Thursday, May 22, 2014


Originally published May 22, 2014

I was first threatened with INSUBORDINATION  on March 10, 2013. They put me on Administrative leave and did some sort of quasi investigation then brought me back before it was finished.  

Evelyn Warren
Center Street Garage Manager
$82,141.71 per 2012 W2.  

I was AGAIN threatened with INSUBORDINATION on January 28, 2014 because I was wanting to stop the grievance process to see if she would agree to communicate - as adults to see if we could resolve whatever issues were causing me to work in a hostile environment. She pulled RANK, and threatened insubordination if I continued.

THIRD time on April 23, 2014, I was AGAIN threatened with INSUBORDINATION regarding a meeting my Union Rep and I had with an Assistant Manager. After I left, the Assistant was apparently upset about something said in the meeting. She later went to Evelyn. Without investigating, she  threatened to charge me with INSUBORDINATION again should whatever the problem was happen  again. 


We have a new Assistant Manager. Mary Hill. One of our own. She Operated a Bus then became a Station Agent for the last five years. Nice person!  I think she'll do well as long as she doesn't take anything personally and follows her own value system.