Friday, September 23, 2011


Originally published 9/23/2011

Back to the August "Preferring of Charges Meeting"

There were more members than usual because the picnic meeting had preceded the business meeting. Several stayed. Jon Hunt announced the agenda and of course when he mentioned the "Preferring of Charges" portion against me heads flung around the room looking for the culprit.  Chris Day showed up late.  What I noticed about him is that he looked more disheveled than usual. He looked like he hadn't slept in days or was VERY hungover.  He sat on the floor in the back of the room against a wall.  He had something in his hand = it wasn't a set of keys.  No pen or paper.  I looked back at him a few times.  He wasn't taking notes. He seemed to be semi-conscious - taking a nap or zoned out.  Days later I saw this posted on his blog.  

WHOA!!!  Had he actually TAPE RECORDED the meeting?!!!  This Chris Day guy is all busy accusing everyone else of being dishonest and illegal but ya know what they say, 'when you're pointing a finger at someone else, ya got three of 'em pointin' right back at cha.' 

When it came time for the "Preferring of Charges" part, Jon Hunt emphatically stated the Union is AGAINST it.  That it's ILLEGAL and, as was said in the first "Preferring of Charges" meeting, "she can sue us."  SO, WHY AM I HERE AND WHY IS MY NAME ALL MUDDIED UP?!!! Chris Day REFUSES comment.  (later on that).  I get THREE MINUTES WHICH GOT STRETCHED TO FIVE.  People are turned around in their seats watching me, trying to see if I LOOK EVIL.  Probably not hearing a word I'm saying - just sitting there judging me.  Expecting me to say something in five minutes that will make it all go away somehow.  Thinking to themselves that they didn't come here for this.  NO ONE actually BLACKBALLS anymore - do they?!!!  A couple of 'em asked questions. Lavern was the BEST part. She talked about how that action can IMPLODE a Union from the inside out.  But - is anyone listening?

I came loaded with notes and over $30 worth of copies to prove "it simply ain't true.  But I can't follow the notes 'cause there just isn't enough time and the copies never made it to the audience.  

Then comes Jeff Ackerson:  

"She did it to me too..."

What did I do that upset him so much that he felt he needed to reprimand me in a Union meeting?   After talking with him later, it appears he was upset that I wrote a posting on my blog where I showed the same video as above.  He felt I should have checked with him first. The topic had to do with people who support and encourage abusers. 

Ackerson is an avid fan and supporter of Margulies and his Rantings Blog which was proven through the series of e-mail posted below. And, as such he's heard the constant stream of the negative, abusive highly public and slanderous bashings I've received over the last couple of years. He's heard the same message over and over again.  If Ackerson didn't like or agree with my post he could have contacted me either through blog comments or through e-mail or phone, etc.  But instead, he (who is also an Executive Board Officer for ATU) chose to hold off on his OUTBURST until the Preferring of Charges meeting. So, what the fuck was that all about? He used his Union position to 'get back at me' and then voted "NO" I could've respected a 'YES' vote from him.  But now, I don't know who the hell  he is or what he stands for.  It was like - why bring it up in the first place to a room packed with people who don't understand and there isn't time to explain. It felt like he was purposely adding to the negativity so the boys would film him - and THEY DID!!!  

 Because of his outburst, he put himself in a position where he can't represent or vote or even 'sit' in meetings when my name comes up, which includes accident appeals or E-Board meetings.  He has to be in a position to represent the entire membership equally but he SINGLED ME OUT, I assume because of his relationship with Margulies.  (e-mails below more than suggest it)   The guys love their AL. He puts them on a You Tube and sings some bullshit praise and they get their 15 minutes.  Woo hoo!!!  

Soooo, I immediately try to rectify my part. He says he was upset because I hadn't contacted him BEFORE I put the posting up because he had specific reasons for coming to Al's defense. Civil Rights and Freedom of Speech.  But - you know - hate speech is not free speech.  And then you don't make excuses for him by saying he's "not a threat" and his blog is "information that's useful." because it's not. Just the fact alone that Margulies supports an admitted child molester is reason for concern. Nevertheless, I left under the impression that all was understood and it was over. NOT!!!

Weeks later, I'm writing a blog about the 'Preferring of Charges' meeting I had to again go through and the subsequent SCAM I discovered when Al and Chris started posting private Union business on their blogs and blaming me for it.  I contacted Jeff - as we agreed - to let him know I'd be writing about my experience in the last meeting and will be including his OUTBURST.  As previously agreed, I stated my intentions to let him read it before posting. This is what I got in return:

Click image to zoom.
Thread starts at bottom.
Jeff is RED

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