Saturday, August 8, 2015


Originally published 4/6/2011


The Video and how it came about.

 He places videos he doesn't want anyone to know about into "Private Viewing" and later swears they never existed. This video has been permanently saved.



Last week as I started writing this post I accidentally clicked on 'publish' instead of 'save' for a short time while I left the room.  So it was published but not for more then 2 or 3 minutes.

I hadn't written more than five sentences but literally within the 2 or 3 minutes it took me to walk into another room, grab a book and walk back,  an e-mail was waiting - from Rantings. This tells me he continues to give unwanted and obsessive attention to this Blog.  He hoovers close in, in an obviously tentative or uncertain manner. He's trying to intimidate me. To control what I do.  His e-mail was filled with abusive insulting comments regarding the content of this particular post.  He continues attacking me.

Cyber Bully/Stalking. 

The reason this conflict has gone on for so unbearably looooong is because Rantings tries to control me, the choices I make and the content of this blog.  The minute I start defending myself or explaining something he doesn't agree with he plasters up his websites complete with pictures and slanderous, abusive, vicious, untruthful and unsubstantiated statements attacking me. I initially started the blog because I didn't have a 'voice' for so long. Those familiar with abuse understand that statement. As time went on and the abuse continued, I ultimately felt I had to speak out.  

The resounding message he continues to send out is one he uses to take the heat off himself by re-focusing the core issue on the state of my mental health. His message is clear, "Don't listen to her, she's crazy." Systematically and over an extended period of time,  he continues his attack by blaming the problem on my mental health,  which oddly enough appears to be the only defense as to why he made the video...  He doesn't try to debate the subject nor does he bring forth documentation to dispute it.  He's not totally honest but as marginally as he's gonna be.  I was curious if the cross, which appears above his head is suppose to absolve him of responsibility. 

When someone isn't honest about that which can cause harm to others emotionally, physically or monetarily, they resort to other forms of abuse to mitigate their damages. If they can get you to believe someone's crazy, then they feel perfectly justified. This can go from a child reporting an abusive adult, to a spouse reporting an abusive partner or a friend or co-worker reporting a secret that can cause hardships on others.  In this case, I don't believe he was doing it secretly so much as he was trying to gain attention towards himself so badly that he didn't consider who was watching - like the anti-union faction, bicyclists and people like me.  He's just out there seeking notoriety -  at anyone's expense.  He was purposely causing conflict knowing it would create an audience which was intended to make him 'famous'. The Judge in NY picked up on that aspect within minutes of talking with his ego. Once caught, he denied it and tried to change the dynamic of that action on to something else by blaming someone else. Rantings history repeats itself. He blamed the bicyclists for catching him blogging and driving plus a myriad of other questionable activities so he accused them of being obsessive and mental and created a "Bike Nazi" Blog Watch dedicated to them. He blamed me for reporting that he was pandering (so to speak) via his blog to those who would cause harm to our benefits and contract so he started calling me obsessive, mental and created the Ellen Fox Blog Watch where he created distorted and untruthful view points from my postings.

The following screen shot is from Peugeot Sound Operators Blog: It's here to validate my point.

After he secretly published me, (which caused my curiosity about his blog) I went through it. He did the same to the Bicycling community (see video below) which caused them to go through it. He trolls sites, pisses 'em off which creates attention to himself and his blog which ends up getting him in trouble because the videos he posts show bizarre behavior - like blogging while operating a bus, filming women's restrooms, filming women on MAX while in uniform but off duty...showing Operators bragging about contract and benefits...

Bike Portland discusses AL M

Nevertheless, I went back through the blog and what I saw was enormous! More than enormous -  at first it was hard to swallow.  I spent the night viewing video after video and then watching some again - just to make sure I wasn't 'seeing things'.

This was around the time Common Cause gave Trimet benefits the Golden Fleece Award. After that it just seemed Trimet Operators were in the news almost nightly.  The usual run of the mill which happens in Transit all of a sudden was getting what seemed like never ending negative stories with widely over blown media attention.  Here he was creating the damage for us and then in another video showing him coming to the Operators' defense.  He was working BOTH sides which is self-contradictory or a  PARADOX.

 What I saw on Rantings Blog explained why there was so much media interest involving Trimet Operators, our Union, our benefits and our contract.  The videos were mostly taken at Transit Centers, Bullpens, a couple were filmed while he was visiting Operators on their buses.  They showed him and others discussing benefits and contract. He approached Operators by bringing the subject up then either interviewing or hanging back and filming them. I doubt few if any knew their private conversations were being filmed to publish on his popular Blog.  One in particular sticks in my mind. He and another Operator were bragging about being 'fat and happy' with regard to our " benefits package". There was never any mention of the extreme hours or nature of the job. What we went through physically and stressfully.  Never any mention of extra board Operators often working 7 days per week, 12 to 14 hours a day or more. They didn't talk about the number of assaults or what we had to go through with traffic, schedules,  disrespectful teenagers, all out brawls, lack of restroom facilities, customers spitting, sneezing and/or coughing on us, timeloss, requirements for operating unsafe equipment (clamshell mirrors and high fare boxes). They didn't mention that we gave up pay increases for health benefits in our previous contract. All they could say was "fat and happy".  They were 'bragging'.  But why?

He not only knew what to do to get 'em to watch but he knew exactly who was watching. Case in point:  When the Powell Union Officer had words with his  Manager, Rantings immediately set him up with an interview with Lars Larson and another online publisher. The Union had to intervene to stop the interview.  How is it this pro-Union Rantings guy knows how to get an interview set up within hours on a Sunday with Larson - the anti-Union guy?  Rantings, for all intents and purposes has the resources readily available on how and who to disclose private information to publicly.  Everything he does is public and on film - even going to the restroom. His blog is all about exposing anything and anyone he doesn't like.  He's a feeding ground for the conservative, anti-union, anti-tax people. They follow him. The same ones who believe we should probably be working without a Union, without a contract,  for minimum-wage and without benefits.

 I brought it to Jon Hunt and according to him, he asked Rantings on three different occasions  NOT TO TALK ABOUT OUR CONTRACT OR OUR BENEFITS on his BLOG.  After the third time Rantings acknowledged the damage (kinda sorta) and shut the Blog down. Instead of a serious "I'm not gonna do this anymore he shuffles through this crap about - well - no one told me to shut it down- I did it all on my own. All he had to do was apologize and change the nature of the blog which he eventually had to do anyways because he kept violating people which caused Trimet to keep writing new policies.  This time he shut it down for five days then came back telling everyone they could go 'eff themselves 'cause he's got FREEDOM OF SPEECH.  

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