Monday, March 13, 2017


Awhile back I contacted Trimet Public Records for Randy Stedman's 2015 W2 gross salary which is BOX ONE.

They sent this:

click images for zoooooomm

I then saw (below), published from another blog, Randy Stedman, same year, different figure. I've been told the 'other' blog received their figures from the same source I did, which is Trimet Public Records.

WHOA - Notice the $42,000 discrepancy?!!

Most families live on far less !!!


In past public record requests I've asked for bonuses, health benefits, retirement/pension, vacations, credit card reimbursements, etc but have repeatedly been told those items were exempt from Public records. I wasn't asking specifics just the dollar amount. "tips, other compensation" which is what Box One of the W2 is. Taxable or not I simply wanted his gross salary - all of it. But apparently NOT!  

From Google:

So...  I again wrote asking for clarification. This time I didn't hear back so again filed an official records request:

This arrived:

My response:

He sent this:


It turns out, all of the years I've been asking for Public Record requests from W2's including extra monies received for benefits, they basically denied there were additional monies/benefits received by the Executives and Managers by simply stating they were "exempt" from sharing it. The only numbers they were willing to share was 'Gross Salary', or actual pay received less benefits. Salaries can appear smaller when substantial negotiated benefits like  $42,000 was given away in leu of pay. 

To deny that a sum as large as $42,000 exists, in my request, but is clearly factual in someone else's for the same year, same employee, is misleading to say the least...  

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