Sunday, March 13, 2016


Henry Beasley

Running for President of ATU 757

Screenshot from his 'elect me' website:

click image for zoom

The very essense of arrogance. That effu attitude which unfortunately rings true these days from candidates like Donald Trump. Wouldn't expect it from a smaller Union election.  Beasley's the first one to scream 'corruption' and yet the first one to be it.  

He got caught plagiarizing at least 80% of his campaign platform. In another posting he says he stands by it. Then created a new one, assumably because of the heat he got from the last one. In the screenshot above he says, "...but I am humble enough to admit when I am wrong."

But he has yet to apologize to the membership for 
treating us like we're stupid. 
He has yet to admit it and yet to make amends for taking someone else's intellectual property and making it his own. Instead he blames me for exposing him.  lol

1.) dishonest political tactics.
2.) Lack of integrity by going silent when caught plagiarizing material for his campaign platform, even after a member reminded him his name was on the document.
3.) Misogynist in how he acts / responds to women. Actively supports and participates on a site which incites the disparaging treatment of women.
4.) Lack of integrity and honesty.  
Screenshot from his website:

"We need standards of how we do things in the best interest of the membership while constantly reevaluate changes that will strengthen our solidarity."

But his actions speak louder than his words. In the last election he and his wife signed 'Preferring of Charges Petitions' against two of the other candidates (Bruce Hanson and Dan Martin) who were also running. He signed against Bruce Hansen for no other reason then to get rid of his competition. Preferring of Charges is the first step in blackballing a member from their representation and benefits. It's a divisive and contemptible act meant, for no other reason then to create an 'us against them' environment and a distraction to the important stuff.

Screenshot from his 'elect me' website:

Can be found on Ranting's Blog.

From FB Union site:

click images for zoom

When he starts telling McFarlane or Stedman "Rinse and repeat.", that'll be the end of negotiations.

Screenshot from a FB Union ATU 757 specific site:


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