Saturday, May 4, 2013


Click image for zoom 

"Employer's typically will not waste resources retaliating with employees that are young, inexperienced and have no public credibility. Retaliation often occurs against employees with credibility in their field that have stated their claim against the organization publicly."

Pretty much describes me.  I'm employed at TM for 20 years.  Not retired, terminated or disgruntled.  What I post IS credible!  Those I write about incriminate themselves through their own words via screen shots and documentation. 

I am also an employee who sued Trimet, was terminated as a result and won. There has been a "long and contentious" history of retaliatory acts against me from Trimet Management before and since the first day back after winning my lawsuit. The retaliation was primarily based on personal bias' and the fact that I DID WIN!  They DO NOT like to loose!  There's a well documented history of retaliating against anyone who CHALLENGES or EXPOSES TM either through THE Court system or through media such as BLOGS.  With the challenges I faced while being the target of Cyber harassment / Workplace Bullying on Al Margulies' and Chris Day's Blogs,  it felt like there was a renewed spirit of joy in the air and most particularly - most obviously -  from Hayden Talbot and a few of his followers like Mickey Young, Colleen Sexton, Peggy Callahan, etc. 

They knew the abuse was going on, they allowed it and it appears to have become a great source of entertainment.  HR refuses to enforce their own policies - when it comes to me!  

Bruce Hansen, ATU President... 

...accompanied me to the meeting with the Legal Department's outside lawyer because it touched on issues close to the membership. 'What happens to one happens to all.'

1.) Attacks against our FREEDOM of SPEECH, FREEDOM of the PRESS and FREEDOM of EXPRESSION.

2.) Being treated differently then "other similarly situated employees."

3.) Managerial, HR and Executives using their positions inappropriately to bully intimidate and retaliate against Union employees.

When I asked WHY I was there the lawyer initially said Trimet was concerned certain policies were being violated on my Blog. When asked which ones she didn't know but the only one that could be possible is HR-202 because she asked (in two different meetings) WHERE I got Peggy Callahan's image.  

"You must obtain the express permission of any Trimet employee or customer before making audio or visual recordings of them or using such recordings in an internet posting."  via HR-202, Internet Technology.

Displaying images from the internet seems to be a sore spot.  Peggy Callahan threatened me with termination if I didn't remove the one of Al Margulies and I then received a reprimand for it.  According to the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) her action was illegal. 'FAIR USElaws. 

"The findings of the investigation confirmed that you had posted his picture on your personal blog without his permission." via Peggy Callahan, Trimet Senior Lead Investigator.

I later obtained a Union requested Document Exchange and Public Records from BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industries).  Click HERE!  

In the October 12th meeting, Callahan threatened to TERMINATE my employment if I didn't remove an image of Al. Then she tells Hayden and Shelly I REMOVED it, then she tells the BOLI Investigator I DIDN'T!  Now she claims RETALIATION because I exposed her dishonesty.  


Since Peggy Callahan refuses to respond to me, I asked Stacy Chrest for permission to post a co-workers image on my blog.   "...although what you find on the internet is technically "fair game".  via Stacy Chrest.  THEIR POLICY IS ILLEGAL! They can't control what one takes from the internet.  The exception being IF the image is associated with  HR-171  Respectful Workplace violations.  When I post images of Al Margulies, Peggy Callahan or anyone else including Shelley Devine, etc on my blog none of it's associated with anything remotely slanderous, hateful, retaliatory or harassing. None of it was or is Respectful Workplace violations. They are simply images found on the internet I use to expose those who are practicing bullying intimidating harassing, retaliatory behaviors and or dishonesty against me. As in Peggy's case, where she got caught using her position as Senior HR Investigator inappropriately against a subordinate - and then lying to a Government investigator. And as in the case of Shelley Devine, using her position as Assistant Lead General Council to sign a document in a Government Investigation which wasn't investigated and isn't true.  Every word associated with their images on my Blog is truthful, mostly from screen shots depicting their own words or actions.  

The DIFFERENCE being from what I post and Margulies' posted (July, 2009 to his retirement in May 2012) is he'd use my picture and make videos on his (CYBER STALKING BLOG that were always associated with slanderous, hateful statements intended to create a hostile environment for me on and off the job and intended to ostracize me from the social network which exists in work environments. When I asked for the same policy enforcement Monica F received I instead got reprimands. My employer, as a means to further retaliate participated with my abusers.

The video is of a woman who's talking about her Schizophrenia. Al used these types of brainwashing techniques to associate my name with mental illness.  Similar to domestic abusers who, when exposed,  accuse their victims of being 'mental' so no one will believe them.  

Having a Blog to expose these types of abuses keeps me from becoming a victim.  It gives me a way to fight back and to help others along the way. It gives me a VOICE!  Today, it gives me a VOICE against the abuses from my employer. When it evolved to where I had to ask Trimet to start enforcing the same policies which protected Monica F they refused but instead used Al, Chris Day and John Olsen as a channel in which to retaliate against me.  According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, not an uncommon practice from executive levels.  

I advised Al Margulies I would be writing this series.  He, in solidarity has been understanding. I appreciate his patience. He has also been violated by Trimet for refusing to treat him equally with respect to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press and Freedom of expression. We may not like what we read or hear - hatred, abuse, verbal harassment, etc., but until laws are passed to protect us against HATE SPEECH  and CYBER STALKING he and others have the Constitutional Freedoms to say what they want! What I know is 'he is who he is and does what he does'. I can't change him any more then anyone else.  BUT when my employer writes specific policy's to protect us from Internet and Workplace violations I have every legal right to expect equal treatment of those policies against my abusers even including Managers and Executives.  


