Saturday, August 8, 2015


Originally published 6/11/2011

Welcome to the result of cause and effect. The cause being Cyber/Bully Stalking.  The effect being rumors, assumptions and locked minds.

Below, you'll see copies of petitions where co-workers, fellow Union members signed to have a another member (me) undergo very public BLACKBALL proceedings from our Union.  Their efforts at slandering me was not only limited to signature gathering at Trimet properties during working hours, and at one point in front of me - but it was quite literally plastered all over the blogs of Al Margulies and Chris Day for the additional purpose of gaining public attention. Additionally, I am told they sent out hundreds of slanderous e-mails many to complete strangers.

Chris Day, under the wing of Al Margulies,  devised this little plan for what appears to be a plot of public exposure intended for his announced run for Union President.   A bit too reminiscent of the Religious Right hiding behind religion as an excuse to HATE, whereas we have  Chris Da hiding behind Unionism as an excuse to blackball.

There's absolutely no reason to keep these signatures private any longer.  Initially I did because I wanted to be professional and put it all behind me but damage, severe and irreparable has been done.  My workplace is hostile and at times bullying. I am beholding to no one. Finally, I am doing the right thing by exposing those who signed their names to petitions to have (me) their Union sister blackballed, WITHOUT  DEMANDING MORE INFORMATION, WITHOUT ASKING FOR MY SIDE AND FOR NOT READING AND/OR UNDERSTANDING WHAT THEY WERE SIGNING.


I knew three.  I personally approached two of them to find out what happened and one online but he, Gene Marsh refused comment. I am told by the two as well as through friends who questioned others that in most cases paperwork was not provided.  Signers of the petition were approached during the rush hours where time was limited and felt 'pressured' to sign. I am told, "These guys came up to us and asked us to, "sign something for the union." I am told,  "Paperwork? I didn't see any paperwork!"  I am told, when asked why one person in particular signed it, "'cause everyone else did."   I was told, "Chris kept pressuring me, I was busy and told him so.  He said, "You know me, you can trust me so I did.  No, I will NEVER sign anything again without reading it first."  I talked with others who didn't sign.  They all said they felt 'pressured'.  One said he saw paperwork but saw my name on it and decided not to get involved.

This all happened in April.  Other than the three, I don't know the others, personally. I've identified some of them through FaceBook and others were pointed out to me.  I recognized some faces but didn't know their names until now.  There are names on the petitions I've never seen or been identified to me. There were a total of 16 signatures to the online petition Chris Day placed on his website.

I am told one of the names was ADRI, (Adrianna Coleman)  who is the 15 YO that comments on Margulies Blog and is the alleged subject of the Chris Parker sexual child abuse case. I was not able to get a copy of that petition as it was intended for the public.  Yep!!!  Bare in mind (as a show of character) through Margulies Blog postings, he actually defends Parker, 53 - knowing Parker admitted abusing the girl.  Margulies states he is friends with Parker and the child and explains their "relationship is complicated."  Yet, ANOTHER reason  for NOT SUPPORTING Rantings of a Trimet Bus Driver.

NOT ONE OF THE SIGNERS OF THE PETITION APPROACHED ME BEFORE OR AFTER (with the exception of the two I approached) either by asking for 'my side' or offering an apology.  I owe these people nothing including privacy for their indiscretions.  I saw Gene Marsh sitting in the Union meeting (after signing two of the petitions) but in the end he voted "NO".  He has never approached me and keeps his head down and turned away when seeing me.

Sandra Guengerich voted to abstain because, "I have to represent both of you so I don't want to get involved, I want to keep my hands clean." even though I observed her with Chris as he was getting signatures against me. Guengerich, as a Union Officer needed to TAKE A STAND against this type of bullshit - but she didn't.  I fear for these young women who enter todays arena of  Union politics without a clear vision as to their role by refusing to  stand up to the male dominated egocentric paragons that are keeping us unmotivated, uninvolved, unworthy and unrepresented in comparison with our male counterparts. Guengerich's inaction may have set women back twenty or more years.

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