Sunday, August 9, 2015


This is the THIRD time I've been treated differently then co-workers under similarly situated circumstances.  

My comments on Willamette Week:

"During the sentencing hearing, prosecutors painted Jensen as a stalker who orchestrated an Internet bullying campaign through his blog."

"I know there has been a lot of talk online and in WW about Mr. Jensen being a journalist," said deputy district attorney John Copic. "What Mr. Jensen was trying to do was just be a cyberbully and hide under the First Amendment."
What I find particularly disturbing is how Trimet goes about determining WHICH employees are more worthy of protection then others.
It's not my intention to invalidate Ms Altstadt's experience but how is it that the DA was able to pull out Cyberbully laws to protect her but I, as a Trimet employee too, who went through a much worse more frightening experience from Jensen, wasn't able to get that same protection, those same laws enforced? For me as a Bus Operator his actions created more than serious safety issues. I notified Neil McFarlane, Harry Saporta and on down to no avail. They wouldn't respond!
Last year Jensen went about a much more SERIOUS stalking/cyberbully campaign against me. Trimet Management refused to respond to my calls for help. They initially offered solutions which would've ended up prolonging the problem instead of solving it. Jensen gained access to our private employee only website and published my work information on his blog. He had my days off, time points, line and train. Anyone following him or Al Margulies blogs had the ability to find me no matter what route I drove. Trimet told me they knew he had access but then allowed it to continue for the duration of the sign-up (3 months). He was scanning dispatch. I wanted permission to use my cell phone to call for help so he wouldn't know but the Garage Manager told me that policy stated if I secured the bus (turned it off) and walked 3 blocks away I could be terminated. Her information was not true.
He posted You Tubes up with serious name calling and threats. Took pictures of my home and followed me to work where he took pictures of me waiting for buses and published them on his blog.
I was absolutely horrified. In absolute fear! Trimet has customer conduct policies but REFUSED TO ENFORCE THEM!
There is tremendous Bullying, harassing and retaliatory behavior by the agency against specific employees. We do not have the same level of protection against the Lane Jensen's of the world that Managers and Executives have.

Comment to Ellen from:  "
"Ellen, you should have filed for a restraining order against Lane - you wouldn't be the first. His own grandmother filed a restraining order against him because he was engaging in elder abuse."

My response:

I did, but the Judge asked if my life was threatened. Did he have a weapon, did I see it, yada yada yada. No weapon, no case.
For me the threats were VERY real and hostile! I felt he was gonna do something to hurt me or my home. But I understand where the judicial system is coming from. THEY CAN'T PUT OUT A RESTRAINING ORDER ON EVERYONE WHO IMPLIES A THREAT. Jensen published hate-filled intense YouTubes against me, "I'm gonna make you go crazy!" At Center Street he yelled "I'm gonna get you!" There were a series of You Tubes he photoshopped. He was physically following me. I had many witness statements. Tried to explain to the Judge that I was threatened and in fear by this very angry unstable person who I didn't know, who found where I lived, was taking pictures of my home, following me to bus stops and work. He had access to Trimet's supposedly secure employee only website, published my work schedule online. He was inciting followers of his Blog and Al Margulies' Blog against me. The Judge wanted to know why I was there, why Trimet wasn't doing anything about it themselves?
An Ass't Manager saw Jensen follow me into the lobby seconds after I walked in, then he followed him to the bus stop and verified he was Lane Jensen. He said he would write a statement so I could get a restraining order. I asked for it later and he acted like he didn't know what I was talking about. Co-workers who overheard his offer gave me witness statements. He instead advised me that Jensen was on public property and it wasn't against the law. So he changed his statement, his concerns for me, an employee who he observed being stalked, to orders from the Agency to stay out of it. I'm 'red-flagged' therefore treated quite differently then co-workers under similar circumstances.
The threat was implied, just as Roberta Altstadt's threat was implied. It's the behavior for us that BECOMES THE THREAT! For her they pulled out Cyberbully laws. For me it was go fuck yourself.
The fear I went through was being a target of rage and instability from a complete stranger. My fear escalated because of long ongoing cyber stalking/bully and workplace bully attacks from Al Margulies Rantings Blog who was mentoring Jensen. Margulies and Jensen are of the "us against them" mindset. If you're of a different opinion they'll come after you. Margulies posted pictures of me and made negative slanderous comments for years creating a hostile work environment for me on and off the Bus. Customers were recognizing me. I didn't know if and when one of them would go off. Jensen is from that group. Any reasonable person would take his aggressive volatile up in your face behavior seriously! His rage is of concern. Still is!
When the attacks come from a computer as well, you never know who or when one of their followers is gonna take sides. My job is safety sensitive, so publishing my work schedule was in and of itself a MAJOR safety issue - to me and the public! Trimet had, or so it seems a legal responsibility to do something about his hacking into their computers.
Trimet Management, Neil McFarlane, Harry Saporta, Garage Manager Evelyn Warren use Safety sensitive FOCUSING as a tool against the workers. An Operator has to be 100% FOCUSED at all times if you're doing your job correctly, as per policy. They will use resources against an employee they have personality issues with, abuse them prior to operating a Bus, without a thought to public safety. Trimet, in my opinion had a responsibility to cite Jensen for customer conduct and other issues more seriously relating to his illegal use of out computers and threats against an employee.

                                                  Just a few of many...

Slider to 3:00

Shown on both blogs.

He followed me to work, stood across the street taking pictures then published them on both Blogs.

Just one of 8 complains he and his friends called in on me.

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