is NOT a Union enforced matter but a Civil matter.  

2.) He is again soliciting signatures for his third attempt to blackball me.  

3.) The purpose and intent of these petitions were fraudulently presented to the signers.  They were not given ample time to examine or understand what they were signing let alone the potential problems your non-union related personal and one-sided attack against another member could cause them.   Because the petitions involve me, they became my property to do with as I choose.  The signatories of a petition cannot expect privacy nor can you guarantee it.  In fact, if any of the parties signing any of these documents wanted, they could sue you for fraudulently obtaining their signatures as well as deceptively guaranteeing them secrecy under Union protection as neither I, or the Union ever agreed to your terms.  

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