Sunday, September 27, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
"Created by the Federal Security Agency in the 1940s, "The Operator and Safety" is a bus driver training film. Featuring a Mack CM-G3 transit bus, the film was shot in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and vicinity around 1941. The bus used in the film, number 1822, was part of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit system."
Monday, September 7, 2015
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
"Psychological terror or mobbing in working life involves hostile and unethical communication which is directed in a systematic manner by one or more individuals, mainly toward one individual."
"Mobbing is “bullying on steroids,” a horrifying new trend whereby a bully enlists co-workers to collude in a relentless campaign of psychological terror against a hapless target.Targets are usually anyone who is “different” from the organizational norm. Usually victims are competent, educated, resilient, outspoken, challenge the status quo, are more empathic or attractive and tend to be women, aged 32 to 55."
Updated Cyber Bullying/Stalking
Parts of this conversation were previously published September 1, 2015. It's updated.
Tom Sullivan, Trimet Bus Operator
Never met him.
Never had a conversation with him.
He's the latest to libel me, call me names and make accusations about me publicly in an ATU757 member only Facebook site. As of this date the site has 801 members. The majority are folks I've known for years, either through recognition or friendly banter. Some are co-workers, Some are friends. Some are from outlying properties such as Vancouver or Bend, etc.
Some are haters. Some signed petitions to Blackball me from my Union, my benefits and representation. 14 signatures - 4 petitions. Except for 3 of 'em, I'd never met or had interactions with the others. We couldn't pick each other out in a room. I wasn't aware of their existence until after seeing their signatures. A kind Station Agent later showed me their pictures on on the computer. I asked a handful of 'em what happened. According to them, during the afternoon rush-hours, they were asked by Chris Day, John Olsen and Al Margulies (all in uniform) to "sign something for the Union". They weren't given anything to read, nor did they ask. The Union wouldn't give me the last petition as they were finally refusing to deal with it. Since that time, and on occasion, co-workers approached me saying they too were solicited but refused to sign. How many of 'em were approached with this? 20, 50, 100? Online petitions were posted on Chris Day's and Al Margulies' Blogs polling the general public with questions like, "What type of punishment should she receive?" attached with it were my name and picture recognition. The viewers of these sites included Trimet employees, management, customers and the general public. Customers were recognizing me on the Bus. Some making comments. I had to drive - it was unsafe but I had to drive.
Being the target of Cyber Bullying/Stalking it didn't take long for it to evolve into Workplace Bullying/Mobbing. Co-workers like Sullivan didn't ask questions but instead participated in Bullying me. What's going on here are the results and dangers.
These were Respectful Workplace and IT violations. Trimet again refused to address it. Day stole the e-mail list for members of the Black Caucus and sent email out soliciting his petition. One of the recipients asked me about it. Another co-worker's trinet e-mail address was used to deliver the petition to him. I reported it to HR. She said policies weren't violated cause he didn't send the info to and from Trimet computers using trinet addresses. But he did and I presented the proof. She refused to address it until 6 months later when I brought it up again. He was given a reprimand for violating B101 - "Expectations". He didn't receive the reprimand until months later. He created a hostile environment for me on and off work- violated HR 166, 171, 202. But they were ignored and I was left to work in an unsafe and hostile environment, on and off the Bus. I was devastated.
My name got out. No one asked questions. And Tom Sullivan was one of many who used it against me. These were people who didn't question anything. And when it was over and they heard my story, with the exception of 3, not one of them apologized.
As a result, some members have me blocked from the ATU Facebook Union site. A couple are ATU Executive Board Officers. I don't know them personally or professionally. One of the two (Hernandez) signed a blackball petition against me. The other (Ackerson) used his Executive Board position inappropriately against me. He participated in name calling (screen shot) and supported the originators in their efforts to blackball me. Additionally, he participated in and voted down my request for Arbitration to the E-Board instead of recusing himself from it. I was promised by my Executive Board Officer, Sandra Guengerich that he wouldn't be in the meeting and if he was, he wouldn't have a voice or a vote. He turned the other executive officers against me by telling them that I deserved the reprimands. According to two officers in the meeting, he accused me of "calling (Margulies) names too." His actions were biased and without merit - due to his friendship with Margulies. His charges against me were unfounded and I proved it by offering a sizable reward.
