Monday, August 31, 2015


Originally posted May 17, 2015 at 3:44pm

Henry Beasley, Candidate for President of ATU 757.

Regarding an earlier conversation on a Union only Facebook site.  

This was posted:

Click images for zoom...

I saw this part, "Or how you campaign on a site that allows the degradation of women."
and felt VALIDATED as I've been fighting this behavior from the candidate for too long a time. 

So I posted this: of the conversation:

Now he's talking about "unfounded allegations." meaning he's denying we ever had the conversation.

I posted the link above to the FB site earlier to prove  Beasley was supporting women bashing but later removed it because it was inappropriate for that arena . Since he was denying it I decided to take my proof over here so as not to disrupt the other site  :)

Henry kept sending me FB 'friend requests'. After three times, I decided to tell him why I didn't want him as a 'friend'.

Henry's in blue 
I'm in white

The next time I saw him was on the Bus almost 3 months ago. As I was leaving I brought it up again by asking if he had thought anymore about his campaign supporting a site exibiting Misogynist behavior. He sat there laughing.  

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