Monday, August 29, 2011


Originally published 8/29/2011
My personal experience would include the highlighted sections (taken from the article posted below)

"Tactics Used to Control Victims."  

The motive for stalking is not sexual; rather, in (my experience)  anger or hostility toward the victim and a desire to control the victim. Participants in the focus group asserted that their stalkers had systematically tried to subjugate them. Stalkers employ various acts of terrorism over a period of weeks, months, years, or even decades, which has the cumulative effect of eroding victims’ self-confidence and sense of control over their lives. Some acts convey subtle messages meant to instill fear, while others brutally remind victims of their stalkers’ dominance over them. Discussion participants described a range of stalking tactics that included:
• Leaving or sending unwanted messages, such as sending letters written in blood or cut-up pictures of victims.  
• Breaking into and vandalizing proper-ty, such as homes and cars.
• Following, harassing, and defaming victims."    "Following" is intended to mean 'ONLINE'.

Some of their followers have already found me on my Bus, in stores and in the community.  They have no problem approaching me with the RECOGNITION factor and (in some cases) letting me know their disdain for me - SOMEONE OF WHOM THEY'VE NEVER MET OR TALKED WITH BEFORE.  

Some of these include co-workers - some even signed petitions to have me balckballed from my Union. 

This is exactly what happens when one practices 'CONTEMPT PRIOR TO INVESTIGATION.'

Once the victim has been defamed - they then take it to the next level.  

My experience via Internet Bloggers -  moved from (but continues) Cyber Stalking to (HR 171) Respectful Workplace violations, to (HR 202) (IT) Internet Technologies violations and Union Preferring of Charges or Blackballing scams.
Union Violations includes four attempts to BLACKBALL me from Union Representation and Benefits.  I was served on two of the four. BOTH of which were SCAMS against me, the membership and the Union in terms of the highly deceptive manner in which they evolved. 

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