Monday, May 29, 2017


Part Two

The more this rattles around my brain the more pissed I become. Transit police can be called for incidents on MAX and the Bus's, BUT, their first responsibility is to the City. They only respond to Trimet when they're free. They don't inadvertently ride the system.  There was a time, a couple 'a years ago when our Union said they'd be riding at night. I drove some of the late night problem lines, never had a cop - in or out of uniform on my Bus. It was a promise they didn't fulfill.  

 Throughout the years, they saw the assault incident reports pile up, Trimet Management and the Board of Directors heard the stories from Operators and ATU but instead of responding to our pleas for assistance they instead chose to play games with our safety by putting security guards on for a while, then taking security off.  

Trimet has two security guards sitting at the receptionist desk at Center Street. They also walk around the property. None that I know of on the Buses or the Trains. These young men died trying to help Trimet customers who were the victims of Militant Terrorist Extremism.  In these times of Trump and Terrorism, Trimet should've been prepared. They knew from the riots and mass shootings taking place all over the world and the country that these are not normal times...  why should they, why would they assume Portland's exempt?!!

They knew from our calls for help that SECURITY needed to be watching our backs and our customers backs instead of sitting in the receptionist area of Center Street. 

Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, 23

"Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, one of the two Good Samaritans brutally slain Friday on a MAX train, is a former Ashland resident who graduated from Reed College."

Rick Best, 53

"Rick Best, one of two men killed in a brutal attack Friday aboard a MAX train, was a city of Portland employee, Army veteran and onetime candidate for Clackamas County commissioner. 
Best, 53, worked as a technician for the city Bureau of Development Services, said David Austin, a spokesman for Portland Commissioner"  OregonLive

Micah David - Cole Fletcher  21

"Fletcher, an aspiring poet, is slowly improving in an area hospital, said his girlfriend, Miranda Helm.
“He’s getting a little bit stronger,” she said Sunday. “He’s getting good rest. He’s finally able to eat now.”
Helm said Fletcher wants to meet the man he credits with helping to save him.
The unidentified man rushed to Fletcher’s side and used a cloth to apply pressure to his wound. He also found Fletcher’s cell phone and looked through the contacts to find someone to call. He saw a contact for “mom,” said Helm."  OregonLive

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