We are not done.
click images for zoom
He too tried to Bully me off the Union only site. I am limited about what I can write about him, but it will be coming.
The commonalities against me among these folks is due to online harassment from Bloggers Margulies, Day and Jensen. It's brainwashing. Propaganda, Liable. Using the same words and phrases repeatedly and consistently for years. i.e: "Whack job, paranoid schizophrenic, woman with obvious mental problems, etc...", "Queen of Crazy"
She wrote this during the first discussion with Sullivan last September. Because she's retired and on a limited income, I recently reached out and attempted to discuss it with her. To see if we could resolve our differences but she started screaming at me, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME??"
I never met her. Never had a conversation with her.
Notice where she uses the word "They" That's Mobbing.
Henry Beasley had/has this posted on his Facebook. It's been up for at least a year and 1/2.
According to my lawyer, Statute of limitations for liable is 8 years. You only need one (1.) witness.

From Beasley, it appears to have evolved to Tom Sullivan who, for some reason appointed himself as the one who was gonna get rid of me:

"You should enjoy your retirement and let that hate you have go."
Screenshot from the Union only FB site. First time he accused me of "hate" and insinuated that I shouldn't be on the site, but should be "enjoying my retirement."
Even after all this time, I find it disturbing that assumably reasonable people, members of the same Union, co-workers - people holding responsible positions within the Company, folks I've never met, talked with or had experiences with swoop in and try to bully and intimidate me from participating in discussions with them, equally.
No one asks questions. No one thinks for themselves.
The desired effects from their efforts to blackball me, although voted down overwhelmingly, passed - at least in some of their minds. I've had a few people ask me over the years about my membership in the Union.
In their world, socially and professionally, I'm not accepted, respected, recognized or considered a part of the workplace and Union membership. People who've never met or talked with me, talk about me disparagingly in front of me on these sites.
So I

David Christensen
Don't know if he still works for Trimet but he's often found conversing on the Union site. Never met or had a conversation with him. He's said things about me like "if she's here, I'm leaving." He also posted derogatory comments about me on Margulies blog.
Don't know if he still works for Trimet but he's often found conversing on the Union site. Never met or had a conversation with him. He's said things about me like "if she's here, I'm leaving." He also posted derogatory comments about me on Margulies blog.
As you can see, Christensen participates in Al's "Queen of Crazy" campaign.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Originally published May 5, 2015
Click the link below:
I watched it several months ago on Margulies' Blog. It was one of those things that caught my attention. Not what he said so much as how he was saying it. So much so that I felt compelled to write about it here. Wanted to see if anyone else saw what I saw.
Since he's running for President of ATU 757 it gives folks an opening to scrutinize
his platform.
No quotation marks, not a screen shot.
Not my words.
I listened to it several times then put it on 'mute' and watched. The video appears as though it was professionally marketed and produced.
The first thing I noticed was what appeared to be the subtle faded black and white mood enhancing tones throughout. It was in synchrony with what appeared to be 'soothing' or calming body language. Hand gestures, body movements, posture, voice tones, lighting in the room. It felt rehearsed.
The majority of the information was incorrect and not followed by a solution.
For example, he argues that Union Policies limiting representation of new hires should start day one, not 6 months later after their probationary period. There's a reason for probation. Say, hypothetically the Union started providing 100% protection day one. Does Henry have a figure as to how much it would cost to provide that type of protection for the probationary period? The Union is there to provide advice and support but the employee must first prove their value, ability and commitment to the job! The first six months is training. Why have job protection if you haven't had at least 6 months of experience.
He says the Union should have 'weingarten rights' posted along with how to reach your Rep. My question to Henry would be, can you tell me WHERE the Union board is located because I'm not convinced you've seen it. Weingarten's up there along side the Representatives cell phone numbers.
He goes on to complain that the Union Rep should help new hires how to write reports. The garage trainer or anyone from that department will gladly assist. Operators, Station Agents will as well.
