Thursday, March 31, 2016


Originally published 6/24/2015 - updated March 31, 2016

This was from the last election. An article I wrote last about my experience with Shirley Block.  As they were leaving the building, Shirley and Center Street Manager Evelyn Warren were walking arm in arm - laughing. It was one of those, you had to be there moments. There was no doubt in my mind, at that point, she was personally and professionally tied with Trimet Management.  
From Rantings:

Margulies hasn't been at Trimet in years, he hasn't a clue! He's only going by something she writes in the Labor Press. 

Many believed her campaign paid him, as in bribing him to speak out negatively against the other side. He claims to be a Journalist - he's not - but if he was he wouldn't be for long.   


May 21, 2014
When I arrived at Trimet for a Step III grievance meeting, my Rep Sandra Guengerich was sitting at a table crying and talking on her phone.

Dead silence in the room.

She suddenly left headed for a room across the hall.  After a few minutes she came back, still crying then asked Evelyn Warren to join her.  Few minutes later Shirley Block went in.

One of the other Managers said the meeting was postponed.

So I left. They were across the hall. I walked over within a few feet of the room intending to poke my head in to ask Sandra to "call me later."

When that happened I was suddenly attacked by an insane, totally out of control 

Evelyn Warren
Garage Manager, Center Street
$87,628.06 per W2 - 2013

She was literally one inch from my face! I had to keep moving back to keep her out of my space. She was furious, shaking, her hands fisted, her voice breaking up but weirdly controlled.  'It was intense!  It was something'! I thought she was gonna hit me. It was very personal!


As this was going on, Shirley watched. She was sitting a few feet from where Evelyn and I were. She looked at me. When we made eye contact it was an acknowledgment that she heard. 

Well - alrighty then...

As I was waiting for the elevator I kinda mulled it over. Not sure what to think. She caught me off guard. Not the first time she's BULLIED me,  but it was the first time I wasn't able to get away and the first time there was a witness. As I was standing there I experienced this incredible rush of joy. I started laughing. 

It was like "I finally got it"!

It was like there was some sorta power play going on but I didn't ever give it any thought. She was giving me power!  It was her stuff - not mine. I just wanted to keep my distance so she couldn't make anything up. I always made sure I was around people or protected in other ways. I mean this is the Manager of the garage - who also happens to be on a power trip. There wasn't any question as to who was in what position. THAT'S IF YOU'RE PROFESSIONAL. This time it was severe. Threatening - more so than other times. I called Bruce Hansen with my revelation.  One of the things members didn't realize about him is he went to battle for workers who were being bullied.  

I was elated...  well... for a couple 'a days. Then my bubble burst. If this Manager was someone who treated all of of her subordinates equally with dignity, that would be one thing, but she wasn't. There were more than a few of us who were being targeted. She has a history of terminating workers without honoring the contract, without progressive discipline. It also appeared she didn't have any oversight or supervision. Victims of workplace bullying and mobbing at Trimet can't report their perpetrators to HR (even though they have policies) because HR defends them and according to case studies I've read, many HR departments train Mobbing to their Managers. 

I realized I needed to get a statement from the witness to protect my employment. If she's giving me her power then what's to stop her from acting out in other ways. 

I GOT NOTHING!!. NOT EVEN AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT other than the one SF sends when it's read.  Like I was invisible!

She was protecting her buddy Evelyn. 

Jay Jackson
Manager Field Operations
$98,234.71 per W2 - 2013 

Saw Shirley again in the next Step III hearing. This was the one where Jay Jackson, her Supervisor was sitting directly across from me, with his laptop open, assumably absorbed in it. She seemed intimidated by him. Overflowing with smiles, so happy to see him. Like they were old friends. Nothing at all like she writes in the Labor Press.  Doesn't say a word to me again. She didn't even say anything to Evelyn when Evelyn kept calling me a "liar". If she did anything at all it was gather up some of the papers and put them in a pile. 

Next meeting was at the Union hall to ask the Executive Board to arbitrate. She was there.
I brought up concerns that Jackson wasn't reading his laptop but rather using it to audio video record me. Which is a violation of HR 202. She said "Oh yes he does it all the time. He got caught doing it on MAX.  He's on the way out."  




