Challenges were filed against the last ATU 757 election which took place last June. The US Department of Labor (DOL) investigated and determined a new election was in order for the Offices of President and Vice President.
Shirley Block
President ATU 757
Exciting times. I believe things happen for a reason and I believe the membership got to see that Shirley Block's interest in the Presidency was way more about prestige and money then Union business. She fired the in-house lawyer and hired law clerks, one of whom flunked the State Bar 3 (three) times. So these law clerks were gonna be up against Trimet's six figure lawyers. Labor law is big business. Unions are dependent upon them. Shirley Block set these clerks up as mince meat and our members as well. The Union would end up paying insane fees to outside lawyers to clean up their mess. She also used the members private e-mail list to campaign.
Nevertheless, this posting's about Mr. Beasley.
I'm asking that members look at his record and what he's done in comparison to his rhetoric.
Experience, qualifications and integrity is everything and not particularly in that order.
Henry Beasley, Bus Operator
Running for President of ATU 757
1.) HE DOSEN'T HAVE EXPERIENCE! According to him, he was offered a 'shop steward' position this last August but refused. He's not interested in running for Executive Board Officer. He has his own idea about how the Union should be run and it sounds as though it's not according to ATU International or local Constitution. Additionally, according to him, he would rather represent a member without Management present. If I understand this correctly, he's giving advise without ATU input. He wants the power of the Presidency without the experience or knowledge. To his favor, he has a wide range of ideas as to how things should be. But then don't we all. lol And those things can only be changed through Constitutional amendments which is horribly time consuming, so they're not immediate solutions or even close, perhaps not even in this lifetime.
2.) He doesn't appear to have a temperament conducive to negotiating. Should he be elected he'll be sitting across the table from Trimet's highly paid six figure negotiator,
Randy Stedman
Executive Director Labor Relations and Human Resources
$193,948.69 per W2 from 2014
click images for zoom
This year's a contract year. It's imperative that the person we elect as President, has not just an intellectual balance with Trimet's negotiators but a temperament conducive to compromise. Since we have a 'no-strike' clause our negotiating is limited. It's their game. If the person we elect doesn't work well across the table we're forced into binding arbitration with someone who just wants to get in, get out and go home.
Having said that:
As you can see from the screenshot below by his response to me, intelligence, compromise and patience doesn't seem to be a virtue.
An example. The red circle below is his response to a comment I made about a comment he made earlier on FB regarding a conversation about "stepping up and staying with the issues and not the personalities" I found that statement in direct conflict with his behavior so I came in with my 2 cents. I wanted to bring it up because those same items were at issue with his last quest for the Presidency. To my knowledge he didn't ever cop to it nor did he apologize to those members whom his actions hurt. He, along with Chris Day turned that election process into an ugly despicable dirty mess.
When I called him on it, he answered "Rinse and repeat", which has become a way too frequent response to members who ask questions or make statements. Usually happens when someone's asking for clarification or questioning a statement he made which contradicts something else. He won't cop to his behavior with an apology or an explanation but rather chooses to attack the person asking. As a result, there've been concerns within the membership about his level of patience' and his ability to negotiate with those of whom he disagrees. "Rinse and Repeat" is a put down. It feels like he's telling you to F*ck off. As a member of this Union seeking the highest position, he invalidates members concerns and is Misogynist in his dealings with strong (or not so strong) women who speak out.
3.) Plagiarism / Honesty
I noticed that several comments on FB, written by Chris Day were plagiarized. We were in a discussion about it when Mr. Beasley popped in.
First arrow, in all fairness to Henry, since he was there, I asked if he too was involved in plagiarizing. Had he answered honestly or respectfully I wouldn't have pursued it. But, like I said before, things tend to happen for a reason.
First arrow, in all fairness to Henry, since he was there, I asked if he too was involved in plagiarizing. Had he answered honestly or respectfully I wouldn't have pursued it. But, like I said before, things tend to happen for a reason.
Second arrow, Henry's response "Still grasping at straws, to stay in the conversation. OK, but won't bite."
So I exposed him:
Click images for zoom
This long blue thing siting here is a screenshot of Henry's campaign platform in full. Everything else on down to the video are screenshots from this platform comparing them to the actual document/s he took them from. The links etc are also from actual plagiarized source.
