Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Bruce Hansen's Team members, below,  have over 30 years experience negotiating Union contracts, in the worst of circumstances.

Don't take any chances with your future!  

Educate yourself, Vote Smart!!!

TriMet shows pension reform possible

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018



Re-blogged from the last election, the DOL investigation and the re-run. 

Jonathan Hunt
Running for President of ATU

The majority of the information regarding the challenges, DOL investigation and the reason for the election re-runs ARE FOR MOST PART, BASED ON HUNT'S BEHAVIOR! 

He was using Union resources for campaigning and violating property campaign rules by:

1.)  Trying to have luncheons on properties and then directly arguing with property managers over it, not once but twice, which then led Trimet to shut down campaign privileges for everyone for 10 days.

2.) Using Union resources while campaigning and coercing other candidates to file a challenge.

Keep in mind, all three, (Shirley, Jon and Mary) were on the same ticket so all three were involved but the DOL only found the top two (Shirley and Jon) guilty for the re-run.  

Other facts of major concern:

The head of the union representing TriMet bus drivers, train operators, mechanics and maintenance staff was arrested Dec. 26 and charged with driving while intoxicated, authorities say.
Jonathan_Hunt.jpgJonathan J. Hunt was booked into the Multnomah County Jail Dec. 27 and charged with driving under the influence of intoxicants.

Jonathan J. Hunt, 40, was driving a 2003 Ford car registered to the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757when he was arrested, Gresham police spokeswoman Malaka Kerbs said. Hunt is president of the 2,000-member union president.
This is something that should never be forgotten. His blatant disregard for the lives of others. The liability issues alone could have set us back years if not destroyed us completely. He was thoughtless and irresponsible with our trust. Had he killed or injured anyone or damaged their property the Union was liable. The media had a hay day with it.  It's beyond comprehension that the President of the only Public Transit Union in the State would drive intoxicated in the Union car.  It goes against our grain, everything we, as transit Operators believe to be true and honorable and moral about our world on the streets. It was like a big 'ol slap on the face to everyone of us. He should've been fired!  

2.) HE WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED with changing our Unions status from 'A REAL UNION' to a NO STRIKE CLAUSE (it was done quietly without member input or vote.) (specifics on it in a separate posting, possibly early next week). 

3.) "Regardless of what he tells you, HE WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED with the contract negotiations which led to our contract going to arbitration. There were no other contracts for Trimet employees that had as many TAKE AWAYS as that one contract!" 

His old Union car. He had 3 accidents in it. Was he drinking or texting?  They were rear ends. Not usually the type of accident a professional has. But then, a professional usually doesn't have  accidents. 


1.) Our locals bylaws state that the top three Officers receive the same vacation as from the location they were elected from. 

Jonathan Hunt has 5 weeks. 

In the past Jon has taken his allotted vacation as paid time off. He is also compensated for an additional 50% or 2 1/2 weeks (this would give him 7 1/2 weeks of vacation pay) This is spread out over his paychecks for 26 pay periods.  The reason being, back in the days of Heintzman and Wallace - they gave up their vacations to work. If they didn't use 'em they lost 'em, so these rules came in so as to guarantee half of it on their pay and the other half actual time taken off away from the job.

International Constitution states "you shall not better your benefits from your elected location."

BUT,  Hunt was bettering himself by taking sick days and not marking them as sick. Then he was taking vacation days,  in actual vacation time and the 50% on his checks.

2.) Taking several and unnecessary trips which included his family on Union money. They were staying at high end Hotels like the Hilton Marriott, and not being held accountable. 

3) There were missing credit card receipts on a monthly basis. The billing statements were far higher then the few receipts he manages/d to hand in. He didn't always turn in itemized receipts. Additionally, Secretary-Treasurer Mary Longoria is refusing to be transparent with members requests for accountability by only showing 'summary statements'.  Is there anyone out there, other than Executive Board Officers who have actually seen receipts?  If so, please write a comment below.

