Friday, May 27, 2016


It's an annual event. Those selected are  chosen from those who have NO Preventable Accidents, NO (SIP'S) or complaints from their customers, NO time-loss. They're voted in by their own. It's a BIG DEAL and very difficult to attain.

The creme de la creme !!

click image for zoom

As you can see from the snap shot above, Margulies doesn't have the capacity to recognize the difficulty in achieving this honor. He never received it or any others that I'm aware of in the years he drove. And Cummings hasn't received any accolades for the years he put in either.

This is exactly how Margulies feels about his former co-workers. He's written the Rantings Blog for years under the guise of being pro Union but all the while he spews hatred and publicly incites others against us. Lane Jensen's a good example. He was a follower of his Blog.  They latched on to each other and Jensen found his God in Al and Bob who showed him the way, even the way to jail. Many of the complaints Operators receive are called in by Jensen. He drives around filming buses, reporting Ops to Customer Service. Then displaying it on twitter. Some Operators may have been disqualified from these awards because of Jensen.

Bob Cummings
Former Spotter, Center Street
As you can see, he has a 'finger' too. Must be their intellectual property.  

Justina Carrillo, Mini Operator of the Year, shared (with Cummings over 3 years ago) some of what she went through with a worker's comp claim. Why did he feel he had to visit his problems with McFarlane on her by reprimanding her publicly for something that has nothing to do with this award? Instead of congratulating her, he chose to invalidate her (comment in the snap shot above) Winning it is a big deal. It's like some of the Operators would talk to him at the end of the shift and he apparently put it all in a little teeny tiny hole in his head somewhere so he could use it later against them when an opportunity arrived. Similar to Al secretly tape-recording co-workers then publishing it on his site.

Then they put up the photoshopped picture of McFarlane which degrades the entire process. Love him or not, Op of The Year is a big deal. It validates our presence on the streets as good people doing good things in the community! 

Everything's negative with these two.  Cummings used to write up Operators on a daily basis for years then went to Union Meetings crying how he was THE ONLY UNION MEMBER WHO GIVES A SHIT!! 

Instead of using the Operator of the Year award as a good thing, something we're proud of,  they use it as another point of contention and retribution against those who are different then themselves.  

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