I'm not gonna go any further but what came across for me more than anything is the MARKETING he appears to be doing to solicit votes. He wants to be the Union President and yet he appears to knows little if anything about the nature of the job.
There's other key words he uses that should be triggers for those seeking information about the candidates.
"We can do better." Ask him in for specifics. Do you have a plan? He'll look up toward the sky and smile. Then suddenly reach for his cell phone.
Unions have policies. If you want them changed there's a process. But don't come across with having the solution if you're not willing to discuss it.
As I've explained on the other site, I've been in a transition process from the CyberStalking Blog to this one.
The change came quickly so my concern at the time was to get as much transferred as I could as quickly as possible. We're working on restoring links, next will be an attempt to get everything in order by original date of publication.
I like that some of the older postings come to the front so those events can't just be hidden away somewhere, forgotten by time and distance. That's why you might suddenly see a post pop up from 2009 then something newer then back a few years, etc.
None of those involved have accepted responsibility for their behavior. They are who they are and do what they do. As long as they continue their attacks against me and others, I will continue to speak out!
Originally posted May 17, 2015 at 3:44pm
Henry Beasley, Candidate for President of ATU 757.
Regarding an earlier conversation on a Union only Facebook site.
This was posted:
Click images for zoom...
and felt VALIDATED as I've been fighting this behavior from the candidate for too long a time.
So I posted this:
...rest of the conversation:
Now he's talking about "unfounded allegations." meaning he's denying we ever had the conversation.
I posted the link above to the FB site earlier to prove Beasley was supporting women bashing but later removed it because it was inappropriate for that arena . Since he was denying it I decided to take my proof over here so as not to disrupt the other site :)
Henry kept sending me FB 'friend requests'. After three times, I decided to tell him why I didn't want him as a 'friend'.
Henry's in blue
I'm in white
The next time I saw him was on the Bus almost 3 months ago. As I was leaving I brought it up again by asking if he had thought anymore about his campaign supporting a site exibiting Misogynist behavior. He sat there laughing.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Margulies published this on the 18th.
It's a listing of Operators private scheduled work for Fall sign-up. It lists names, line/train, start/end/pay time. It was handed to Jensen by one of our own. Jensen and Margulies published it on the internet - on Blogs and twitter. Between the two they get thousands of views weekly To say it isn't a safety / security issue for the system as a whole is an understatement.
Days later, after the damage was done he came out with this audio. Not an apology but an explanation nevertheless. Says he was trying to 'get even with Trimet'. Wanted them to know "he's back", after his probationary period ended. Like they care. Says the schedules are for Fall anyways and most customers won't 'remember' them. Hey, Jensen, ever heard of a printer?!!
In reality, what he did was create an extremely unsafe work environment for every name on those lists! There are a faction of bus riders with questionable mental health problems who wouldn't think twice about printing a schedule of their favorite or most hated Bus Driver and stalking them. Following them home, jacking off on their porch or whatever in the hell people like that do. AND... There are Operators who have protective orders. Because of Jensen their anonymity's been jeopardized.
Then Trimet got involved.
They're more likely to come through for a group of Operators - instead of just one because at Trimet, not all lives matter.
Accordingly, he had to remove the postings or face a fate far worse than probation...
Too bad - many of us were hoping for prison time.

click images for zoom
Not sure what Vanetta's title is. I believe he monitors the blogs for Trimet Communications.
It appears Margulies provides a forum for hatred. I don't believe he actually 'solicits' folks to it, but similar minds tend to gravitate towards each other. Jensen's a good example. Groupies. They're obsessed with Al and Trimet and have that whole 'haters gonna hate' thing going on. Folks without an identity or an opinion who appear to latch on to someone else's. Human nature to wanna fit in somewhere. In this case it appears to be more on the negative side. Talk radio gets a lot of 'em. They hide behind a monitor or a radio and vie for the commentators attention. The young man who shot Senator Gabby Giffords in a strip Mall parking lot in Arizona years ago is a good example of how far an online obsession can go. It's a listing of Operators private scheduled work for Fall sign-up. It lists names, line/train, start/end/pay time. It was handed to Jensen by one of our own. Jensen and Margulies published it on the internet - on Blogs and twitter. Between the two they get thousands of views weekly To say it isn't a safety / security issue for the system as a whole is an understatement.