I don't believe Shirley has the ability to represent ALL employees. Her only request during the last contract was a $5.00 per hour raise for the Supervisors. These are Supervisors who either spend their shift in a coffee shop or parked somewhere reading or sleeping.  Not ALL of them, but the majority.  

She is owned by her master/s

Ron Heintzman

Jonathan Hunt

She is grossly under qualified for the Presidency of ATU 757

Friday, March 25, 2016


Surprised he didn't bring his megaphone.

The problem Mr. Hunt has with Trimet, isn't his message but his behavior and it's affecting how Trimet deals with their workers.  

The solution?  




Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Regarding the upcoming ATU 757 re-election for VP


Jonathan Hunt
 Current VP

Has been a part of the ATU political machine since 2002

Running for re-election due to an order from the Department of Labors' Investigation,  mostly about his conduct during the last election.

Part I was information I received from a variety of folks about Hunt's behavior before and during Bruce Hansen's Presidency as well as the most recent electoral process. My personal experience is that he uses his power inappropriately as a tool to harm others for personal gain. There's what appears to be a serious inequality in how he conducts business with those members who either are or aren't a part of his 'clique'. I believe he's more about that 'good 'ol boy' shtick, which seems somewhat surprising in this day and age. 

Nevertheless, it's the same thing year after year. He's not a team player. He's not honest in how he uses Union resources and he appears to be more about a mentality of popularity and personal gain. One of the Executive Board Officers used to tell a story about him when he first started with the Union. He said Hunt bought 2 or 3 frames costing $500 each (on the Union Credit Card) to hang pictures in his office. One of the Spotters used to brag that "Hunt would take all of the mechanics and yard helpers to breakfast" on the Union credit card.  

Having said that, he has competition for the election:

Chris Day
Bus Operator

Chris and I have a history. Not a good history. He's written me up several times with his then partner John Olsen. He's written up my friends. Chris and I have never talked. When I see him I head for the hills.

Having said that, sometimes in life ya gotta step back from the personalities and evaluate what's best, or could be best for the organization as a whole - without invalidating yourself, what you've been through - as well as your friends, people you care about and what they've been through. If I wasn't writing a Blog it would be different, but because I am, I feel a certain responsibility for 'doing the right thing.' 

What I do know about Chris is he's perfecto mundo at researching. He has a genuine love for all things Union. He's anal about 'following the rules' and 'changing them' if they need changing. I believe he's honest to the penny - in other words he wouldn't rip off the Union or allow anyone else to. I believe he'd work hard and well with Bruce Hansen, Mary Longoria and the Executive Board Officers. He deserves a chance.

It's time for change  - like big time!!!  Get rid of the old ways, the old guard - once and for all. It's time for respect and unity.  Vote for Bruce and Chris.  (they're not running together but just saying...)  Keep Union business in the present!!  Keep it clean!! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Regarding the upcoming ATU 757 re-election for VP 

Two candidates vying  for the position. 

Chris Day Part II  (tomorrow)

Jonathan Hunt
Current VP
Running for re-election.

The majority of the information regarding the challenges, DOL investigation and the reason for the election re-runs ARE FOR MOST PART, BASED ON HUNT'S BEHAVIOR! 

He was using Union resources for campaigning and violating property campaign rules by:

1.)  Trying to have luncheons on properties and then directly arguing with property managers over it, not once but twice, which then led Trimet to shut down campaign privileges for everyone for 10 days.

2.) Using Union resources while campaigning and coercing other candidates to file a challenge.

Keep in mind, all three, (Shirley, Jon and Mary) were on the same ticket so all three were involved but the DOL only found the top two (Shirley and Jon) guilty for the re-run.  

Other facts of major concern:

The head of the union representing TriMet bus drivers, train operators, mechanics and maintenance staff was arrested Dec. 26 and charged with driving while intoxicated, authorities say.
Jonathan_Hunt.jpgJonathan J. Hunt was booked into the Multnomah County Jail Dec. 27 and charged with driving under the influence of intoxicants.
Jonathan J. Hunt, 40, was driving a 2003 Ford car registered to the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757when he was arrested, Gresham police spokeswoman Malaka Kerbs said. Hunt is president of the 2,000-member union president.
This is something that should never be forgotten. His blatant disregard for the lives of others. The liability issues alone could have set us back years if not destroyed us completely. He was thoughtless and irresponsible with our trust. Had he killed or injured anyone or damaged their property the Union was liable. The media had a hay day with it.  It's beyond comprehension that the President of the only Public Transit Union in the State would drive intoxicated in the Union car.  It goes against our grain, everything we, as transit Operators believe to be true and honorable and moral about our world on the streets. It was like a big 'ol slap on the face to everyone of us. He should've been fired!  

