Tuesday, November 29, 2016


"We are excited to announce the 2016 Scrooge of the Year Award Nominees! Visit the event page and click on "Find Tickets" to buy your tickets to the party and your votes now! https://www.facebook.com/events/1338655082824782/
1. David Sanders, CEO of Zoom+Care: Dave Sanders is the owner and CEO of Zoom+Care, a locally based chain of healthcare clinics that operates on a model of discrimination by refusing to accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare patients. A number of employees have accused Sanders of being so harsh that he brings workers to tears. He has repeatedly shown up at community rallies outside of Zoom+ clinics and harassed those attending the rallies.
2. Randy Stedman, Trimet Director of Labor Relations: Before taking his current job at Trimet, Stedman cut his teeth as a union buster at Mt. Hood Community College. Since moving to Trimet he has run a campaign to expand "management rights" and a unilateral, top-down management culture at Trimet. He has vigorously fought ATU Local 757 on reasonable grievances, has negotiated in bad faith, and has consistently frustrated union access to the workplace. 
3. Wells Fargo: Wells Fargo is one for the major investors and lenders in the prison system. Wells Fargo is also implicated as a major funder of the Dakota Access Pipeline that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and allies are courageously blocking in North Dakota. The bank is also currently involved in a widespread scandal that opened millions of false bank accounts in order to collect fees from unsuspecting customers.
4. Equitable Housing PAC: Equitable Housing PAC is a major landlord lobby here in Oregon. They have been on the front lines fighting against tenant rights at both the local and the state level throughout the housing crisis. The lobby group has dedicated itself to fighting against proposed rent control and just cause eviction legislation in the upcoming 2017 legislative session.
5. Jeff Harvey, CEO of Burgerville: While proudly marketing Burgerville as “sustainable," Harvey willfully directs his company to treat workers as disposable. Everyday, workers are burned by hot oil. Every winter, drive-through workers freeze because restrictive uniform policies. Workers earn poverty wages, have insufficient hours, and inconsistent scheduling. Harvey has refused to meet with the Burgerville Workers’ Union, and denies his workforce basic improvements, such as putting out tip jars, that would cost him nothing at all."

There are many of us including our Union who've experienced Randy Stedman's aggressive, and often inhumane management style in which he promotes and supports a hostile, retaliatory, discriminatory and Bullying/Mobbing Workplace. Under his direction, Trimet's HR Department refuses to enforce their own  policies which include HR 171 respectful workplace violations, hostile working environment, Bullying, IT, etc. Certain employees are often targeted, such as those within a protected class. They pick and choose which workers are worthy of protecting which ones aren't. According to Managers I've spoken with, if they don't take the orders they're given they risk termination. He promotes much fear throughout the system. PLUS, he's a professional Union Buster. He openly advertises 'Union avoidance' on his online resume. (below) His wife does the same at Port of Portland. Nevertheless, in taking this very anti-union stance, Stedman's also sending a message to the majority of our riders, the guts of the system, the middle class who're dependent upon Public Transportation to take them to and from their jobs, shopping, medical, life etc...  

His behavior is a contradiction to the integrity of Trimet , their Unionized Workers and the public we serve. 

Randy Stedman
Director of Labor Relations

In 2011, he was hired at a salary of $175,000.00  (per W2),  for the specific task below:

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