Wednesday, April 12, 2017


(or women)

Finally getting back to blogging. Some posts will be older than others. They remain on my 'to do' list.  
Before I click 'Publish' on any individual post, I always sit back a day or two, examining my motives. I write to inform and heal, but mostly to create change through awareness.  

In 2013 when Trimet Blind Sided me into a meeting with an outside lawyer in an attempt to SILENCE me from writing this Blog, I came to realize the power of public exposure through Blogging. It didn't change who they are or how they conduct business, but it did give them enough heartache to attempt a $5,225.76 (tax payer paid) maneuver against my First Amendment rights and through that process, I realized how much power they unwittingly handed me. 

Trimet is an Agency built on secrets, lies and bullying their workers.  They don't respect the boundaries between personal and professional. Most of their Executives and Managers are narcissist psychopathic personality types. They don't feel emotion - yours, theirs or mine. They're not held to the standards of other Public Agencies. They remain unaccountable and lack transparency.  In this very progressive State, Trimet remains an open sore - an embarrassment to everything Oregon stands for.

The solution is to lobby the Legislature for the right of the citizens to elect Trimet's Board of Directors from where it stands now - which is an appointment by the Governor.  Trimet desperately needs oversight. Not just in-house but in the community.  Hopefully we can get that process started by years end.

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