2.) HE WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED with changing our Unions status from 'A REAL UNION' to a NO STRIKE CLAUSE (it was done quietly without member input or vote.) (specifics on it in a separate posting, possibly early next week). 

3.) "Regardless of what he tells you, HE WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED with the contract negotiations which led to our contract going to arbitration. There were no other contracts for Trimet employees that had as many TAKE AWAYS as that one contract!" 

His old Union car. He had 3 accidents in it. Was he drinking or texting?  They were rear ends. Not usually the type of accident a professional has. But then, a professional usually doesn't have  accidents. 


1.) Our locals bylaws state that the top three Officers receive the same vacation as from the location they were elected from. 

Jonathan Hunt has 5 weeks. 

In the past Jon has taken his allotted vacation as paid time off. He is also compensated for an additional 50% or 2 1/2 weeks (this would give him 7 1/2 weeks of vacation pay) This is spread out over his paychecks for 26 pay periods.  The reason being, back in the days of Heintzman and Wallace - they gave up their vacations to work. If they didn't use 'em they lost 'em, so these rules came in so as to guarantee half of it on their pay and the other half actual time taken off away from the job.

International Constitution states "you shall not better your benefits from your elected location."

BUT,  Hunt was bettering himself by taking sick days and not marking them as sick. Then he was taking vacation days,  in actual vacation time and the 50% on his checks.

2.) Taking several and unnecessary trips which included his family on Union money. They were staying at high end Hotels like the Hilton Marriott, and not being held accountable. 

3) There were missing credit card receipts on a monthly basis. The billing statements were far higher then the few receipts he manages/d to hand in. He didn't always turn in itemized receipts. Additionally, Secretary-Treasurer Mary Longoria is refusing to be transparent with members requests for accountability by only showing 'summary statements'.  Is there anyone out there, other than Executive Board Officers who have actually seen receipts?  If so, please write a comment below.

4.) Not coming into the office for days, allegedly working from home. For example. he'd call in on a Monday or Friday - making his weekend longer, getting full pay. 

5.) Hunt never took sick time until Bruce Hansen was elected. Bruce negotiated the majority of the contracts, often working 7 days per week and at least 4 additional hours past his 8 on a daily basis. He didn't have any assistance. Jon refused to work as a team. The VP position was created years ago by Ron Heintzman in order to help lighten the load after more properties were coming on board.  

6.) Jon spent multiple hours sitting in his office with the door closed.

7.) He was using the Union car for personal business and only paying $60 a month to have that privilege, unlimited gas and high end Hotels, no accountability. Plus, he was receiving honor points at hotels and using the Union's AAA membership for his personal vehicles. 

8.) I have personally been told by someone who claims to be friends with Al Margulies that Hunt broke into Bruce Hansen's office, stole the unratified contract before it had been seen by the lawyers and handed it over to Margulies for publication on his Blog. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The Rantings Blog posted Henry Beasley's latest Campaign Platform.  

Click for zoom.

It appears Mr Beasley doesn't have an original thought of his own.

He's been caught before (PART I) but refuses to acknowledge it. Says he stands by it. 

Out of curiosity I typed in a couple 'a sentences from the middle of it. As I was searching I found more. 

Blue screenshot from Beasley's site:

Compare it with the screenshot below, which is the site he plagiarized.  

Linkedin, belonging to 

Christopher Winters was running for Business Agent at the time. He's from Seattle. What you see below is part of his campaign platform. 

I no longer have the time nor the desire to continue checking his writings, line by line. The point's been made.  Should he win the election for President, consider the liability to ATU. Not to mention the embarrassment this would bring to the Union as a whole.  

I don't see an actual vision to what this Presidency would bring,  other then the words of others.  Just saying...

