Friday, April 28, 2017
Sunday, April 23, 2017
"The team works together for the delivery of safe and reliable transit service for residents of Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties. The executive directors are responsible for the performance of their employees, their budgets and, ultimately, their division’s role in the overall performance of the agency."
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Jay Jackson
Former Director Operations Command Center & Field Ops
(2015) Last known salary $109.698.00
Not sure if he left on his own or with assistance.
His salary wasn't that much compared with other Managers of similar merit. His title indicates a whole hell of a lot of responsibility in terms of Supervising front line support staff, but some folks need the 'title' more than the money.
I first met Jay when he was a Mini Runner. We used to talk on our way to road reliefs. Never had words or anything negative. When the signup came to an end he told me he was gonna miss our conversations. He later went to rail. Few years after he went on to an Executive position. We ran into each other at Park Rose TC. He was all excited about his promotion. He was telling me that if I ever had a problem or needed anything to let him know - any time of day. "I'll meet up with you or you meet up with me, any time." I felt it was just talk coming from his excitement but nevertheless, something did come up about 6 or 8 months later so I contacted him.
Thinkin' it was around 2010 when Rider Advocates rode the Buses and Max. They were mostly from the problem areas in town. Their "mission was to provide a viable, recognizable and physical presence on the Buses and Max."
The program, run by the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods since 1994, is financed through a contract with TriMet. Effective Sept. 30, TriMet will end the contract, part of operation cuts because of a budget deficit."
They not only handed out information about the system but worked with youth and gang members on the Buses, offering resources even for our homeless populations. Wonderful folks. They truly represented Trimet/Portland in virtually every context. I drove nights so they were especially welcome on my Bus. They were experts at de-escalating situations. They made it safer for everyone. They connected our riders with the Agency which is unheard of today with Trimet's current Administration. At one point they became Unionized which was unfortunately the beginning of the end. Trimet wasn't having it. As a result, I was told, Trimet eliminated the Rider Advocate program then blamed it on 'budget deficits'. Had they listened to the community and their Operators, they would've realized all of the basics happening on Public Transit such as fare disputes, gangs, safety, schedules, customer information, what's playing at the Schnitz, etc was happening through Rider Advocates. Paying these folks a Union wage and benefits was always more economically feasible then paying outrageous salaries to Executives.
Below are the top 6 Executive salaries. The number to the right of their title doesn't include bonuses, pensions, health care, vacations, travel, credit card use... motels, meals and on and on......... (from 2015)
Neil McFarlane, General Manager, $267,441.00
Robert Nelson, Intérim Deputy Manager, $216, 92.00
Martha Brookshire, Director Finance and Administration, $195.319.00
Daniel Blocher, Executive Director Capital Projects, $190.308.00
Shelly Lomax, Executive Director Transportation, $186.508.00 (gone)
Lest we forget, the infamous:
Randy Stedman
Executive Director Labor Relations & Human Resources
Professional Union Buster
Jobs With Justice Scrooge of the Year, 2017 (video)
Much of this money could go, should go for advocacy groups riding the Buses which promote public awareness and safety. Why can't a more humanistic approach be re-created (from 2009) in dealing with our customers instead of the 10.2 Million budgeted for Transit Police?!! Much of this could also go for the salaries and health care of front line workers.
Trimet's Rider Advocate program was never about employee/public safety in the first place, but for the sake of appearances. It was as if their priorities changed from the real world to what the folks at the City Club thought of them. That mindset's even reflected in the attitude of their Board of Directors.
Trimet then replaced the Rider Advocates with a group from an extreme right wing conservative Ministry called Victory Outreach. Evangelicals. Don't know if they were paid or volunteered. I believe there were some grievances filed by the Union but never heard what became of them. Some of these folks were born again, from prisons and the streets which I have no problem with. My problem was the fact that they were actively preaching hatred on the Buses, of a public agency, to the LGBT community. They were extremely homophobic and known for it. They were confronting folks (me too) who they felt fit the LGBT stereotype and demanded that we repent, followed up with informational brochures from their church and a shame based berating. They even went after women traveling alone on the Bus at night. Talk about judgmental! It didn't sit well with me and since Jay was in charge of the program I contacted him.
Several times, in fact.
He didn't return my calls. One day I saw him in the Bullpen. He tried to run from me. I was taken aback. What was that about?!! As far as I knew, we were still on good terms and his offer to assist "anytime, anyplace, anywhere" was still open. Even if we hadn't been on good terms, as a Manager he still had a professional obligation to treat me equally. He finally stopped and we talked briefly. He was extremely nervous, kept looking around as though he was afraid someone would see him talking to me. Trimet's like that. They provide their managers and executives with a list of employees who're under their radar. Trimet promotes a culture of fear. It's an Authoritarian culture were employees are afraid to break ranks. If they don't comply they're terminated. It's also called Bullying and Mobbing. All those big (I own you) salaries out the door. Nevertheless, Jay was openly Gay. I informed him about what was going on with this group. "Haven't heard about it yet." Said he'd get back with me then scurried off. Never did. Co-workers told me they complained to him as well. He knew it was going on and supported it by doing nothing. It's like, 'if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem'.
What type of a Public Agency knowingly hires haters, puts them on the Buses then brags about their commitment to 'Diversity' in the Community?!! It comes under the 'lack of transparency and accountability' section. They hire 'haters' inside the Agency too, but on the Buses where our customers are often victimized as well, made it equally disturbing.
So the Ministry eventually left but not because of anything Jay did or didn't do.
Then there was THIS when he was sitting in an official capacity as a Judge for my Step III Grievance hearing. Scroll 3/4 of the way down to his picture in front of the stove. I posted that image in particular because I believe (and it's just alleged) that Trimet hires certain people for certain managerial and executive positions because of their appearance. Jay 'looks' like an Executive. He even has a large loud growl. In other words, they look and sound like a big shot but in actuality are folks who just 'appear' Presidential, if you know what I mean. They take orders. According to Shirley Block, he was illegally audio/video recording me in that meeting.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
(or women)
Finally getting back to blogging. Some posts will be older than others. They remain on my 'to do' list.
Before I click 'Publish' on any individual post, I always sit back a day or two, examining my motives. I write to inform and heal, but mostly to create change through awareness.
In 2013 when Trimet Blind Sided me into a meeting with an outside lawyer in an attempt to SILENCE me from writing this Blog, I came to realize the power of public exposure through Blogging. It didn't change who they are or how they conduct business, but it did give them enough heartache to attempt a $5,225.76 (tax payer paid) maneuver against my First Amendment rights and through that process, I realized how much power they unwittingly handed me.
Trimet is an Agency built on secrets, lies and bullying their workers. They don't respect the boundaries between personal and professional. Most of their Executives and Managers are narcissist psychopathic personality types. They don't feel emotion - yours, theirs or mine. They're not held to the standards of other Public Agencies. They remain unaccountable and lack transparency. In this very progressive State, Trimet remains an open sore - an embarrassment to everything Oregon stands for.
The solution is to lobby the Legislature for the right of the citizens to elect Trimet's Board of Directors from where it stands now - which is an appointment by the Governor. Trimet desperately needs oversight. Not just in-house but in the community. Hopefully we can get that process started by years end.
The solution is to lobby the Legislature for the right of the citizens to elect Trimet's Board of Directors from where it stands now - which is an appointment by the Governor. Trimet desperately needs oversight. Not just in-house but in the community. Hopefully we can get that process started by years end.
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