Item 1.) Actual transparency:
Blue screen shot is the first item he listed on his Campaign Platform.
Area plagiarized sits in-between the red arrows on the document he took it from below:

He took it from this document
Middle of the first paragraph under 'transparency'.
Budget Transparency / accountability
Page 41
Middle of first paragraph.
6.) The blue screen shot's from his campaign Platform (above or below)
He took someone else's intellectual property, which in this case is Wikipedia's, (first screenshot below, between the arrows and the bullets), as his own. The blue screenshot further down is from his campaign platform. Even though the material is 'free source', most people, those with ethical standards, will enclose the area they want with "quotation marks" followed by a source. Or they'll write, according to "yada yada yada..." or "Wikipedia..."
click images for zoom
First paragraph: "... who represents and defends the interests of her/his fellow employees but who is also a labor union official. Rank-and-file members (he excludes "of the union") hold this position voluntarily (he excludes the area between the parenthesis) maintaining their role as an employee (he changes "of the firm" to "companies we serve). As a result the, the union stewart becomes a significant link and conduit of information of information between the union leadership and rank-and-file workers."
Click link for Henry's video Interview
While watching the video, take notice the soft black and white tones and his mannerisms. It feels and sounds like a well rehearsed marketed production. I found his information mostly incorrect.
This long blue thing siting here is a screenshot of Henry's campaign platform in full. Everything else on down to the video are screenshots from this platform comparing them to the actual document/s he took them from. The links etc are also from actual plagiarized source.
Item 1.) Actual transparency:
Blue screen shot is the first item he listed on his Campaign Platform.
Area plagiarized sits in-between the red arrows on the document he took it from below:

He took it from this document
Middle of the first paragraph under 'transparency'.
Budget Transparency / accountability
Page 41
Middle of first paragraph.
6.) The blue screen shot's from his campaign Platform (above or below)
He took someone else's intellectual property, which in this case is Wikipedia's, (first screenshot below, between the arrows and the bullets), as his own. The blue screenshot further down is from his campaign platform. Even though the material is 'free source', most people, those with ethical standards, will enclose the area they want with "quotation marks" followed by a source. Or they'll write, according to "yada yada yada..." or "Wikipedia..."
click images for zoom
First paragraph: "... who represents and defends the interests of her/his fellow employees but who is also a labor union official. Rank-and-file members (he excludes "of the union") hold this position voluntarily (he excludes the area between the parenthesis) maintaining their role as an employee (he changes "of the firm" to "companies we serve). As a result the, the union stewart becomes a significant link and conduit of information of information between the union leadership and rank-and-file workers."
Bullet 4.) Communicate and disseminate official union policy, memos and directives to workers in the shop.
Bullet 5.) Popularize and promote union consciousness and values in the workplace.
and compare
Item #3
Blue screenshot from Henry's Campaign Platform
see quote between the red arrows.
Compare it to the area between the arrows to the actual document below.
Item #5
Blue Screenshot from his Campaign Platform
quote between the red arrows:
Compare it with this:
Area between the arrows. Taken from a site called IGS.
3rd paragraph down from the video presentation.
While the information Mr. Beasley provides is informative, it's also intended to create an illusion. Same as the video interview below. I'm not making a decisive judgement about his education or areas of expertise because I don't have that information. I can only go by what I see. What I see is someone who reminds me of a used car salesman in the respect that he appears hungry. Hungry to make the sale and get the commission regardless of the cost to others which in this case would be our membership. In my opinion, based on what I've displayed here, Mr. Beasley's intent is to create an illusion as to who he is and what he's knows, intellectually in order to sway the election his way.
Click link for Henry's video Interview
While watching the video, take notice the soft black and white tones and his mannerisms. It feels and sounds like a well rehearsed marketed production. I found his information mostly incorrect.
The links works, can't seem to change them to blue but they work.
I offered Henry Beasley an opportunity to reply to the plagerism charges against him, on this blog. He said he already had. Nothing's come in. Gave him my email address as well which will be forwarded over here. Just checking, making sure the comments section works.
ReplyDeleteSooooo it appears it works. Hmmm...
ReplyDeleteAnything else you want us to know about you Henry??!!!