Thursday, August 17, 2017


Update - Since the Union President has refused to respond back, I've filed a complaint to the Insurance Commissioner against AIL I'm also filing a complaint to ATU International against the President of ATU 757 for releasing our private information including home addresses and encouraging strangers who may have police records to visit with retirees in our homes and purchase crap we don't need now that we're on a limited income. 

Damn, I can't seem to download the voicemail but have it locked away for safe keeping. 

transcribed voice mail from August 16th, 2017:

"Hi Ellen, my name is Nick from American Income Life. I'm calling to let you know we have received your reply card and we will be in your neighborhood the next few days and will be delivering your $3500.00 accident member death benefit and other benefits from the ATU 757. The number I can be reached at is my personal cell 1-360-281-7335. I look forward to talking with you and will continue to try and reach you."



I was concerned it was a scam. It appeared they were targeting retirees plus several of his points in his voice mail weren't true, so I called ATU to verify.  The person I spoke with is someone I've known for years. She's honest and understands Union issues well, although perhaps in this instance from a different perspective. I told her about the voice message which CLEARLY STATED, "...we will be in your neighborhood the next few days and will be delivering your $3500.00 accident member death benefit and other benefits from ATU 757."  I found this part particularly alarming and disturbing. I'm concerned how many retirees he sent this message to. It sounds like a 'leader' message with the promise of gifts if you open your door to me. Frightening!! If you're elderly and really believed someone representing your Union was going to hand you $3,500 dollars, you might not think twice about opening your door. You might not think about your own safety. You might not question any of it. Hypothetically, if it were true it seems ATU would've sent out a notice to be on the lookout for him, well in advance. But, not so -  The second lie, "we have received your reply card...".  There wasn't a reply card because I didn't receive one to send in. (common gas lighting technique),  and the third lie, "The number I can be reached at is 1-360-281-7335 is my personal cell..."  I called that number and it's not his "personal cell" but what appears to be someone's home phone. It wasn't official. She didn't answer it in an official business capacity - but rather with a  "Hello". 

The woman at the Union Office agreed with some of my arguments but felt they were trying to gain access to our homes so they could sell us other things - gawd knows what, I didn't ask. I felt it was a dishonest business practice. It appears he was trying to illegally enter our homes. She kept pushing the idea that in spite of this, "they've been VERY HELPFUL to Union members in the past." She said they have an excellent reputation and floated the idea that Nick was perhaps new. For me, it was too too far off the wall. If this Insurer is sending someone into our homes with the promise of money and gifts , and he's already made questionable statements that tells me something's terribly wrong. 

They're not gonna give us money. The fact that he said he was, is enough to have the cops talk with him about trying to gain illegal access into our homes. Really - who is this Nick and why is he lying? Why doesn't he just tell us over the phone what he wants, what he's selling then we have the option of making an appointment - or not. Personally, if I had to, I'd rather meet him in a public place than in my home. It's intrusive. One thing fer sure - I'd venture to say he's not selling vacuums. And ATU has a role in this to. They need to be careful who they give our information to and when they do they need to let us know. Don't ignore our personal safety so you can make a few bucks on the side - if that's what you're allegedly doing. 


"Hi Ellen, my name is Nick from American Income Life. I'm calling to let you know we have received your reply card and we will be in your neighborhood the next few days and will be delivering your $3500.00 accident member death benefit and other benefits from the ATU 757. The number I can be reached at is my personal cell 1-360-281-7335. I look forward to talking with you and will continue to try and reach you."

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