Saturday, October 1, 2011


Saturday, October 1, 2011


Rantings' Blogger admits 'Preferring of Charges' was a SCAM:

Rantings: "It was thrown out but it was a victory and I've said this before in a post before the meeting that just because you loose doesn't mean you loose because you've established a precedent and that's important stuff.  It's more important to have the transparency than to have Ellen sanctioned. I'd rather have the victory than have her sanctioned."

From ATU International Constitution:

"21.7 Disclosure of Union Business.  No officer or member of the L.U. shall furnish to any unauthorized person a list of the names and addresses of the membership. All business of the L.U. must be kept strictly private from persons outside of the Union, unless publication be authorized by the L.U., and persons giving out any information contrary to the L.U. shall after proceeding in accordance with the provisions of Section 22, if found guilty, be fined, suspended or expelled."

The word 'ADDRESS', as written in the ATU Constitution or any other legal document is not ambiguous.  One cannot simply change the meaning of the word to suit their purposes. The word "address" as stated in the Constitution is referring to a home ADDRESS or someones personal residence.

If I had to be libeled - as in - humiliated and embarrassed by and through Chris Day, Al M and John Olsen to over 3400 Union members, in my workplace and hundreds of others within Trimet's system and the Community - not ONCE BUT TWICE, PUBLICLY because I posted names and badge numbers on MY site from co-workers who couldn't take a moment to read, understand or ask what they were signing THEN WHY DIDN'T STEVE FUNG AND AL MARGULIES have "Preferring of Charges" filed against them for doing the EXACT SAME THING?!!! 

Rantings stated in another video, "I DON'T HAVE TO FOLLOW UNION RULES."

Both 'Preferring of Charges' complaints filed against me were SCAMS.  The first one  misrepresented their signature gathering to co-workers and Union members plus signatures were forged and according to Al M, he was too drunk to know what he was signing.   They counted on the the second 'Preferring of Charges' failing so they could publicly post secret Union documents. i.e.: see previous postings

Margulies, "It was thrown out but it was a victory and I've said this before in a post before the meeting that just because you loose doesn't mean you loose because you've established a precedent and that's important stuff.  It's more important to have the transparency than to have Ellen sanctioned. I'd rather have the victory than have her sanctioned."

I immediately contacted Jon Hunt.  He advised me to contact Susan Stoner, ATU in-house attorney.  She advised me, "I am way too busy to read your e-mails. Also I am not the appropriate person. Please send to Jon Hunt." even though I made it clear the EVIDENCE was attached to prove the scam.  I re-contacted Jon who then advised me that he and Ron would look over the information and get back with me.  That was August 26th. One month ago.  I have NOT been contacted since.

If silence is a statement, what's their statement?!!

After taking into account comments I received earlier regarding this post as well as personal experience with Jon Hunt during the filing of the two 'Preferring of Charges', I have come to believe that this Union has little if any interest in it's members.  Jon Hunt's decision to allow Chris Day and Al Margulies even one tenth of a second of ATU meeting time to bring these issues forward is discreditable to the membership and Union as a whole.

I think its hard to like anything on this subject. Makes a sick sort of perverse sense.
Thanks for bringing it to light. I hope for yourself and all of the rest of us, that you get a real resolution, and or conviction. My heart goes out to you for being the lightning rod of this cyber thug."
Bryan Lovelass

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