Thursday, June 2, 2016


Updated July 10, 2016

Last month I sent this to every member of Trimet's Board of Directors. Not one acknowledgment or reply back.  

Silence speaks louder than words. Their positions are honorary. They're appointed by the Governor. They don't understand mass transit and don't take it. This is based on the results of a few Trimet employees asking them - from time to time throughout the years,  "Please raise your hands if you took Trimet to get here today."  What they do, do however,  is understand street planning and land use. They assist in devising the routes of MAX trains. The land is later bought up by developers or whoever...

When Tom Walsh was General Manager (1991 to 1997) he assisted in devising the route West side light rail would take. Publicly, he announced he would remove himself from Walsh Construction to assumably avoid any 'conflicts of interest'.  His brother took over the company.  Oddly, as the construction advanced there were new construction springing up along the route. In front of those buildings were signs  reading "Walsh Construction".  

Nevertheless, Isn't it about time the Board of Directors were elected positions of folks from within the tri-county area who actually understand and use public transportation? 

That is something we are currently working on and hope to move it forward within the next couple of years. You want a safe, efficient system, you need to be a part of it. 

Al Margulies, retired 
living in Boston
Owner of Rantings of a Former Trimet Bus Driver

Bob Cummings
Former Spotter, Center Street

Click image for zoom
Posted at Center Street

I found it interesting that as soon as I started writing a Blog, I started receiving anonymous tips, documents, etc. This was one of em. Dropped off in my mail box about an hour ago.  Nevertheless, it has all the markings of Cummings...  and Margulies...

Stolen Uniforms You Say?!!  hmm

Click THIS

Lane Jensen

Alex Hawk

Could it be another event from the Margulies/Cummings/Jensen/Hawk group?!! I don't know but if I was Trimet I'd be asking questions - like where are these uniforms now???

btw - Mr. Jensen and Mr. Hawk never worked for Trimet. According to Jensen, Al M gave them the Uniforms after he retired. They're pictured here in his apartment. They liked to parade around the Bus Mall and Transit Centers wearing them - pretending to be Trimet Operators. Falsely giving that impression to the public. I figured, with their TM obsession - groupie status, it wouldn't be long before they either stole a Bus or used the uniforms to gain access somewhere inappropriately or sold them to someone with inappropriate motives. There were a couple of Supervisors who recognized the threat as well so they took care of it the best way they could but weren't able to get the uniforms back because  *Trimet doesn't have a policy stating that the public can't have our uniforms.*

Trimet is fortunate in that no one was injured or killed or property wasn't damaged  as a result of the 15 YO taking the bus. Had that happened, the Agency could be sued for millions for negligence. Negligence for not listening to their Operators. For example the 'open door' policy.  When an Operator leaves for their break the doors MUST remain open. Open for the public to do what they may...  The gates at the garages remain open. I worked nights - easy access. I remember when we had Homeland Security Classes but Management - the ones who make the policies weren't interested.  You have a safety or security concern there's no one - quite literally no one to go to with it - UNLESS you're personal friends with a Manager. Trimet's a seriously broken Agency - on many levels.

Where's, almost $175,000 a year Harry Saporta, in all this?

Executive Director of Safety and Security

There's been a joke circulating about him for years. Comparing him with George Costanza of Seinfiend when he worked for the Yankees.  He'd go in every day with a brief case consisting of an apple, a sandwich and a magazine. Then he'd hide under his desk for 8 hours looking at the magazine. The joke came about because no one ever saw Harry except one time on a Max Train with a drug sniffing dog. Why doesn't he have a more physical presence with the agency? It all seems to be through some antiquated resume which they say qualifies him for the job. Why isn't he hopping on the Buses, trains and maintenance facilities communicating with the workers?!! Why doesn't he have a presence within and outside the Agency?!! Why wasn't he interviewed in any of the articles I've seen about the stolen Bus?!!

I hope this incident doesn't end up being about 2 teenagers going for a joy ride. It's a walkup call not a bureaucratic  moment.

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