Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Published 12/25/2012

This one falls under the category of  STALKING, BULLYING and CYBER HARASSMENT.

Starting with Lane Jensen's video.
Notice Lane's complete LACK of composure.  He's VERBALLY ATTACKING a Trimet Supervisor.
Notice the Supervisor's composure / professionalism.
Notice how the Supervisor walks away.
Lane wanted a fight - he didn't get one!
Good job, Supervisor!!!

Margulies continues to use a couple 'a bus groupies to do his dirty work.  Dirty work meaning REVENGE and GETTING ATTENTION,  at the cost of anyone or anything. 

So now there's two of 'em out there walking around in what Margulies calls their "Trimet Costume."


Supervisors have a right to question WHY NON-EMPLOYEES are riding the system walking around the Bus Mall and Transit Centers IMPERSONATING Bus Operators. SERIOUSLY, why are these guy's masquerading US?  Could it be they're scamming the system for free rides or PERHAPS they're  ATTENTION DEPRIVED?!!!

As STRANGE as it sounds, what's probably closer to the truth is they're on Margulies' payroll in someway,  like maybe he buys them pizza 'cause they like getting to hang out with an angry old man. He gives them his old uniforms while vicariously living out his anger at Trimet through them as they pretend they're Trimet Operators.  

Nooooo, say it ain't sooooo

PERSONALLY AL,  I would think you'd be getting  a much larger support base if you kept 'IT' FOCUSED on THOSE ISSUES you claim near and dear instead of acting out through silly irrelevant revengeful acts of terrorism.  i.e. name calling, putting a dick on that guy's head or Trimet uniforms on the bodies of TWO groupies. (numbers subject to change). You might wanna re-examine your motives and the type of results you expect to get from blogging.   You know, one of those 'the end justifies the means' type of things.  

I'm gonna stick my nose in this because I find it totally in line with your online behaviors against me and am telling you this 'Uniform' thing is disrespectful.  Not just disrespectful but BIZARRO!!! When we see Lane and Alex wearing them it's like a slap in the face to every Operator. We're PROUD to wear them.  You chose differently,  that's your business. We're PROUD to be Union. We're PROUD to be part of the working class providing transit options to those who choose transit or are transit dependent.  

I asked Lane to PLEASE remove the logos, he said he would but didn't.  He doesn't understand. He only hears your rhetoric. Lane Jensen IS anti Trimet, anti-Bus Operator (always looking for fault), anti Union (even though he's never been in one) and doesn't understand what a respectable balance between thought and action looks like and THEN he's  confrontational to Supervisor Wayne!  He doesn't understand who we are and what we do. He's your creation! He's not someone who's capable of making judgments based on his own experiences AND he's Trimet dependent. Should he end up getting excluded that'll be on you! 

Al, ya need to step off the fence you've been dangling over for the last several years and make a decision.  If it's Union - then SUPPORT your Union family. If it isn't then find a life!!!  

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