Next posting:  "And in the End..."


Click image for zoom 

"Employer's typically will not waste resources retaliating with employees that are young, inexperienced and have no public credibility. Retaliation often occurs against employees with credibility in their field that have stated their claim against the organization publicly."

Pretty much describes me.  I'm employed at TM for 20 years.  Not retired, terminated or disgruntled.  What I post IS credible!  Those I write about incriminate themselves through their own words via screen shots and documentation. 

I am also an employee who sued Trimet, was terminated as a result and won. There has been a "long and contentious" history of retaliatory acts against me from Trimet Management before and since the first day back after winning my lawsuit. The retaliation was primarily based on personal bias' and the fact that I DID WIN!  They DO NOT like to loose!  There's a well documented history of retaliating against anyone who CHALLENGES or EXPOSES TM either through THE Court system or through media such as BLOGS.  With the challenges I faced while being the target of Cyber harassment / Workplace Bullying on Al Margulies' and Chris Day's Blogs,  it felt like there was a renewed spirit of joy in the air and most particularly - most obviously -  from Hayden Talbot and a few of his followers like Mickey Young, Colleen Sexton, Peggy Callahan, etc. 

They knew the abuse was going on, they allowed it and it appears to have become a great source of entertainment.  HR refuses to enforce their own policies - when it comes to me!  

Bruce Hansen, ATU President... 

...accompanied me to the meeting with the Legal Department's outside lawyer because it touched on issues close to the membership. 'What happens to one happens to all.'

1.) Attacks against our FREEDOM of SPEECH, FREEDOM of the PRESS and FREEDOM of EXPRESSION.

2.) Being treated differently then "other similarly situated employees."

3.) Managerial, HR and Executives using their positions inappropriately to bully intimidate and retaliate against Union employees.

When I asked WHY I was there the lawyer initially said Trimet was concerned certain policies were being violated on my Blog. When asked which ones she didn't know but the only one that could be possible is HR-202 because she asked (in two different meetings) WHERE I got Peggy Callahan's image.  

"You must obtain the express permission of any Trimet employee or customer before making audio or visual recordings of them or using such recordings in an internet posting."  via HR-202, Internet Technology.

Displaying images from the internet seems to be a sore spot.  Peggy Callahan threatened me with termination if I didn't remove the one of Al Margulies and I then received a reprimand for it.  According to the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) her action was illegal. 'FAIR USElaws. 

"The findings of the investigation confirmed that you had posted his picture on your personal blog without his permission." via Peggy Callahan, Trimet Senior Lead Investigator.

I later obtained a Union requested Document Exchange and Public Records from BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industries).  Click HERE!  

In the October 12th meeting, Callahan threatened to TERMINATE my employment if I didn't remove an image of Al. Then she tells Hayden and Shelly I REMOVED it, then she tells the BOLI Investigator I DIDN'T!  Now she claims RETALIATION because I exposed her dishonesty.  


Since Peggy Callahan refuses to respond to me, I asked Stacy Chrest for permission to post a co-workers image on my blog.   "...although what you find on the internet is technically "fair game".  via Stacy Chrest.  THEIR POLICY IS ILLEGAL! They can't control what one takes from the internet.  The exception being IF the image is associated with  HR-171  Respectful Workplace violations.  When I post images of Al Margulies, Peggy Callahan or anyone else including Shelley Devine, etc on my blog none of it's associated with anything remotely slanderous, hateful, retaliatory or harassing. None of it was or is Respectful Workplace violations. They are simply images found on the internet I use to expose those who are practicing bullying intimidating harassing, retaliatory behaviors and or dishonesty against me. As in Peggy's case, where she got caught using her position as Senior HR Investigator inappropriately against a subordinate - and then lying to a Government investigator. And as in the case of Shelley Devine, using her position as Assistant Lead General Council to sign a document in a Government Investigation which wasn't investigated and isn't true.  Every word associated with their images on my Blog is truthful, mostly from screen shots depicting their own words or actions.  

The DIFFERENCE being from what I post and Margulies' posted (July, 2009 to his retirement in May 2012) is he'd use my picture and make videos on his (CYBER STALKING BLOG that were always associated with slanderous, hateful statements intended to create a hostile environment for me on and off the job and intended to ostracize me from the social network which exists in work environments. When I asked for the same policy enforcement Monica F received I instead got reprimands. My employer, as a means to further retaliate participated with my abusers.

The video is of a woman who's talking about her Schizophrenia. Al used these types of brainwashing techniques to associate my name with mental illness.  Similar to domestic abusers who, when exposed,  accuse their victims of being 'mental' so no one will believe them.  

Having a Blog to expose these types of abuses keeps me from becoming a victim.  It gives me a way to fight back and to help others along the way. It gives me a VOICE!  Today, it gives me a VOICE against the abuses from my employer. When it evolved to where I had to ask Trimet to start enforcing the same policies which protected Monica F they refused but instead used Al, Chris Day and John Olsen as a channel in which to retaliate against me.  According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, not an uncommon practice from executive levels.  

I advised Al Margulies I would be writing this series.  He, in solidarity has been understanding. I appreciate his patience. He has also been violated by Trimet for refusing to treat him equally with respect to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press and Freedom of expression. We may not like what we read or hear - hatred, abuse, verbal harassment, etc., but until laws are passed to protect us against HATE SPEECH  and CYBER STALKING he and others have the Constitutional Freedoms to say what they want! What I know is 'he is who he is and does what he does'. I can't change him any more then anyone else.  BUT when my employer writes specific policy's to protect us from Internet and Workplace violations I have every legal right to expect equal treatment of those policies against my abusers even including Managers and Executives.  


Next posting:  "And in the End..."