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Henry Beasley

Running for President of ATU 757

Screenshot from his 'elect me' website:

click image for zoom

The very essense of arrogance. That effu attitude which unfortunately rings true these days from candidates like Donald Trump. Wouldn't expect it from a smaller Union election.  Beasley's the first one to scream 'corruption' and yet the first one to be it.  

He got caught plagiarizing at least 80% of his campaign platform. In another posting he says he stands by it. Then created a new one, assumably because of the heat he got from the last one. In the screenshot above he says, "...but I am humble enough to admit when I am wrong."

But he has yet to apologize to the membership for 
treating us like we're stupid. 
He has yet to admit it and yet to make amends for taking someone else's intellectual property and making it his own. Instead he blames me for exposing him.  lol

1.) dishonest political tactics.
2.) Lack of integrity by going silent when caught plagiarizing material for his campaign platform, even after a member reminded him his name was on the document.
3.) Misogynist in how he acts / responds to women. Actively supports and participates on a site which incites the disparaging treatment of women.
4.) Lack of integrity and honesty.  
Screenshot from his website:

"We need standards of how we do things in the best interest of the membership while constantly reevaluate changes that will strengthen our solidarity."

But his actions speak louder than his words. In the last election he and his wife signed 'Preferring of Charges Petitions' against two of the other candidates (Bruce Hanson and Dan Martin) who were also running. He signed against Bruce Hansen for no other reason then to get rid of his competition. Preferring of Charges is the first step in blackballing a member from their representation and benefits. It's a divisive and contemptible act meant, for no other reason then to create an 'us against them' environment and a distraction to the important stuff.

Screenshot from his 'elect me' website:

Can be found on Ranting's Blog.

From FB Union site:

click images for zoom

When he starts telling McFarlane or Stedman "Rinse and repeat.", that'll be the end of negotiations.

Screenshot from a FB Union ATU 757 specific site:


Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King Jr.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


“In reaction against the age-old slogan, "woman is the weaker vessel," or the still more offensive, "woman is a divine creature," we have, I think, allowed ourselves to drift into asserting that "a woman is as good as a man," without always pausing to think what exactly we mean by that. What, I feel, we ought to mean is something so obvious that it is apt to escape attention altogether, viz: (...) that a woman is just as much an ordinary human being as a man, with the same individual preferences, and with just as much right to the tastes and preferences of an individual. What is repugnant to every human being is to be reckoned always as a member of a class and not as an individual person.” 

Part III 

I don't support anyone who abuses another person or animals or our environment or the trees.... or our water, air or landfills....

......and I don't support the supporters of the supporters.......
 or their followers
or contributors
or those who know about it and don't speak out! 

... be it physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, economic or through power.

... be it in person, or through the internet.

or this guy with the finger who allows for the public degradation of women on his Blog and two of his supporters who are running for President and Vice President of our Union. 

Al Margulies, 
Owner of Rantings of a Former Trimet Bus Driver Blog.

click images for zoom

One of many screen shots I've captured over the years showing abuse to women.  He says he doesn't have control over the comments.  Check out the red arrow.  I have control over comments on this blog so I know he does. 

He provides a forum for hatred from anonymous sources. And, sometimes the sources aren't anonymous. Nevertheless, it's Misogynist. He brags about the thousands of views he receives from not just our region but from around the world. He displays pictures of those he writes about so his anonymous commentors can recognize their victims if they happen to be walking down the street or shopping somewhere. 

If the screen shot above isn't enough, there's this one:


Click the link. Margulies was defending his friend, a 53 year old guy from being arrested for sexually abusing a 14 year old girl passenger on his Bus. Screen shot is from that incident. 

Beasley and Day support and contribute to it:

Screen shot published February 22nd, 2016. Just 11 days ago.  

Beasley and Day have supported and participated in Margulies Blog for years, but as candidates for President and Vice Presidential positions in our Union, I find it appalling and degrading to all of us. 

Apparently, they only care about their campaigns and use the site to get their message out and slander their competition.  Not the type of behavior one would expect from adults wanting to run the Union. 

Margulies encourages hatred. Henry Beasley in my experience is Misogynist. Day, in my experience is more like he hates everyone. If you look at him the wrong way he'll file preferring of Charges against you or write you up to HR. More on that later.

Screen shot was captured from a FB conversation from a co-worker who was questioning Henry's silence when he was confronted about signing the Preferring of Charges petitions and his actions against women.  This was from the first election cycle. 

