Sunday, August 9, 2015


Originally published 3/7/2013

I've given much thought and received much guidance on how to approach this. Because of the nature of it,  I thought about privately approaching those involved with the documents,  perhaps bringing a couple 'a Union people and a couple 'a lawyers and see what they have to say.  But I soon remembered it wasn't all that long ago I approached them (the top 3 and others) and what I got in return was this:

On 11/17/11 7:59 PM, Lomax, Shelly wrote:
Dear Ellen:

I am in receipt of your November 13, 2011 emails to General Manager Neil McFarlane, me, Hayden Talbot, Human Resources, and the ATU.  I have had a chance to review and discuss them with the other TriMet addressees and I wanted to close the loop with you and let you know that TriMet has completed its investigation of this matter.  We will be taking no further action relative to your emails.


These postings have nothing to do with ATU negotiations but more so with how Trimet treats their (Union) employees and minorities and people with disabilities. This posting is about HOW Trimet responds to their own policies and Civil Rights when a minority complains about discrimination in the workplace including accommodations for disabilities, forcing the employee to the Bureau of Labor and Industries for resolution. RETALIATION is not just a word at Trimet, it's in all probability the one thing they're most proficient at. I believe it not just from my own 20 plus years of experience but from also talking with others.  BUT ya know, what's also true is that you can believe anything you want BUT there's nothing more powerful in driving your point home then written and/or pictorial DOCUMENTATION.

Peggy, what's that hanging off yer neck there?

Click image for zoom

Screen shot from a BOLI investigation via Public Record Documents.

Why didn't ya tell him you were a lesbian too, Peggy?  Cat got your tongue on THAT one?!!!

This is the SECOND lie Mrs. Callahan Senior Assistant Council, Shelley Devine has been caught telling the GOVERNMENT investigator.  What's worse is it was all done under the  knowledge, approval and direction of Neil MacFarlane - General Manager, Shelly Lomax - Director of Operations, and Hayden Talbot - Director of Transportation.  The more I cross check from the 3" stack of paperwork from BOLI,  Union generated document exchange and the myriad of e-mail and other documents I've come in contact with,  the clearer the picture gets.  'Professionalism' in actuality does NOT exist at Trimet - on any level.  My complaint for years has been against the bigotry and actions Talbot has chosen against me because I'm different then he is.  He's made it clear on several occasions he doesn't like Jews and Gays.  He acts out accordingly like when he exposed my FMLA diagnosis to co-workers and made sure my customer service witness accounts and commendations hit the trash.  His own Managers say he is, "worse then any of them" at playing games on Union workers. According to Black employees they have similar problems with him and other managers.  The part I find particularly disturbing is that we're a Public Agency built on DIVERSITY!  

And what are our two SIX FIGURE "OFFICE OF DIVERSITY" EMPLOYEES doing about it? More-so,  it appears they're figure heads making an appearance when needed.  Like safety guy Harry Saporta, making appearances when needed. It's like it's all a scam.  Once I get all of the lies exposed on this blog they will be circulating to media sources and law makers and not just in Oregon.  I've already started sending some of them out. I also need to disclaim (because of the severity of this) that copies of these reports exist in locations outside my home area.  

We, the Operators are a microcosm of the community we transport. We are white, black, brown, yellow and red. We are Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jewish, Hindus, Atheists... We are short, tall, fat, thin. We are Straight, Gay, Lesbian and Trans and above all else we were born in this world equally and have every basic human right to live in it equally.  The problem with Trimet is with the ultra conservative right Christian bible thumping faction that has ruled for years.  They pray together in the closed offices of Management. They must be praying as a way to absolve their sins in the workplace. I don't have a problem with anyones religion.  All I ask is that it not be used against me by those who manage,  that it not be allowed to distract from business while we're on the clock and that no one tries to sell it to me.  Simply put, I don't believe in Church and State.  

When the BOLI investigator asked me about Peggy being Jewish I said, "So what?" What in the hell's that got to do with anything?!! My report to BOLI was prepared as a complaint against Trimet since Trimet is responsible for the actions of their Managers. But being Jewish or Christian or black or white doesn't matter on the Executive floors at Trimet. They've got a Black General Counsel who KNOWS about the racism within the company but that doesn't stop her from cross examining another Black who's been terminated only because she's Black. There's so much money on the upper floors they'd sell out their own mother and her culture for a chance at playing big shot. Thats the unfortunate part when you have a system which is unaccountable to the public.  


This is the SECOND lie PEGGY CALLAHAN Asst General Council Shelley Devine, TOLD TO THE GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATOR. 



For me as an employee,  it seems odd that I have to always be the adult in situations where my employers act out immaturely and unprofessionally.  Personally,  I'm past the 'labels'.  It's the differences in each other that should pull us together not the other way around. Oregon is a progressive State. Bias' and bigotries are being replaced with education and tolerance.  Trimet needs to get on the wagon!

If they're lying about how they're dealing with their employees' to a Government investigation then what other types of things are they covering up to other Investigators on other issues such as SAFETY like the recent MAX situation.  Will Government audits be covered up?  Is it even possible that an independent third party investigator will be able to AUDIT Trimet without Trimet interfering? 

1 comment:

  1. Disclaimer: When I originally compared the BOLI public record documents with the exchange of docs (e-mail from Peggy, Hayden, etc... it looked like Peggy was the one responding but later discovered it was legal. Also, there is another post, after this one where I zoomed Peggy's Linkedin image and discovered what appeared to be a cross on her neck was actually a heart. I apologized for the error in a later posting and it was also discussed with Lawyer Starr by Peggy and the Lawyer told me she saw the apology so she had no problem with it.

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