Wednesday, August 5, 2015


CHRIS DAY: " I have filed a second preferring of charges and this time I sent a copy by certified mail to our Union office and the member being charged. I wrote the Union office name and address as the return address on the letter sent to the member. The member refused the letter because it was not on official ATU757 letter stock and accused me of harassment." 

ME:  Had I refused the certified letter Mr. Day sent I wouldn't have known what was in it.  The post office has a record that shows when the mail was delivered and signed.  Day also received the signed receipt. Where does it say I refused the mail?  Day wrote ATU as the return address because he didn't want me to know who it was really from.  Way too secretive for someone who proclaims TRANSPARENCY.

CHRIS DAY:  "I have been sending international copies of all the communications that has been going on. I found myself getting disappointed because I was not getting any responses from them."

ME:  Whose he gonna report International to?  Time and time again Day validates my claims.  If ya don't do it his way and his way only, he reports ya.  With me he went to HR, Peggy Hanson, Hayden Talbot and others.  Whose he gonna report Hanley to, Obama?  

CHRIS DAY:  "President Hunt had denied me my Union Constitutional right to present this to the membership and He sent a copy of the charges and the list of names and signatures to the member being charged. The member being charged then filed an HR complaint and released the list of names and signatures to HR. Both the member being charged and HR made contact with members from that list. The member being charged stated “After being called up to HR, I'm willing to bet most of those people were embarrassed at having to go through that process.” A total of fourteen (14) members signed the signature list."

ME:  I filed a complaint through HR  but NOT for Day's Preferring of Charges complaint because he has a right to do it, but because of the methods he used in obtaining signatures.  Blatantly, right in front of me in my workplace (bullpen) he went from person to person, from table to table.  Workplace is off limits per HR-171.  Respectful Workplace.  Additionally, Day trolls my blog and misinterprets my words.  I was expressing MY VOICE regarding these incidents.  According to the letter of finding I received from HR the only people she interviewed was Chris Day and one signer.  And she may not have even contacted the signer since she has a history of not following through with the complaint process.

Always blaming.  Now he accuses Hunt of denying him his Constitutional rights.  Day sent me 3 (three) pages out of 7 (seven) because he doesn't want me to be able to defend myself. You can't charge someone with something and not tell them what it is.  This is becoming more and more bizarre!!!

CHRIS DAY: "Both the member being charged and HR made contact with members from that list."

ME:  He accuses me of making contact with the signers.   I contacted one - screen shots below:  A friend contacted one of 'em and one of the signers contacted me , apologizing, said he felt "ashamed for not reading what he signed."  Both said they were told the petition was for the Union.  There was no paperwork for them to read.

But, the truth is,  there's no law preventing me from contacting all of the signers on a petition.  I could if I wanted to but I respect everyones right to choose even if it's for something that could potentially cause me to loose Union Representation. (I'll still have to pay the dues, though)  If someone doesn't want to stand behind their signature then they ought not sign it.  

CHRIS:  "I currently asked Peggy to reply about the accusations that Ellen has made and here is her reply “I recall that our shared objective was to resolve or end a series of troubling rhetoric or email exchanges occurring between you and your colleague. The challenge was that while the activity was occurring outside of the work environment, not surprisingly, it led to affecting you both within your workplace.
At no time did you or your colleague report other employees to me. That simply would have been inappropriate."

ME:  All I can say about it is for someone to get up at the next Union meeting and simply say nothing more than three words:  PEGGY HANSON (pause for a second, and then say)  CREDIBILITY and that should take up the better part of the day so ya all better come early and bring food 'cause it's gonna be a looong but entertaining afternoon.  

What's different with this situation with Peggy is that she told the same story about Mr. Day on two different days to three 
different people.  So I believe it.      

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