Tuesday, August 4, 2015


"This article contains a detailed look inside the criminal profile of the cyber criminals, known as Internet Stalkers. As the twenty-first century expands online, so does social media communications, with this the incidents of stalking via the Internet is increasing. This article also contains details on what to do in the event of cyber stalking."  Read more via following link:

"With the internet becoming increasingly public, societies adaption to social media has also led to the increase of cyber crime, the most common from internet stalking/bullying.  Stalkers use their technological connections to harass a person or group through a variety of methods that are not limited to: false accusations, obsessive monitoring, mimicking or stealing ones identity, threatening, soliciting sexual activities, plagiarism of the victim's content and unique ideas, gathering information for future attacks and/or breeching computer security to hack or gain IP address. The drive of the cyber stalker is to cause distress to their victim(s) while gaining personal pleasures through unreasonable justifications. While most novice cyber stalkers pose no threat, other than that of annoyance; the criminal actions of cyber stalking have led to sexually motivated crimes, kidnapping and death."

Cyber stalkers find their victims through various mediums such as social networking sites, search engins, online forums, message boards, chat rooms, or through electronic mail.

Cyber stalkers behave with hateful mannerisms such as the defaming their character to damage the victim's reputation, (see bottom image from Chris Smith at Portland Transport) contacting those connected with the victim in attempts to falsely accuse them with the hope that others turn against their victim, and/or creating fictitious accusations that are publicly posted on various social mediums online.

From Portland Transport:

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