Sunday, August 9, 2015


Originally published 11/4/2011

read where Chris Day appears to have gotten himself in some trouble with the Union.  Karma arrives on it's own schedule.  The link above is a post I made about the last Preferring of Charges meeting I had to attend and there were questions at that time about Chris Day tape recording the meeting.

He wasn't searched so this is merely conjecture on my part but based on what I observed and the subsequent article he wrote about the meeting:

He arrived late.
He appeared all disheveled.
He sat on the floor near a wall in the back of the room.
He appeared to be nodding off or napping.
He didn't have a statement or opinion to share on the Preferring of Charges even though he brought it about.
He held something in his hand the entire time - it wasn't keys.

The following day he wrote a very long article about the meeting, nearly verbatim - with quotes and the whole deal.


He has a history of tape recording private telephone conversations or messages and publishing them on his blog - without informing the caller or asking for permission.  Hummmm  Kinda sounds familiar.

He's responsible for some horrendous damage to our Union by scamming the membership through the filing of false Preferring of Charges (blackball) complaints against members so he and Margulies could publicly post private Union business.  Challenging the ATU International Constitution by disrespecting and publishing those documents. Plus all of the bogus ATU757 websites he created which falsely re-direct members.

Hopefully Hunt checked everything out legally before he made his move.

From what I read Day is pretty upset.  BOY, YOU CAN SURE DISH IT OUT BUT CHA CAN'T TAKE IT, CAN YA?!!!

Interesting.  Chris Day wrote me an e-mail a couple weeks ago asking for a truce.  A truce implies both parties were participating in the argument.  That wasn't the case for me. I was defending myself from them but agreed nevertheless because I don't have room in my life for his drama.  Then, about two days later I receive information that John Olsen wrote me up again to HR.  Between the two - the number of write ups is now at 9 1/2.  As far as drama goes I've considered the possibility that there may be 'other' stuff going on - perhaps medically or physiologically that they might need to deal with.  My battle is no longer with them but with those who encourage, support, follow, enable them.

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