Sunday, June 10, 2018




The outcome of this election will affect your wages, benefits, pension and working conditions for years - not just the length of the contract. 


Henry Beasley
Running for President of ATU 757 - again... 

One of the most important aspects of electing a candidate is personal integrity. Personal and professional. Without it - you've got nothing! Should the adverse happen, the potential threat to the membership could be more then devastating in that it could compromise the elective by creating a vulnerability easily understood by the hierarchy - aka - Randy Stedman - the guy who's in charge of HR, Labor relations and negotiating ATU contracts. You wanna be certain your candidate has no smudges or worse on their record like DWI's. That they respect and treat ALL members equally. You wanna make sure those running for office are doing so solely for the membership - not personal gain. 

Having said that, here are some things you need to know.  If in doubt - click the links at the bottom of the page for screenshots of his behavior towards members during the last election.

I involved myself with calling concerns about Henry's plagiarism and misogynistic behavior to the attention of the members because there were so many contradictions. I posted screenshots as proof because, when confronted with the discrepancies he refused to comment. I even offered him space on this blog to respond. He refused. He was in contradiction of who he said he was. i.e.: Plagiarism - there were Union Blogs via Google in which Henry took their words, line by line, word for word as his own - then published them on his Blog. He plagiarized his campaign platform as well. When asked about it he refused to answer then personally attacked me for outing him,  as you can see by the screen shot below from his Facebook page. He not only refused to apologize to members back then but additionally now - in this new election cycle.  Had he, I'd have found other things to do on this beautiful day instead of sitting here writing this. If his behavior moves forward, unaddressed, should he be elected, hypothetically, he's putting Union resources at risk for legal actions.  

click images for zoom

This is liable. Red circle - lower left corner 561. The posting remained up a year or more. In order for it not to be liable he must be in possession of a statement from a psychiatrist confirming his diagnosis.  A liable lawsuit only has to be seen by one person. In this instance there were 561. You have 8 years to sue. When you put yourself at risk for a legal action that's one thing, but when you use your position or wanna be position against someone legally, such as President of ATU against someone who you don't agree with or you feel doesn't have the same First Amendment rights as you do - that's another problem. 

A few of the things I noticed about candidate Beasley was that he was adverse to conflict. If you asked him a question about his election plan or challenged something - like some of his conspiracy theories regarding other candidates he might get up and walk away - which is what he did to me on a Bus we were both taking back to the garage. He actually invalidated the question and me, assumably because I'm a woman and because he didn't have facts to prove the statements he made about the other candidate and Union attorney were true.

Additionally, as a candidate HE AND HIS WIFE SIGNED ONE OF CHRIS DAY'S 'PREFERRING OF CHARGES' (black ball) PETITIONS against then President Bruce Hansen. In my opinion, between Beasley and Day, they'd privatize Unions for their sole and complete benefit. It's a sad day when candidates feel the only way they can win an election is by filling blackball petitions against their competition.

He didn't understand. Does he still not?  

Click the links as proof of my charges against him. Warning: They're from the last election. Some are wordy. (sorry) They include screen shots of plagiarism, misogamy and his refusal to answer members questions. Again - to my knowledge he hasn't apologized for his role in that election, which means he carries it forward to this one yada yada yada...

EDUCATE YOURSELF! Don't vote for popularity - vote for time, experience, the ability to negotiate and the ability to live in solidarity. Candidates need to be transparent and accountable!! The outcome of this election will affect your wages, benefits, pension and working conditions for years - not just the length of the contract. 


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