Thursday, January 25, 2018



Did the selection process include people of diversity or was Doug Kelsey pre-selected?

From ATU 757 Labor Press"But first the Board heard from consultant Celia Kupersmith, who led the search for a general manager, Kupersmith said input was solicited from 40 organizations, 12 applicants were interviewed, and three finalists were selected from among the seven semifinalists. But the requirement that finalists present themselves publicly was a deal breaker for the other two finalists, Kupersmith said: Without a job offer they felt that publicly considering a job as Trimet General Manager would put their current jobs at risk."

TriMet names COO Doug Kelsey as finalist for General Manager

Click HERE for the article. He was fired from Vancouver BC so Trimet hired him as their Chief Operating Officer.  ahem......

Trimet's Board of Directors select the General Manager. The Governor makes it official. The Board serves at the pleasure of the Governor. They may serve two 4 year terms. Most of the current Board remains from former Gov John Kitzhauber although several will be leaving in the next few months.

Two women were appointed to the Board of Directors since Gov Brown took office:

Lori Irish Bauman, appointed June 1, 2015
Dr Linda Simmons, appointed December 14, 2016

The group below will be leaving:

Dr. T. Allen Bethel - February 28, 2018
Craig Prosser - February 28, 2018
Joe Esmonde - March 31, 2018

Knowing they're leaving, I find myself curious as to why Mcfarlane chose to retire when he did. Why didn't he wait a month or two longer particularly if you're someone who claims to care about the direction the agency's going.  Had he waited, three new Board members would've been appointed and may have voted differently then the status quo. There were 7 male Board Members. Two were replaced with women when their 8 years expired. Three will be replaced in February and March. Surely that would've made a significant difference in the selection of a new General Manager.

What I find interesting about Doug Kelsey's appointment is it mimics Neil McFarlane's in 2010:

Secretive, behind closed doors, no national provable search, no women or minority’s considered. - per Joseph Rose, OregonLive (2010)

There're also two black men Board members. One of 'em - Dr. T. Allen Bethel, who also  serves as the Boards Vice President is a homophobe !!! He's the senior pastor of the Marathon Church of God. He's been on the Board since 2010. Not exactly the type of person who shares similar values with the community, our workers and customers. This was called to TM's attention years ago but it must've fell on a Board of Directors and Governor who supported his views, otherwise it seems they would've removed him. 

 All of Trimet's General Managers have been straight white men.

I put in a Public Records request about the 12 applicants  interviewed.

That'll be part II

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