Friday, September 23, 2011


Originally published 9/23/2011

August 14, 2011 at 3PM

For the second time, I am summoned to attend an ATU meeting where I had to face Union Officials and members who were introduced to a new set of complaints filed against me by: 

Originally published 9/23/2011Click image to enlarge

The charges?  That I POSTED names and badge numbers of co-workers who signed petitions to have me black balled from my Union on this blog - a public blog.  And just in case that didn't work, they also charged me with giving names of the signatories to HR for punishment.  If you've been reading previous blog postings you know that wasn't true.

Why did I publish these?   Because the signatures were deceptively obtained (by Chris Day, John Olsen and Al Margulies) from co-workers during working hours who mostly didn't read or understand what they were signing.  Who were mostly told the petition signatures were "for The Union."  Because some of the signatures appeared 'forged' but Al M later noted that,  "I was so drunk I couldn't see what I was signing".

Because hundreds of e-mails were sent out to co-workers, management, bloggers from the community in and out of Oregon, because some e-mails were sent using the TM e-mail system, because an online survey had been taken asking the public to vote on my possible demise, because I, as a result have suffered much embarrassment and humiliation within my workplace and the community in which I live.
Because the signature gathering was a scam and because I was ENRAGED that my seemingly intelligent co-workers either trusted too much or didn't bother reading that what they signed could  affect the livelihood of another.  Because NOT ONE of them approached me with questions. Because Ed Brock signed the petition because he didn't like my speaking out when he BUZZED me with his Bus while I was cycling on NE 15th Avenue, nearly smashing me to death. What type of person would go through the Union process of blackballing a co-worker from union representation and benefits simply because he got caught harassing a cyclist?!!!  And I did it because NOT ONE OF THEM appeared to have enough sense to fight their way out of a bag.  

Why did I publish these?  Because I could - because there is absolutely NOTHING in the ATU Constitution which prevents me from publishing names and badge numbers.  

From ATU International Constitution:

"21.7 Disclosure of Union Business.  No officer or member of the L.U. shall furnish to any unauthorized person a list of the names and addresses of the membership. All business of the L.U. must be kept strictly private from persons outside of the Union, unless publication be authorized by the L.U., and persons giving out any information contrary to the L.U. shall after proceeding in accordance with the provisions of Section 22, if found guilty, be fined, suspended or expelled."

Soooo, If I had to face a public flogging of sorts because I posted names and badge numbers on my site - WHY DIDN'T STEVE FUNG AND AL MARGULIES have "Preferring of Charges" filed against them for doing the EXACT SAME thing?!!! 

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