An assortment from some of the postings Jensen, Margulies and Hawk published about me, some dating back to 2009. Not in any particular order. A drop in the bucket compared to what I have on file. This posting is linked to Harry Saporta, Part II:
IMAGINE... it were you, your spouse, daughter or mother. Perhaps a friend, co-worker, or the old lady down the street...
i m a g i n e
Lane Jensen.
Pretending to be a Trimet Operator standing in front of a flag representing Freedom of Speech, something he denies others.
Followed me to work, set up his camera across the street and started taking pictures of me.
Earlier that day he was taking pictures of my home. I called the police.
click images for zoom
I documented his taking pictures of me while I'm waiting for my Bus.
Who sets up a tripod like this to stalk someone?!!
His behavior is scary. He appears justified in his actions. At what point does it turn (in his head) into justifiable violence?
Trimet headquarters
A friend took it from the bus stop. She was on the same bus as Jensen and Alex Hawk and became concerned after over-hearing a conversation about me. My bus arrived, he came out quickly and hid around the corner of the building until I walked in. She said it was though he knew exactly when I'd arrive. When I came in Hawk told me Jensen was in the restroom. At that point I had no idea my work schedule had been published. I went into the Bullpen where I found out. Ass't Mgr Mark Poulson encouraged me to get a restraining order. He went outside to verify it was Jensen, then came back and said he would put something in writing. He then avoided me for several days then later said Jensen was on public property so there was no issue. It went from concern to fuck you! Warren came out, wanted to know what was going on and why. Cut me off mid sentence then said they would change my work to the Board. She was initially concerned as well and gave me the day off. The next day it was 'fuck you'. Warren then turned everything over to Liza Mitzel, my Ass't Mgr who then ignored my requests for assistance and information for 17 days. They knew they had a liability as I warned them in March of 2011 that if they didn't intervene in what Margulies was doing it would be a problem.
Jensen hacked into Trinet, employee only website, found my work, published it.
He knew my work and home schedule.
I then became 'free game' for their followers
When I'd write about the abuse and my journey through it, Margulies would send these types (snap shot above) of threats, trying to stifle me. When it didn't work he started attacking my mental state so no one would believe me. I didn't stop and won't because the topic is too important to walk away from. The whole issue of Bullying, online or in the workplace will not stop until laws are made or enforced to protect everyone. Bully's are gonna bully and if you're one, and in a position of authority, nothing's gonna stop you but laws, fines and jail time.
Alex Hawk at a Board of Director's meeting.
Slider to 3:00 to end.
The threat, slider to 4:22
Jensen and friends called in 8 complaints. They had my line/train and schedule. Trimet left 'em in my record even though they promised to remove 'em.
Brad Pease,
Trimet Bus Operator.
Before his remarks on Jensen's Blog and Union only FB, I never heard of him, didn't know what he looked like or ever had a conversation with him. He's a follower of Margulies. Has a weak mind apparently as Margulies' followers allowed his continuum of name calling over the years to set their minds against someone they've never had an actual life experience with. Accusing their victims of mental health problems is a common thread most abusers rely on when exposed. His comments on Jensen's Blog against me were in violation of HR policies 202 as it relates to HR 171, Internet usage / respectful workplace. When I complained, Stacy Chrest, HR Business partners, in a February 4, 2013 letter responded, "If you believe you have been defamed, you are free to consult an attorney about your options."
On Margulies Blog from a Board of Directors Meeting.
SOP 501B Trimet refused to enforce it, for me.
Margulies, "This is where I developed the bad boy image, the glasses, the voice, it was all an act..."
Associating my name, picture recognition with "paranoid schizophrenia" and other mental health issues like "obsessive/compulsive, whacko or woman with obvious mental problems, etc..."
I don't support anyone who uses abuse against others. At one point I put this up to see if other victims would surface. I feel everyone has a right to know so they can make informed choices before logging on to his Blog. He complained and HR gave me reprimands for posting this image. Still waiting Grievance Step III process. Images taken from the internet are protected under 'fair use laws'.
Peggy Callahan, HR lead investigator was bullying me. She wouldn't tell me which image and I wasn't allowed to ask. "Now Ellen, now Ellen, now you know better then that, now Ellen...". She threatened termination if I didn't remove it. Accused me of making an "audio video visual recording" of him. So I guess she was accusing me going to his home and filming him. Yep! A document exchange and BOLI public records search later showed she told Hayden Talbot and Shelly Lomax that I "removed the image", then 7 months later told an investigator for the Bureau of Labor and Industries that I "didn't remove it." Before a meeting with Ass't Mgr Leonard Lambert, I sent him an e-mail with links and a few images attempting to familiarize him with the problem before the reprimands. Later, during the meeting, I asked if looked through it and he said, "Oh no, I'm not interested in stuff like that so I sent it to my daughter." His daughter does not work for Trimet. Lambert , who didn't have a clue as what it was all about told me they told him to sign it so he did. I later advised him not to sign his name to anything unless he knows it's true.
Discussing me on twitter after I told him I'd call the cops if he got on my bus again.

You wanna find out how hard I'll attack you?!!
You better hope to hell the both of you get a prison term first!
From Al Margulies and Bob Cumming's twitter accounts. Margulies had it up on his Ranting's as well.
** I have a lawyer and because this whole thing is so egregious she gave me permission to publish. Statute of limitations is 8 years. The last screen shot was May, 2016, so the 8 years has reset itself,