... and again this last several days. He's refused to make a statement regarding my entry about his Plagiarism. Most people, when confronted say something. They apologize and move on as we all do.  Not Henry. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


From an earlier post.
Originally 5/28/2015


What makes this whole thing so disturbing are two of the signatures on the petition are also running for the two top election positions.  Plus Beasley's wife signed it.

A week or two ago, I asked if he signed it.  He went silent then succumbed later to the pressure he was getting for ignoring it.  

Then this last week another member asked him if he signed it.  He again went silent then refused comment online...  screenshot below is from that member's comments after running into Beasley.

Henry Beasley
Running for President of ATU 757

Professes transparency, integrity and truth...

click images for zoom

"Proud to sign... but not proud to admit that you signed it?!!

Preferring of Charges petition filed against Bruce Hansen and Dan Martin.

'Preferring of Charges' is the start of a process to blackball a Union member from their representation and benefits.  Chris Day is an expert at filing these. He's filed many over the years against members he didn't like for one reason or another. I got to be the first! In this case, he filed against Dan Martin who was also his competition in the race for Vice President. He then did a background check on Martin and sent the results to the Oregonian and Willamette Week. That's a second way to get rid of your competition, just in case the first way didn't work. Then he filed another one but this time against Bruce Hansen who was competing against Henry Beasley for President.  Henry Beasley caught on quickly as to how Chris planned on winning so he and his wife made sure their signatures were the first on the Preferring of Charges petition Chris created again, but this time against Mr. Hansen.

Filing 'Preferring of Charges' against a Union member for pettiness or out of fear of loosing an election is one of the most ANTI-UNION things any member can do to another.  All of those signatures, all of those people he asked to sign it are Union brothers and sisters they (Chris and Henry) brought into their world of hatred who willingly took sides against one of their own, in the name of solidarity. 

T H I N K  A B O U T  I T !

Tuesday, March 1, 2016




Challenges were filed against the last ATU 757 election which took place last June. The US Department of Labor (DOL) investigated and determined a new election was in order for the Offices of President and Vice President.  

Shirley Block
President ATU 757

Exciting times. I believe things happen for a reason and I believe the membership got to see that Shirley Block's interest in the Presidency was way more about prestige and money then Union business.  She fired the in-house lawyer and hired law clerks, one of whom flunked the State Bar 3 (three) times. So these law clerks were gonna be up against Trimet's six figure lawyers. Labor law is big business. Unions are dependent upon them. Shirley Block set these clerks up as mince meat and our members as well. The Union would end up paying insane fees to outside lawyers to clean up their mess. She also used the members private e-mail list to campaign.  

Nevertheless, this posting's about Mr. Beasley.  

I'm asking that members look at his record and what he's done in comparison to his rhetoric. 

Experience, qualifications and integrity is everything and not particularly in that order.  

Henry Beasley, Bus Operator
Running for President of ATU 757

1.) HE DOSEN'T HAVE EXPERIENCE!  According to him, he was offered a 'shop steward' position this last August but refused. He's not interested in running for Executive Board Officer. He has his own idea about how the Union should be run and it sounds as though it's not according to ATU International or local Constitution. Additionally, according to him, he would rather represent a member without Management present.  If I understand this correctly, he's giving advise without ATU input. He wants the power of the Presidency without the experience or knowledge. To his favor, he has a wide range of ideas as to how things should be. But then don't we all. lol And those things can only be changed through Constitutional amendments which is horribly time consuming, so they're not immediate solutions or even close, perhaps not even in this lifetime. 

2.) He doesn't appear to have a temperament conducive to negotiating. Should he be elected he'll be sitting across the table from Trimet's highly paid six figure negotiator, 

Randy Stedman
Executive Director Labor Relations and Human Resources 

$193,948.69 per W2 from 2014

click images for zoom

This year's a contract year. It's imperative that the person we elect as President, has not just an intellectual balance with Trimet's negotiators but a temperament conducive to compromise. Since we have a 'no-strike' clause our negotiating is limited. It's their game. If the person we elect doesn't work well across the table we're forced into binding arbitration with someone who just wants to get in, get out and go home.

Having said that: 

As you can see from the screenshot below by his response to me, intelligence, compromise and patience doesn't seem to be a virtue.

