Sunday, October 29, 2017



After months of bullying, her parents say, a 12-year-old New Jersey girl killed herself. They blame the school.

Click the link for the video and full story

"She was a loser and had no friends, they told her. At one point, according to an attorney for Mallory’s family, the girls even asked her, “Why don’t you kill yourself?”


I can soooo relate when I hear about these horrible tragedies !!  Young people committing suicide. Older people shooting a perpetrator or doing mass shootings in the workplace. I came close myself. There was an incident, years ago, when I armed myself and stalked out one of my perpetrators... then waited ...  Obviously it didn't happen and the only reason he still walks the streets and breathes air is because he didn't go home that night. 

Trimet refuses to acknowlege how bullying and cyber bullying can affect the Agency, personally, and particularly when they refuse to enforce their own policies.  Hopefully something violent doesn't happen as a result but anyone can snap. The Agency has a long history of disparaging behavior towards their workers. They refuse to be proactive on many issues but more so when they give the bad guys free reign against anyone they disapprove of. It's retaliation. My experience with HR was abusive. They were immature. Their mindset was 'us against them' and just daring you to do something about it. Trying to force you out. It'll be a rare day in hell when workers see anything positive in how they're treated including the Agency's Union Busting practices against their representation and benefits. 

Randy Steadman
Executive Director Labor Relations and Human Resources
$219,883.00 (2015) including bonuses.
(According to 'Rantings' blog.)

He's a professional Union Buster, he even advertises online.
His wife does the same at Port of Portland

Click image for zoom...

The list below are HR policies which are intended to prevent Bullying and a hostile workplace. 

*Bullying in the workplace
*Cyber Bullying using Trimet computers / in-house email
*Cyber Bullying using your own computer against co-workers from locations outside of Trimet facilities including your home.
*Gender specific - LGBTQ
*Creating a hostile environment.
**Sexual harassment
**Race / Color

**the last 5 are also State and Federally protected through BOLI and EEOC, assumably. I say 'assumably' because these agencies tend to protect each other instead of the victims, based on my experience, and according to an ex -Union Executive Board officer.

Instead of enforcing their policies equally, they pick and choose which employees  are worth protecting. It's all based on personalities or commonalities such as race and religion. Lots of reverse racism in Management.  Also, lots of racist based decisions in hiring. For example, it's alleged that one of the black Managers only hires black assistants. Add that to a group of far right wing Christian conservative managers and it's like a hate fest instead of a group of professional productive Public employers. 

In my experience, they refused to enforce specific policies which were meant to protect me similarly with co-workers. Bullying; Hostile work environment; retaliation, HR 171 and 202 (IT); Cyber Stalking. Mobbing which continues to be prevalent throughout the Agency -  on all levels including Executives, Garage Management, White Shirts. Even their Board of Directors are aware of it but remain disingenuous in that they deny it's happening, IN SPITE OF RANDY STEDMAN'S 'SCROOGE OF THE YEAR' AWARD. 

In this country, all employees have a legal right to work in a safe dignified hate free environment !!

The thing is - if you knowingly allow and participate in the open degradation of a protected worker - you're complicit and negligent. Hypothetically, If someone were to come in the bullpen tomorrow and started shooting - can you tell me what you're doing today to keep that from happening? (and I'm not talking about metal detectors)