Saturday, September 2, 2017


I drove Trimet for 22 1/2 years. You know what one of the worst parts of the job was?

Yep !!! 

No where to relieve yourself

No time to relieve yourself

(if ya gotta go - ya gotta go)

Can't even tell ya how many times I had to beg to use a public restroom somewhere or hide behind a bush or a tree (usually at night) or use a trash can or an empty cup in the back of the bus or use the back door stairs (pre camera days).

It's far worse for women obviously, but there were a few times when I'd relieve a bus and the Operator spaced out his pee jar. It was known and expected - among us,  The powers that be weren't gonna go out of their way to accommodate us. It was a problem the Union used to take on as well. It had to do with the quality and safety of your work and your health.

Most dispatchers would try and work it in but taking the time would still make you run late. Some Operators would end up driving in circles for hours without a break.  Newbies in particular - thinking it would give them brownie points. There simply wasn't enough time in scheduled breaks. Sometimes Operators had to decide between being late all night or not having lunch or dinner and then you got into blood sugar problems. 

It's 'humane 'nature - if ya gotta go ya gotta go. Years ago one of our Operators was killed, run over by her Bus cause she was trying to make a mad dash to the restroom at Sunset TC. She had to go so bad she spaced out the emergency brake and shut the door behind her. 

A lot of Trimet restrooms are filthy holes with bugs and urine. They expect you to eat in there too. 

Both images from Gresham TC  My last few years of driving I'd end up at Pier Park and it was just as gross!!

You're working out there and gotta stay hydrated, particularly in this hot weather. Many Operators won't hydrate in fear of having to make an emergency stop somewhere. Then they start having kidney problems or something else which Trimet fights Workers Comp tooth and nail. During winter ice and snow storms too, if you're stuck somewhere and ya gotta go. You think Trimet's gonna have pity on ya if some asshole sees you and calls it in?  NOPE!!

It's not like we're relieving ourselves out in the open. You make a judgement - no one's on the bus - late night hours - and your bladder's on fire.

(if ya gotta go - ya gotta go)

Click on it to zoom

I removed her picture outta respect. I think she got a raw deal. I hope the Union goes to battle for her and then I hope she sues LIFT Management, personally, for every penny they've got!!  

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