Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Regarding the upcoming ATU 757 re-election for VP


Jonathan Hunt
 Current VP

Has been a part of the ATU political machine since 2002

Running for re-election due to an order from the Department of Labors' Investigation,  mostly about his conduct during the last election.

Part I was information I received from a variety of folks about Hunt's behavior before and during Bruce Hansen's Presidency as well as the most recent electoral process. My personal experience is that he uses his power inappropriately as a tool to harm others for personal gain. There's what appears to be a serious inequality in how he conducts business with those members who either are or aren't a part of his 'clique'. I believe he's more about that 'good 'ol boy' shtick, which seems somewhat surprising in this day and age. 

Nevertheless, it's the same thing year after year. He's not a team player. He's not honest in how he uses Union resources and he appears to be more about a mentality of popularity and personal gain. One of the Executive Board Officers used to tell a story about him when he first started with the Union. He said Hunt bought 2 or 3 frames costing $500 each (on the Union Credit Card) to hang pictures in his office. One of the Spotters used to brag that "Hunt would take all of the mechanics and yard helpers to breakfast" on the Union credit card.  

Having said that, he has competition for the election:

Chris Day
Bus Operator

Chris and I have a history. Not a good history. He's written me up several times with his then partner John Olsen. He's written up my friends. Chris and I have never talked. When I see him I head for the hills.

Having said that, sometimes in life ya gotta step back from the personalities and evaluate what's best, or could be best for the organization as a whole - without invalidating yourself, what you've been through - as well as your friends, people you care about and what they've been through. If I wasn't writing a Blog it would be different, but because I am, I feel a certain responsibility for 'doing the right thing.' 

What I do know about Chris is he's perfecto mundo at researching. He has a genuine love for all things Union. He's anal about 'following the rules' and 'changing them' if they need changing. I believe he's honest to the penny - in other words he wouldn't rip off the Union or allow anyone else to. I believe he'd work hard and well with Bruce Hansen, Mary Longoria and the Executive Board Officers. He deserves a chance.

It's time for change  - like big time!!!  Get rid of the old ways, the old guard - once and for all. It's time for respect and unity.  Vote for Bruce and Chris.  (they're not running together but just saying...)  Keep Union business in the present!!  Keep it clean!! 

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