Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Published 4/05/11

Meet one of my co-workers.  'Long tall guy', he's the one who initiated the 'preferring of charges' or


petition against me to present to our Union membership. This would be the second 'preferring of charges' filed. Caught him in a lie (scroll down to "Preferring of Charges" post) the first time so he cancelled it, wrote me an apology, changed his mind again and here we are.  This view is from the morning after the ATU meeting. Look at his face and see how twisted up it is.  His whole manner and expression looks too animated. Look at those eyes, all that anger. All that intensity. Yikes!  I thought his eyes might pop right out from their sockets right in front of me if I played the video so I didn't. I don't like seeing stuff like that. Makes me wanna blink too much and squeeze my eyes shut. That type of intense sends chills up my spine.  He looks like a loaded gun ready to go off. I don't think any one person is worth all that. Usually he seems kinda pitiful, like a sad sack.  He seems to want people to feel sorry for him.  Unfortunately, I do. 

I have screen shots of the Rantings guy too where his face is all twisted up and intense like that. The Rantings guy seems all too familiar with his own anger.  Think he's been using it against people for so long it just happens like different personalities in him just come out, say howdy hi and the next thing ya know he's beaten ya to a pulp, over his blog or some place else less conspicuous. The Rantings guy knows it too so he covers his eyes up with those big 'ol dark bug glasses so no one will see the evil that lurks behind them.  One thing about evil, you don't have to see it to know it's there.  You just gotta run real fast - unless you're feeling it from behind a computer.

I don't understand that type of intensity.  Particularly when the intensity is produced because of someone else.  Talk about giving your power away.  I wonder if they're even aware of the damage it's doing to their bodies?

The Rantings guy should buy the long tall one some big 'ol black bug glasses so they can hide out and scare each other.

I don't have a picture of the little guy.  That's a good thing not just for me but for you all, too.  I looked at him a time or two last evening and all I could think was, "uh, uh, uh....!"  At one point I had to stand up in front of a microphone and talk which I didn't much care for.  Don't like hearing my voice and having to look out across the room at all those faces I've known for years and mostly those I only recognize from seeing them around a short while and some were people I never met who signed the petition. Some were people I liked and feared they'd now think badly of me. It was something I found terribly awkward and disheartening.  It was sad. Like I had disappointed everyone in some way and suddenly became SUPER BITCH and was floundering around trying to defend myself.  I ended up losing focus and just started rambling. All these people who only knew small bits and pieces of me that I controlled in my work place.  You know, you come in say hi, go off to do your job. It's all superficial.  Some you get to know better than others... But, in this situation all of these people came together to wonder about all of the awful stories that had been circulating about me at work and on Rantings Blog for far too long a time and they all gathered into this room to judge me based on behavior they've only heard from others.


Sooooo, once I got through those first few minutes the rest ended up being a piece o' cake.  Their behavior in the meeting ended up doing them in.  The little guy is (in my experience) a despicable little worm. Extremely unpleasant. One of those people who finds fault with everyone and everything.  His entire body was all scrunchled up and his eyes looked like they popped out years ago. When I'd say something he didn't like,  he'd suddenly pop up from his chair all pompous and grandiose and 'challenge' me to 'show him a document'. And each time he did that I'd start giggling to myself and as I looked around the room others started giggling too and I suddenly found his dark twisted little ego starting to amuse and empower me.  It ended up being a truly NEATO experience.

This is from HR's letter of findings.  The little guy and long tall one denied he violated HR-171 Respectful Workplace.  Read through my other post and you'll find more lies.

The red headed guy brought up a letter I had long ago forgotten.  There is a round table in the bullpen near the front door which is referred to as the 'gossip' table.  I've know Red from years before Trimet.  At one point he didn't like something I did so he literally yelled at me in the middle of the bullpen and he wouldn't talk again.  All these people who want to get involved in Union politics who don't know how to appropriately resolve their issues.  Amazing.  So the old guy sees Red go off on me and he invites him to the round table.  One of my friends used to sit there on occasion and when she retired she sent me a 14 page letter telling me what was being said about me amongst themselves as well as to new people. She told me that Red, who was a shop steward at that point encouraged new comers to write operators up to HR. He said if it's someone you don't like and want to get them out of here go to HR.  She was very specific with what he said about me. I took the letter to an attorney but the attorney wanted too much money so she said I could write the letter myself and CC it to her.  His address was in the phone book. By this time I was complaining about a shop steward behaving this way so I called Jon Hunt. He NEVER returned calls.  NEVER!  The situation escalated so I finally contacted the e-board and low and behold - at long last - a call from Jon Hunt.  But the damage to me was already done.  

So now enters the little guy.  He writes me up to HR SEVEN times.  All of it BS, all of it disprovable, all of it eventually removed from my file.  He even had the audacity to deny (the write-ups) in last nights meeting.  What's he doing, trying to impress someone?  I've got file folders smacked full of evidence from those write-ups.  He even said in last nights meeting that I actually tried to "man handle" him off a bus.  That part's not included in the dispatch recording he made from my bus that night. He made that whole thing up last night. Truth is he refused to show fare.  I never saw him before so I asked to see it.  He said to me, "I'm a Trimet Bus Driver, I don't have to show you shit!", he then sat across from me and made two calls. One to Dispatch and one to the old man.  When he got off the bus downtown he got in my face and said, "I'm going to make sure the Union fires you."  I always thought that was his problem. He doesn't know what Unions do and he's got his partner convinced of it, too.

In the  second 'preferring of charges',  he accused me of taking the 14 signatures from the petition to HR and that HR and I "intimidated, harassed and bullied everyone on the list."  But, what's true, according to the letter of findings I received from HR is that aside from talking to Rantings and him, they only interviewed 1 as in just ONE of the 14 petitioners.  From HR:

We were sitting behind the little guy and the long tall one. At one point we heard this tap, tap, tap and when we found the source started watching the tall one's shoe moving fiercely, pounding the crap out of the other shoe as he talked.  Hatred begets hatred.  

CHRIS DAY says he wants to be your next Union President.  Like a member pointed out last night, he's gonna start excluding members one at a time so the only one's left will be those personally selected from his small group of biased, fanatical shoe pounding ignorants.  

During one of the HR interviews I told the investigator that these men were misogynist. Since she wasn't trained in diversity or gay culture issues she didn't investigate.  If she can't pronounce it, it must not exist. I'm not sure, she refuses comment.  

Long tall and the little one worked at the Fox and Hounds Pub prior to Trimet. Straight women, some from the neighborhood and some (fag hag's) frequent the bar during lunch hour.  Lesbians, as the owner informed me, "Oh, we get one here and there every once in awhile - not too often."  AHHAAA!!!  Told ya!!!

Fag Hag


VOTE RESULTS from April 4, 2011


28 for me
3 against me.

We must take great concern and personal involvement when we start to notice one of our own involves themselves in these types of dirty Union politics.  Historically, the only time ATU has ever blackballed anyone from membership was when Tom Wallace embezzled almost half a million dollars. The mere fact that one member doesn't like another member,  BLACKBALLING them from Union representation shouldn't be on any reasonable persons mind.  And most particularly coming from member (CHRIS DAY) who's already announced his intention of becoming your next Union President.

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