4.) Not coming into the office for days, allegedly working from home. For example. he'd call in on a Monday or Friday - making his weekend longer, getting full pay. 

5.) Hunt never took sick time until Bruce Hansen was elected. Bruce negotiated the majority of the contracts, often working 7 days per week and at least 4 additional hours past his 8 on a daily basis. He didn't have any assistance. Jon refused to work as a team. The VP position was created years ago by Ron Heintzman in order to help lighten the load after more properties were coming on board.  

6.) Jon spent multiple hours sitting in his office with the door closed.

7.) He was using the Union car for personal business and only paying $60 a month to have that privilege, unlimited gas and high end Hotels, no accountability. Plus, he was receiving honor points at hotels and using the Union's AAA membership for his personal vehicles. 

8.) I have personally been told by someone who claims to be friends with Al Margulies that Hunt broke into Bruce Hansen's office, stole the unratified contract before it had been seen by the lawyers and handed it over to Margulies for publication on his Blog. 

 Running for President of ATU 757

      Charm was a scheme for making strangers like
           and trust a person immediately, no matter what
           the charmer had in mind”

           Kurt Vonnegut

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Do you remember filling out and signing one or several of these cards?  We all did. It was part of our benefits package. If you were a member of ATU 757 for a number of years like 10, 15, 20 or more - you may not remember. We all like benefits - especially after we're retired. Good to know our Union's not selling us out in our twilight years but instead watching our backs. But - wait...  are they?!! 

The following's what happened and my concerns for our safety. 

Notice there isn's an American Income Life logo printed on the card above or other information indicating the benefit was specifically from them. It was a Union benefit we signed for - without knowing which company or what benefit. 

I wrote THIS last year after another stranger from the same company demanded entrance into my home without an appointment, invitation or consent. Again - He was an uninvited stranger demanding to be let in. Turns out he was from AIL. The guy who came the other night was also demanding. The two men  -  a year apart - both displayed similar behavior in how they treated me while attempting to gain access to my home!  It's about 6pm. My neighbor calls and tells me there's a guy at her door worried about my well being. He tells her he has an appointment with me, that he tried calling several times but no answer. (the door bell's broken - he could've knocked).  So she's calling - all worried. The minute she told me AIL - I knew who it was.  So now there's loud physical pounding on the door cause now he knows I'm home. Fortunately, the screen door's a security door. He can't get past the metal bars. So he's out there DEMANDING I let him in. "Not on your life buddy!!" The next morning my neighbor on the other side tells me he went to their door too.  WTF!!!  

If it was a guy who answered the door instead of a woman you can bet he wouldn't have demanded anything from him but instead would've been all apologetic for disturbing him, probably saying his phone wasn't working or he would've called first and hoping he could have a minute of his time. But what they're doing instead is abusing elderly retired women. In my opinion, these two guys -  both working for AIL - a year apart - who most probably don't know each other - probably working on commission - displaying eerily similar behavior - all appear to have a problem with morality. I'm curious to know about their training. If one of our members get's assaulted as a result of AIL's carelessness for our safety that'll be a problem for ATU as well.

So I call Shirley Block and I'm more then pissed because she refused to even respond to the same problem last year. So now we're doing this e-mail thing because she knows I'm gonna yell more.  No one should be that upset that they have to start yelling because you're not listening. It's about our personal safety! What in the fuck does it take to get someone's attention?!! But that's what happened. This schmuck's out there demanding entrance into our homes and we don't know who in the hell he is. What's his background. Did AIL investigate him before hiring him?  Oh... wait - they're the ones who, in my opinion, and based on the repetitious behavior of him and the previous guy, sent him over here.  Do they have a history of domestic abuse?  

My initial response to Shirley

Shirley's response to me

My response to her

She sees the problem because it happened to her but isn't willing or can't see what a tremendous safety issue this's for our women retirees. 

then, the piece de resistance:

My Response:

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