Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Part I
of an article regarding the history of why the 'right to strike' was taken away from Trimet workers. 

Published May 12, 2012 by OregonLive, Joseph Rose

Tom Walsh
General Manager of Trimet 
June 29, 1992 to 1998

From the article:
"My philosophy was a pretty liberal but disciplined one," Walsh said last week. "I believed no company was better than the quality of its workforce." 
"Starting his mornings before sunrise in the garage bullpens, Walsh heard bus and train operators describe serious job-related health problems. Weight gain. High blood pressure. Chronic back pain. Injuries from being assaulted by drunken riders."
"Wyss didn't like what he was hearing about Walsh's meetings with the rank-and-file. He also feared Walsh was negotiating in secret with union leaders. "It's a very dangerous thing to be making big promises during good times," he argued forcefully during one meeting." 

"Walsh replied equally strongly that it was time to end the "us vs. them" culture within TriMet."

The article goes on to explain why Loren Wyss, President of Trimet's Board of Directors was angry when he found out that Walsh went past the Board to Governor Barbara 
Roberts to shore up the deal.

This part is significant in that it shows Oregon's liberal governing process as understanding what Trimet workers go through in terms of safety and health related problems and their need for a contract inclusive of decent health care and retirement coverage.

Significant because in todays Trimet, we continue to have a liberal Governor but a General Manager and Board of Directors who keep Randy Stedman employed at nearly $178,000.00 a year because he's a professional Union Buster and intent on killing the middle class in Oregon. He started Union Busting at Mt Hood Community College then took it to Trimet. It's a family thing as his wife does the same at Port of Portland. According to my sources, he continues to run 'Workplace Practices Group" whose agenda is Union Busting. He has since upgraded his LinkedIn resume which includes Union Avoidance from 2011 to present. 

Randy Steadman

Executive Director Labor Relations and Human Resources


Stay tuned...  Part II to follow

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