Dear members,
ATU leadership is disappointed to inform you that TriMet has declared impasse in our ongoing contract negotiations.
After a marathon 14-hour mediation session on August 16th, TriMet management gave ATU leadership every indication that the company was open to continuing to work with the union to try and find an agreement that met all parties’ needs. Unfortunately, this appears to no longer be the case, and we received the company’s unilateral declaration of impasse.
Moving forward, we will work with our members to develop a last & final offer as we prepare for Interest Arbitration. We remain committed to fighting for a contract which meets the needs of members and retirees. While Leadership and your Wage Committee share our members’ disappointment that we were not able to come to an agreement through the negotiation process, we believe that we will have a strong case in Arbitration.
We will continue to keep you updated as this process moves forward. Thank you for your patience and ongoing support. This is, incidentally, why we’re unable to hold this weekend’s Advanced Rep Training, which we’ll work to reschedule ASAP.
In Solidarity,
ATU Leadership

The larger problem as I see it, isn't the Union contract per se, but the fact that Trimet intentionally hired a known Union Buster for an outrageous amount of money to break a Union that is bound by a NO STRIKE CLAUSE. They are, in essence, testing the validity of a NO STRIKE CLAUSE vs FORCED ARBITRATION - which is or so it seems, strikingly unethical, perhaps illegal.