Saturday, November 22, 2014

DID ANYONE CLAIM THE MONEY? (arbitration request)


I was told by my Union Rep that my request to the Executive Board for Arbitration was voted down because:

My Rep, "Someone said you called them names too and they said they have proof."
Me, "Who?
My Rep, "I don't remember."
Me, "What proof?"
My Rep, "They didn't bring it."

Did the meeting have secrecy issues?  Because the thing is the votes in those meetings are NOT secret ballot. Was she protecting them or was she protecting a Union 'brother', a co-member of the Executive Board BEFORE she'd protect just a regular 'ol run of the mill member?!! Apparently there's a hierarchy in Unions too.

I then offered $300.00 to anyone  previous post  who could prove I called Margulies (while he was working for Trimet) or any member, executive board or other,  names.  I didn't have to give a dime to anyone. WHY?  'Cause no one could prove it! WHY? 'Cause it wasn't true. I NEVER lowered my standards to name calling but I sure as the hell am now.  The problem with this specific Executive Board member speaking out like that is he used his position as an Union Executive Board Member to inappropriately lie and sway the vote against me.  So....  this is not over...

Some of the executive board members I've talked with since tell me a different story.  More on that later...

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