An example. The red circle below is his response to a comment I made about a comment he made earlier on FB regarding a conversation about "stepping up and staying with the issues and not the personalities" I found that statement in direct conflict with his behavior so I came in with my 2 cents. I wanted to bring it up because those same items were at issue with his last quest for the Presidency. To my knowledge he didn't ever cop to it nor did he apologize to those members whom his actions hurt. He, along with Chris Day turned that election process into an ugly despicable dirty mess. 

When I called him on it, he answered "Rinse and repeat", which has become a way too frequent response to members who ask questions or make statements. Usually happens when someone's asking for clarification or questioning a statement he made which contradicts something else. He won't cop to his behavior with an apology or an explanation but rather chooses to attack the person asking. As a result, there've been concerns within the membership about his level of patience' and his ability to negotiate with those of whom he disagrees. "Rinse and Repeat" is a put down. It feels like he's telling you to F*ck off. As a member of this Union seeking the highest position, he invalidates members concerns and is Misogynist in his dealings with strong (or not so strong) women who speak out.    

3.)  Plagiarism / Honesty

An instance of plagiarizing, especially a passage that is taken from the work of one person and reproduced in the work of another without attribution.

I noticed that several comments on FB, written by Chris Day were plagiarized.  We were in a discussion about it when Mr. Beasley popped in. 

First arrow, in all fairness to Henry, since he was there, I asked if he too was involved in plagiarizing. Had he answered honestly or respectfully I wouldn't have pursued it. But, like I said before, things tend to happen for a reason.

Second arrow, Henry's response "Still grasping at straws, to stay in the conversation. OK, but won't bite." 

 So I exposed him:

Click images for zoom

This long blue thing siting here is a screenshot of Henry's campaign platform in full. Everything else on down to the video are screenshots from this platform comparing them to  the actual document/s he took them from. The links etc are also from actual plagiarized source.

Item 1.) Actual transparency:

Blue screen shot is the first item he listed on his Campaign Platform.
Area plagiarized sits in-between the red arrows on the document he took it from below:

He took it from this document

Middle of the first paragraph under 'transparency'.

Budget Transparency / accountability

Page 41

Middle of first paragraph.


6.) The blue screen shot's from his campaign Platform (above or below)

He took someone else's intellectual property, which in this case is Wikipedia's, (first screenshot below, between the arrows and the bullets), as his own. The blue screenshot further down is from his campaign platform. Even though the material is 'free source', most people, those with ethical standards, will enclose the area they want with "quotation marks" followed by a source. Or they'll write, according to "yada yada yada..." or "Wikipedia..."

click images for zoom

First paragraph:  "... who represents and defends the interests of her/his fellow employees but who is also a labor union official. Rank-and-file members (he excludes "of the union") hold this position voluntarily (he excludes the area between the parenthesis) maintaining their role as an employee (he changes "of the firm" to "companies we serve).  As a result the, the union stewart becomes a significant link and conduit of information of information between the union leadership and rank-and-file workers."
Bullet 4.) Communicate and disseminate official union policy, memos and directives to workers in the shop.
Bullet 5.) Popularize and promote union consciousness and values in the workplace.
 and compare

Item #3
Blue screenshot from Henry's Campaign Platform
see quote between the red arrows.

Compare it to the area between the arrows to the actual document below.


Item #5
Blue Screenshot from his Campaign Platform
quote between the red arrows:

Compare it with this:

Area between the arrows. Taken from a site called IGS.
3rd paragraph down from the video presentation.  

While the information Mr. Beasley provides is informative, it's also intended to create an illusion. Same as the video interview below. I'm not making a decisive judgement about his education or areas of expertise because I don't have that information. I can only go by what I see. What I see is someone who reminds me of a used car salesman in the respect that he appears hungry. Hungry to make the sale and get the commission regardless of the cost to others which in this case would be our membership. In my opinion, based on what I've displayed here, Mr. Beasley's intent is to create an illusion as to who he is and what he's knows, intellectually in order to sway the election his way.

Click link for Henry's video Interview

While watching the video, take notice the soft black and white tones and his mannerisms. It feels and sounds like a well rehearsed marketed production. I found his information mostly incorrect.

The links works, can't seem to change them to blue but they work.