Sunday, May 28, 2017


It's unfortunate Trimet can't be more forthcoming with their public statements.

"Trimet is increasing our security presence and remains fully committed to our employees and riders." 

"Altstadt did not say whether the increased security would be permanent."

These are 'talking points'.  Once an event simmers down they remove Security and life goes on until the next incident.  Not a comforting fact for riders. 

Neil McFarlane
General Manager
2015 Salary, $267,441.00 
per THIS

This image is from a Channel 8 news clip regarding the stabbings on MAX. Neil McFarlane's under the red arrow. What occurs to me, during all those times throughout the years he's been General Manager, is that we, the workers and ATU have repeatedly brought safety and security concerns to him, his Managers and the Board of Directors. 

Our concerns were never addressed or resolved. As my Mother used to say, "it's like talking to a wall." 

Assaults are system wide. Differences being, Bus Operators are a physical presence and they have the option of pushing a silent alarm or flagging down a cop. Three Bus Operators have been stabbed in the last 4 years. Operators get spit on and assaulted on a regular basis. Max Operators are secure in a cab but it's the customers who're at risk. When an altercation breaks out on MAX,  you gotta go to a conspicuous emergency button which is something you might not wanna do since you're locked in the car at the mercy of the perpetrator/s.  MAX riders are additionally victimized by a system which isn't providing consistent security, particularly in these times of Trump, where he's inciting violence from hate groups.

Mass Transit's always been susceptible to terrorist attacks. Years ago Homeland Security provided training on how to recognize it and respond. These days security is simply not there and the few times it was it's not been something you could count on. Trimet tends to respond, but briefly at best and only until the incident's cooled down. Trimet needs to provide armed guards on all trains, all cars, all the time!!  We can't be messing around with 'costs' or 'budgets' when life is at at stake. 

It'd be interesting to find out how many Incident Reports on assaults were generated in the last 4 or 5 years.  The number of MAX customer assaults may be questionable if the Agency isn't forthcoming. MAX is their pride and joy. I personally don't know but have been on trains were fights broke out causing Police and ambulance intervention. When something hits the news they appear to appease the public through talking points (same as the one above) "Trimet is increasing our security presence and remains fully committed to our employees and riders." 

There've been times when Wackenhut rode MAX for a short spurts - in-between incidents.  Years ago Rider Advocates were on the Buses protecting Operators and customers. It ended because Trimet apparently didn't wanna pay Union wages and benefits to the Unionized group. At TM, it appears money's more important then integrity or values particularly when it comes to protecting their workers and customers on a regular ongoing basis. Not unusual for Corporate America but I question this type of thinking from a Public Agency.

The young men who were murdered and injured should never have been put in a position of having to step in. And our customers witnessing it shouldn't have had to go through what they're going through. We can't control who uses the system but we can control their behavior while they're on it.

Harry Saporta
Executive Director of Safety and Security

$161,114.00 (2015) per THIS

So where's Harry is all this?  Physically, he's standing next to McFarlane in the picture above but appears to have not made a public statement...   

What this means,  in my opinion is that Neil McFarlane needs to get involved by being aware of our environment and by doing the right thing by his workers and customers. We're all part of that equation. He needs to step up and provide whatever means necessary to prevent it, so they can at least say we care enough to try. 

They even took these signs down.

Security = Safety

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