Sunday, August 9, 2015


Originally published 4/21/13

This series will be dealing with the actual write-ups, accusations and reprimands. 

The link below previously addressed HOW Peggy Callahan TREATED me in an October 6, 2011 meeting, a meeting in which she was SUPPOSE to INVESTIGATE charges made against me by Al Margulies and John Olsen (re: Chris Day). Instead, as I will prove through this series it turned into a well orchestrated event intended to BULLY and INTIMIDATE me and then attempt to require me to operate a bus!


Posting a picture of Al Margulies on my personal blog without his permission.

The screen shot (below) was taken from the BOLI investigator's notes (via public record documents) as articulated to him through either Callahan or Devine.  

Last sentence:
"Complainant had also posted a picture of the employee without his consent and refused to take the picture off her blog."

During the October 6, 2011 meeting  my Union Rep and I had with Peggy Callahan,  she made, actually 'alluded to'  three accusations.  Three from Al Margulies, and the fourth from John Olsen.  She asked if I had put an image of Margulies on my blog and I said "yes". She asked if I had obtained his  permission and I said "no".  She glared at me.  I asked which one she was referring to as there were several and she just glared.  I then tried to ask if she knew how many he had posted of me over the years without my permission but I got cut off mid sentence with, "NOW ELLEN, NOW YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT, NOW ELLEN, NOW ELLEN!!!" I told her I had complained repeatedly about the pictures and videos and the hate speech he used to define me over the years but I got cut off again in mid sentence with, "NOW ELLEN, NOW YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT, NOW ELLEN, NOW ELLEN!!!" At one point she moved a 1 to 2" stack of papers from in front of her across the table to directly in front of me. It just sat there. I asked if she was referring to the image on top.  "NOW ELLEN, NOW YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT, NOW ELLEN, NOW ELLEN!!!  Then she handed me a copy of HR 202 and informed me I was in violation.  

"You must obtain the express permission of any Trimet employee or customer before making audio or visual recordings of them or using such recordings in an internet posting."

Assuming the image she was referring to was actually the one on top of the stack, I tried to tell her that it was not an audio video and that he was not at work but in his own vehicle, not in uniform but in his own clothes and I captured it for my Blog because he was my perpetrator and the article was an educational source about the effects of his abuse - Cyber Stalking. As my abuser I had every right to use his image in these articles.  The images were protected under was fair-use and she couldn't control what I took from the internet.  My blog entries had nothing to do with respectful workplace either since I was writing the truth. The defense to slander is the truth.  Well....ya know I didn't get much of it out 'cause she CUT ME OFF AGAIN, "NOW ELLEN, NOW YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT, NOW ELLEN, NOW ELLEN." in this forever shrieking high pitched tone that literally sent chills up my spine!  My Union Rep asked if this could lead to termination and Callahan said, "Yes". But the problem was she refused to say WHICH image was in question just as she refused to tell me about the other accusations.  

Nevertheless, I called her the next day still trying to find out what specifically I was being accused of (other than John Olsen ).  Same response, "NOW ELLEN YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT, NOW ELLEN, NOW ELLEN..."  I didn't find out until I received the 'Exchange of Documents' from my Union sometime later. The exchange of documents as I understand is something Trimet is legally required to handover as the result of a recently won lawsuit.  I tried to comply:

Lambert refused to respond.

This is the ARTICLE the image was in. Interesting that she chose this particular image over many of the others posted. Perhaps she didn't want anyone thinking she was aware of the hatred he was spreading.  The image is a screen shot taken from a video he published about me.  It's a picture of my abuser (Al) calling me names, harassing me to my co-workers.  I asked Trimet to enforce Internet and Respectful Policy's as they have for him and for Monica F. but they refused.

I used it here too:

The thing is, I don't  use my Blog as a tool to hurt anyone, like Al did. I use it as a way to fight back! To stand up for what I believe in. To educate and as a VOICE against abuse for myself and others.  

Al is who he is and does what he does and no ones gonna change that. He doesn't understand the harm he does. I've tried explaining it but he doesn't understand and that's OK.  My problem isn't with him any more. It's with my employer. At some point someone at TRIMET had the foresight to implement Policies 166, 171, 202 to protect their employees from this type of abuse but they're picking and choosing who gets protection and who gets shit on. 

Last paragraph from the yellow BOLI screen shot above.

"Complainant had also posted a picture of the employee without his consent and refused to take the picture off her blog." The link shows Callahan telling Hayden and Shelly I "REMOVED the image" then telling the BOLI investigator, "I DIDN'T"  

Screen shots below are but a drop in the bucket to the many Margulies published about me over the years.  He systematically and over extended periods of time created a hostile work environment for me but Trimet allowed it. They pick and chose which policies they'll enforce and for which employees. 

Check out the number of views on this one.  

The problem as I came to realize wasn't just from bad guys like Al and Lane but more so from their supporters, followers.  The ones who give 'atta boys' and allow their 'minds to set' at the constant flow of negative repetition. Trimet is just as responsible if not more so for the bullying and harassment and then lying about it to the Government Investigator.  ***A Bully is a Bully.  If you're in a position of influence, publicly or privately and use it against another for personal gain then you're a Bully!

Comments found on Al's Blog

Next posting - ACCUSATION TWO.  

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