Thursday, July 27, 2017


It started out as a joke but after talking with several people I was encouraged to submit it. When you're talking about ways to curb assaults - nothing and I mean NOTHING should be left out of possibilities. 

Screenshot of my suggestion

click image for zoom

After hearing nothing I replied back and informed them it was a serious suggestion. 

Her response sounds rather rude - robotic. From my experience, Trimet doesn't like suggestions and won't act on them. If they do anything at all it's to keep track of them for statistical purposes only. That's what disconnects them from their Operators, the community and their customers. 

I thought if I did it 'cutsie' it'd get some attention - get some minds thinking' about 'possibilities'

Trimet could curb assaults through entertainment.

But will it work?

when you're talking to deaf ears.

Friday, July 7, 2017

"Now the first thing that we must do is to develop within ourselves a deep sense of somebodiness. Don't let anybody make you feel that you are nobody."

Don't let anyone define you !!