Monday, August 31, 2015


Originally published May 5, 2015

Click the link below:

I watched it several months ago on Margulies' Blog.  It was one of those things that caught my attention. Not what he said so much as how he was saying it. So much so that I felt compelled to write about it here. Wanted to see if anyone else saw what I saw.  

Since he's running for President of ATU 757 it gives folks an opening to scrutinize 
his platform.

No quotation marks, not a screen shot.  
Not my words.

I listened to it several times then put it on 'mute' and watched. The video appears as though it was professionally marketed and produced.  

The first thing I noticed was what appeared to be the subtle faded black and white mood enhancing tones throughout. It was in synchrony with what appeared to be 'soothing' or calming body language.  Hand gestures, body movements, posture, voice tones, lighting in the room.  It felt rehearsed.

The majority of the information was incorrect and not followed by a solution.

For example, he argues that Union Policies limiting representation of new hires should start day one, not 6 months later after their probationary period.  There's a reason for probation.  Say, hypothetically the Union started providing 100% protection day one. Does Henry have a figure as to how much it would cost to provide that type of protection for the probationary period?  The Union is there to provide advice and support but the employee must first prove their value, ability and commitment to the job! The first six months is training. Why have job protection if you haven't had at least 6 months of experience. 

He says the Union should have 'weingarten rights' posted along with how to reach your Rep.  My question to Henry would be, can you tell me WHERE the Union board is located because I'm not convinced you've seen it. Weingarten's up there along side the Representatives cell phone numbers. 

He goes on to complain that the Union Rep should help new hires how to write reports. The garage trainer or anyone from that department will gladly assist.  Operators, Station Agents will as well.

I'm not gonna go any further but what came across for me more than anything is the MARKETING he appears to be doing to solicit votes. He wants to be the Union President and yet he appears to knows little if anything about the nature of the job. 

There's other key words he uses that should be triggers for those seeking information about the candidates.

"We can do better."  Ask him in for specifics. Do you have a plan? He'll look up toward the sky and smile. Then suddenly reach for his cell phone. 

Unions have policies. If you want them changed there's a process. But don't come across with having the solution if you're not willing to discuss it. 

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