Days later, after the damage was done he came out with this audio. Not an apology but an explanation nevertheless. Says he was trying to 'get even with Trimet'. Wanted them to know "he's back", after his probationary period ended. Like they care. Says the schedules are for Fall anyways and most customers won't 'remember' them. Hey, Jensen, ever heard of a printer?!!
In reality, what he did was create an extremely unsafe work environment for every name on those lists! There are a faction of bus riders with questionable mental health problems who wouldn't think twice about printing a schedule of their favorite or most hated Bus Driver and stalking them. Following them home, jacking off on their porch or whatever in the hell people like that do. AND... There are Operators who have protective orders. Because of Jensen their anonymity's been jeopardized.
Then Trimet got involved.
They're more likely to come through for a group of Operators - instead of just one because at Trimet, not all lives matter.
Accordingly, he had to remove the postings or face a fate far worse than probation...
Too bad - many of us were hoping for prison time.

click images for zoom
Not sure what Vanetta's title is. I believe he monitors the blogs for Trimet Communications.
There're groups of enablers, some Trimet employees, followers too who appear to encourage their behavior. Jensen's Blog reeks with 'blaming'. Says it's everyone else's fault - not his. Says he's "persecuted". Instead of getting help during his 18 months probation, he instead chose to stoke the fire. He doesn't understand how his actions harm others. That type of thinking process makes him potentially more dangerous than others. The Court shouldda provided counseling, rage control - something. In Roberta Aldstat's situation, they recognized that a reasonable person doesn't 'text' someone 35 times with the same message, every 5 minutes unless there's something terribly wrong with them. The act itself is alarming enough but the message behind it was way worse. Is he gonna come after you physically, violently? Who knows?!!
Looks like the mouth-breathers are taking a break!
After viewing his blog and hearing the recorded response it appears the rage he had when he acted out on Roberta Aldstadt escalated during this 18 month period into something far beyond that.
In my opinion, based on his blog and recent actions, he's a loaded gun !!
Trimet, you know it - you need to do something MORE about it!!
Send him to prison before he causes more harm!
Send him to prison before he causes more harm!
You need to have another sign-up. You have a responsibility to provide safe working conditions. The posting of those schedule compromised the safety of the Operators and the public.
Prison - send him to prison. Send both of 'em.
This is the 2nd time he's published an Operators work.
I was the first.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Originally published 6/5/2014:
An assortment from some of the postings Jensen, Margulies and Hawk published about me, some dating back to 2009. Not in any particular order. A drop in the bucket compared to what I have on file.
IMAGINE... as you're scrolling through these, this was done it to you... or your partner, spouse, daughter or mother. Perhaps a friend, co-worker, or the old lady down the street...
i m a g i n e...
Lane Jensen.
Pretending to be a Trimet Operator standing in front of a flag representing Freedom of Speech, something he denies others.
Followed me to work, set up his camera across the street and started taking pictures of me.
Earlier that day he was taking pictures of my home. I called the police.
click images for zoom
I documented his taking pictures of me while I'm waiting for my Bus.
Who sets up a tripod like this to stalk someone?!!
His behavior is scary. He appears justified in his actions. At what point does it turn into violence?
Trimet headquarters
A friend took this pic from the bus stop. She was on the same bus as Jensen and Alex Hawk and became concerned after over-hearing a conversation about me. My bus arrived, he came out quickly and hid around the corner of the building until I walked in. She said it was though he knew exactly when I'd arrive. When I came in Hawk told me Jensen was in the restroom. At that point I had no idea my work schedule had been published. I went into the Bullpen where I found out. Ass't Mgr Mark Poulson encouraged me to get a restraining order. He went outside to verify it was Jensen, then came back and said he would put something in writing. He then avoided me for several days then later said Jensen was on public property so there was no issue. It went from concern to fuck you! Warren came out, wanted to know what was going on and why. Cut me off mid sentence then said they would change my work to the Board. She was initially concerned as well and gave me the day off. The next day it was 'fuck you'. Warren then turned everything over to Liza Mitzel, my Ass't Mgr who then ignored my requests for assistance and information for 17 days. They knew they had a liability as I warned them in March of 2011 that if they didn't intervene in what Margulies was doing it would be a problem.
