Wednesday, March 2, 2016


From an earlier post.
Originally 5/28/2015


What makes this whole thing so disturbing are two of the signatures on the petition are also running for the two top election positions.  Plus Beasley's wife signed it.

A week or two ago, I asked if he signed it.  He went silent then succumbed later to the pressure he was getting for ignoring it.  

Then this last week another member asked him if he signed it.  He again went silent then refused comment online...  screenshot below is from that member's comments after running into Beasley.

Henry Beasley
Running for President of ATU 757

Professes transparency, integrity and truth...

click images for zoom

"Proud to sign... but not proud to admit that you signed it?!!

Preferring of Charges petition filed against Bruce Hansen and Dan Martin.

'Preferring of Charges' is the start of a process to blackball a Union member from their representation and benefits.  Chris Day is an expert at filing these. He's filed many over the years against members he didn't like for one reason or another. I got to be the first! In this case, he filed against Dan Martin who was also his competition in the race for Vice President. He then did a background check on Martin and sent the results to the Oregonian and Willamette Week. That's a second way to get rid of your competition, just in case the first way didn't work. Then he filed another one but this time against Bruce Hansen who was competing against Henry Beasley for President.  Henry Beasley caught on quickly as to how Chris planned on winning so he and his wife made sure their signatures were the first on the Preferring of Charges petition Chris created again, but this time against Mr. Hansen.

Filing 'Preferring of Charges' against a Union member for pettiness or out of fear of loosing an election is one of the most ANTI-UNION things any member can do to another.  All of those signatures, all of those people he asked to sign it are Union brothers and sisters they (Chris and Henry) brought into their world of hatred who willingly took sides against one of their own, in the name of solidarity. 

T H I N K  A B O U T  I T !

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