Jensen hacked into Trinet, employee only website, He had access to everyone, everything Trimet. Then published it. He knew my work and home schedule. I complained to Trimet HR. It was very unsafe to be driving during that time. Unsafe for me, our customers and the Public. They said it was a 'personal problem'. I then became 'free game' for their followers and the faceless who behind their monitors. My Managers and HR refused to do anything.
I later found that Jensen didn't 'hack' trinet' after all. According to him and a few other witnesses - Al Margulies girlfriend gave him her trinet password. He then gave it to Jensen.
When I'd write about the abuse and my journey through it, Margulies would send this type (snap shot above) of threats, trying to silence me. When it didn't work he started attacking my mental state so no one would believe me. I didn't stop and won't because the topic is too important to walk away from. The whole issue of Bullying, online or in the workplace will not stop until laws are made or enforced to protect everyone. Bully's are gonna bully and if you're one, and in a position of authority, nothing's gonna stop you but laws, fines and jail time.
Alex Hawk at a Board of Director's meeting.
Slider to 3:00 to end.
The threat, slider to 4:22
Jensen and friends called in 8 complaints. They had my line/train and schedule. Trimet left 'em in my record even though they promised to remove 'em.
Brad Pease,
Trimet Bus Operator.
Before his remarks on Jensen's Blog and Union only FB, I never heard of him, didn't know what he looked like or ever had a conversation with him. He's a follower of Margulies. Has a weak mind apparently as Margulies' followers allowed his continuum of name calling over the years to set their minds against someone they've never met, talked with or had an actual life experience with. Accusing their victims of mental health problems is a common thread most abusers rely on when exposed. His comments on Jensen's Blog against me were in violation of HR policies 202 as it relates to HR 171, Internet usage / respectful workplace. When I complained, Stacy Chrest, HR Business partners, in a February 4, 2013 letter responded, "If you believe you have been defamed, you are free to consult an attorney about your options."
On Margulies Blog from a Board of Directors Meeting.
SOP 501B Trimet refused to enforce it.
Margulies, "This is where I developed the bad boy image, the glasses, the voice, it was all an act..."
Associating my name, picture recognition with "paranoid schizophrenia" and other mental health issues like "obsessive/compulsive, whacko or woman with obvious mental problems, etc..."
I don't support anyone who uses abuse against others. At one point I put this up to see if other victims would surface. I feel everyone has a right to know so they can make informed choices before logging on to his Blog. He complained and HR gave me reprimands for posting this image. Still waiting Grievance Step III process. Images taken from the internet are protected under 'fair use laws'.
Peggy Callahan, HR lead investigator was bullying me. She wouldn't tell me which image and I wasn't allowed to ask. "Now Ellen, now Ellen, now you know better then that, now Ellen...". She threatened termination if I didn't remove it. Accused me of making an "audio video visual recording" of him. So I guess she was accusing me going to his home and filming him. Yep! A document exchange and BOLI public records search later showed she told Hayden Talbot and Shelly Lomax that I "removed the image", then 7 months later told an investigator for the Bureau of Labor and Industries that I "didn't remove it." Before a meeting with Ass't Mgr Leonard Lambert, I sent him an e-mail with links and a few images attempting to familiarize him with the problem before the reprimands. Later, during the meeting, I asked if looked through it and he said, "Oh no, I'm not interested in stuff like that so I sent it to my daughter." His daughter does not work for Trimet. Lambert , who didn't have a clue as what it was all about told me they told him to sign it so he did. I later advised him not to sign his name to anything unless he knows it's true.
Discussing me on twitter after I told him I'd call the cops if he got on my bus again. He was still putting out my line/train and time points.

You wanna find out how hard I'll attack you?!!
You better hope to hell the both of you get a prison term first!
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